

A pilot’s power

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The pilot of a Xiamen Airlines flight from Dalian to Changsha received *applause from the *aviation industry early this month, when he refused to allow a family of four to board after their child cursed at a flight attendant and refused to apologize. However, the airline company punished the crew by *reprimanding and grounding them for five days, attracting industry-wide criticism before it reversed its decision and said in a statement that it respected the pilot’s decision. The incident has rekindled a long-standing debate about passenger behavior on planes and how crews should respond. Many commentators have voiced support for the captain, saying that *unruly behavior by passengers should be dealt with in a decisive manner for the safety of the flight’s other passengers. More captains should exert their authority on planes like the Xiamen Airlines pilot did, they say. Others, however, caution against giving pilots too much power *lest they abuse their authority and make rash decisions that could put passengers in more danger.
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