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本文作者: TEENS

Once there lived a noble guru (领袖) known for his wisdom and compassion (同情). But one of his disciples (信徒) 1 that his guru had not taught him anything valuable despite spending 20 years at his 1 . Hearing his complaint, the guru gave him the responsibility of bringing lunch to Gurukul (school) every day from his neighborhood.

While getting 3 from the neighborhood one day, the disciple befriended a(n) 4 parrot, to whom he complained about his guru. The parrot 5 : “I have heard great things about the noble guru. Are you sure you were 6 in the process of learning?” The frustrated disciple shouted, “You shouldn’t 7 my intelligence.” Disappointed with his arrogance (傲慢), the parrot 8 the conversation.

A few days later, the 9 parrot told him, “My master has decided to 10 me in two days," and said, “Please ask the guru for a 11 to save my life!” The disciple answered 12 : “He has not taught me anything. How would he be 13 to you?” But because the parrot had 14 , he decided to ask his guru.

The next day, the parrot asked him for the solution. The disciple said: “I told the guru about your 15 . When I asked for a solution, the guru simply lay still on the floor for a while, and then went away. I am sorry that he cannot help.”

The day after, the disciple saw a(n) 16 cage. He met his friend’s master to 17 the sad death. The angry master 18 : “When I went to open the cage, the parrot was lying still. I opened the cage to look at it. Suddenly, it flew away and 19 .”

Hearing this, the disciple realized the parrot had 20 his guru without even meeting him once. Now he knew where the lack of willingness actually was.

1. A. admitted B. complained C. announced D. proved

2. A. service B. promise C. house D. place

3. A. advice B. support C. food D. message

4. A. injured B. sick C. stuck D. caged

5. A. agreed B. added C. explained D. replied

6. A. mindful B. rude C. good D. honest

7. A. praise B. question C. blame D. fool

8. A. refused B. banned C. ended D. changed

9. A. regretted B. excited C. angry D. worried

10. A. release B. protect C. sacrifice D. attack

11. A. information B. solution C. instruction D. decision

12. A. shyly B. calmly C. sadly D. nervously

13. A. frank B. acceptable C. skillful D. helpful

14. A. begged B. consulted C. reminded D. promise

15. A. problem B. challenge C. responsibility D. potential

16. A. big B. empty C. unusual D. beautiful

17. A. announce B. claim C. confirm D. prevent

18. A. yelled B. joked C. warned D. laughed

19. A. died B. wandered C. hid D. escaped

20. A. knew about B. learned from C. depended on D. looked for


My husband and I only have one car. So after work I always walk to his office and wait for him to drive me home.

One day, while I was waiting for him, a beautiful Cadillac 1 near me. I was busily admiring the car when I 2 the driver. Honestly, she was probably the 3 woman I had ever seen outside of a movie screen. Her eyes were as blue as the sea, and she had 4 like an even row of pearls. Minutes later, a man came out of the building and walked over to her. They kissed and drove off.

Sitting there, 5 in jeans and a T-shirt, I wanted to cry. It is so 6 that some people have it all.

The next week I saw her again, and after that it became almost 7 to see her. I would 8 if she and her husband ate out a lot and where they went. I wanted her to 9 the car so I could see her in full length. Did she 10 classy, high-heeled shoes?

A few weeks later this question was 11 for me.

I was waiting in my usual place and the lady’s husband came over to their car. He opened the door. 12 the pretty woman walked around to the passenger side – 13 on a walking cane. She 14 one leg with her hands and then the other one; she had a prosthetic (假肢) on her left leg and a brace (支架) on her right one.

As they drove away I began to cry. When my husband arrived I told him about what had 15 . He said he knew her husband and that, when the lady was 12 years old, she had been 16 in a car that got stuck on the railroad tracks. Both her parents were killed. The rail company made a large 17 with her because the crossing had no 18 ; that is why she owned such a nice car.

For weeks I had 19 this woman and her way of life. Now I realize how lucky I am. When you meet a person who seems to be much better off than you, don’t be 20 by appearances.

1. A. rang up B. sped up C. went up D. pulled up

2. A. noticed B. recognized C. watched D. greeted

3. A. proudest B. prettiest C. wealthiest D. luckiest

4. A. ears B. hairs C. teeth D. fingers

5. A. covered B. wrapped C. dressed D. put

6. A. unfair B. lonely C. surprising D. touching

7. A. strange B. boring C. stressful D. routine

8. A. ask B. doubt C. wonder D. expect

9. A. stay away from B.get out of C. get on D. pick up

10. A. purchase B. like C. wear D. take

11. A. raised B. presented C. handled D. answered

12. A. Immediately B. Slowly C. Angrily D. Curiously

13. A. putting B. turning C. leaning D. carrying

14. A. skipped B. patted C. pressed D. lifted

15. A. disappeared B. happened C. mistaken D. changed

16. A. limited B. left C. knocked D. trapped

17. A. arrangement B. fortune C. settlement D. contract

18. A. signals B. stations C. pedestrians D. announcement

19. A. ignored B. envied C. respected D. understood

20. A. prevented B. limited C. blocked D. fooled



1-5 BACDD 6-10 ABCDC

11-15 BCDAA 16-20 BCADB

1. B。由下文“Hearing his complaint …”可知 B 为正确答案。

2. A。service在此意为“任职,服务”。

3. C。由上文这位领袖让他每天负责给Gurukul送餐可


4. D。这里对应倒数第二段“I opened the cage to look at it”,之前鹦鹉被关在笼子里的。

5. D。本句的意思应该是,鹦鹉回应说,因此答案为D,replied意为“回应,做出反应”。

6. A。上文提到了信徒认为自己从领袖那没有学到任何东西,所以鹦鹉质疑他:你确定在学习过程中是用心的吗?mindful 留心的,注意的。

7. B。结合上文的问题“Are you sure ...”可知这里信徒抗议,“你不应该质疑我的智力”。

8. C。话不投机,所以鹦鹉结束了对话。

9. D。由下文鹦鹉讲述自己的危险处境并询问领袖解决办法可知鹦鹉当时应该是焦虑的,故选D。

10. C。release 释放;protect 保护;sacrifice 献祭,以……为祭品;attack攻击。由下文“Please ask the guru for a 11 to save my life”可知鹦鹉有生命危险,所以只有C符合语境。

11. B。从第四段“The next day, the parrot asked him for the solution. ”可知答案为B。

12. C。由下文可知,信徒认为领袖不可能给予鹦鹉帮助,因此听了鹦鹉的遭遇后感到很忧伤。

13. D。句意为:他什么都没教我,又怎会对你有帮助呢?helpful 愿意帮忙的,有帮助的。

14. A。结合上下文语境可判断鹦鹉坚持询问领袖应对办法,故选A,begged 恳求。

15. A。结合上文判断,此处信徒告诉了领袖鹦鹉的处

境和困难,因此答案选A。challenge 挑战,挑战书;

responsibility 责任;potential 潜能。

16. B。从下文可知:当鸟主人打开鸟笼看看鸟是否死亡的时候,鸟突然飞离了鸟笼,逃之夭夭,所以信徒看到的是一只空鸟笼。

17. C。信徒此时去主人那里确认(confirm)鹦鹉的死亡,故选C。

18. A。由“The angry master”可判断主人此时情绪对应的应该是“叫嚷”,因此答案为A。

19. D。参见第16题解析。

20. B。信徒抱怨自己从领袖那没有学到东西,而鹦鹉与他未曾谋面,却从他那学到了逃生技能。


1-5 DABCC 6-10 ADCBC

11-15 DBCDB 16-20 DCABD

1. D。从后文可知,是一辆高级轿车停在作者面前。

pull up(使)停下;ring up 给……打电话;speed up 加速;go up 上升,增长。

2. A。句意:我在忙着欣赏车子时候注意到了美丽的司机。其他选项都和语境不符。

3. B。从后文对这位司机外貌的描写可以知道,作者想表达这位司机非常漂亮。因此选B。

4. C。只有牙齿才能比喻成一串珍珠,所以选C。

5. C。表示穿着的动词应该用dress。

6. A。前文描述了轿车的豪华和司机的美丽,此处描写作者自己穿着牛仔裤和T恤。由此可以看出作者内心觉得不公平,所以选unfair。

7. D。根据句意以及后文的would可以推知,自此之后作者经常看到这个女司机。routine 作名词表示“常规,


8. C。wonder表示“感到好奇想知道”。

9. B。从选项后面“I could see her in full length”可以知道,作者希望她能走出车子。

10. C。作者觉得这名女士开着豪车,生活过得比她好,


11. D。从下文可知,作者提出的问题得到了解答,所以选D。

12. B。后文中提到这个女司机安了假肢,所以行动应该是很缓慢的。

13. C。walking cane意思是“拐杖”。后文提到女司机两条腿都不方便,所以需要依靠拐杖行动。lean意思是“倚靠,拄着”。

14. D。此处可以用排除法做。skip 跳跃,略过;pat拍打;press 挤压,按;lift 提升,提起。结合上下文可以知道前面三个选项都不合文意。

15. B。根据上下文,作者要告诉丈夫发生了什么。

16. D。女司机12岁那年,她坐的车在铁轨路上卡住了,

所以她应该被困在车里了。trapped 被困住。

17. C。根据后文叙述可知应选择C,因为铁路交叉路口没有信号灯,所以铁路公司赔偿了她一笔大的财产。make an arrangement 做安排;make a fortune 赚大钱;make a settlement 支付,结帐;解决,和解;make a contract 签订合同。

18. A。根据常识,铁路交叉路口应该有信号灯。

signal(给人警告、 信息等的)信号器或信号物。

19. B。从前文我第一次哭泣时觉得世界很不公平可以看出,作者嫉妒女司机的生活,故选B。

20. D。fool表示“欺骗”。最后一句话意为当你看到别人过得似乎比你好时,不要被外表欺骗了。

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