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本文作者: TEENS高考研究小组

Many times, the small things in life, which we often ignore, are more important than the ones that we consider far more valuable.

This 1 is highlighted in Kenny Roger’s song Buy Me a Rose.

This song tells the 2 of a wife whose husband 3 her very much. However, she thinks that the 4 her husband shows her his love is not 5 .

According to her husband, the best way of showing his love to his wife is by 6 her with all the wealth and comforts of life. 7 , he works hard day and night and is thus not able to 8 any of his time to her.

His wife, however, 9 that this is not what she wants. All she wants from him is to show her more 10 by giving her more of his time, caring for her and by 11 his feelings for her. These are the things that she 12 in her life and not the big, flashy things that he has given her.

“Buy me a rose, call me from work.”

Open a door for me, what would it hurt?

Show me you love me by the look in your eyes.

These are the little things I 13 the most in my life.”

To her, these are all the things that can 14 her great joy and happiness.

Although her husband loves her very much, his way of showing his love for her is creating 15 between the two.

This song leads us to 16 on how we lead our lives and how to make a person 17 .

People who are closer to us 18 more sincere expression of our love. Spending time with them 19 spending money on them is a better way of expressing our love. We should learn to express our feelings than to show our love through 20 goods.

1. A. fact B. saying C. theme D. rule

2. A. pride B. story C. joy D. truth

3. A. loves B. hates C. ignores D. appreciates

4. A. reason B. process C. way D. method

5. A. unique B. common C. clear D. appropriate

6. A. providing B. connecting

C. equipping D. feeding

7. A. Actually B. Gradually C. Consequently D. Eventually

8. A. save B. devote C. spend D. waste

9. A. argues B. lies C. guesses D. warns

10. A. chances B. choices C. affection D. presents

11. A. expressing B. hiding

C. changing D. considering

12. A. puts down B. picks up

C. worries about D. longs for

13. A. give B. need C. get D. challenge

14. A. bring B. show C. pass D. leave

15. A. differences B. understanding

C. distances D. success

16. A. move B. fight C. reflect D. depend

17. A. rich B. happy C. relaxed D. lovely

18. A. need B. gain C. give D. deserve

19. A. rather than B. more than

C. less than D. other than

20. A. wealthy B. rare C. material D. extra


I was in my early 20s when I discovered the truth about the perfect Christmas trees my sister and I found each year in the forest behind my grandparents’ farmhouse.

When we were 1 , Colleen and I rode the train 300 miles from Seattle to Spokane every summer and Christmas 2 . Then we took a taxi and a bus to Loon Lake. We would hop out at the Loon Lake post office, where Granddad and Gammie 3 us with smiling faces.

Christmases were always 4 at Loon Lake, with snow piled deep for building forts and 5 with our grandparents’ pet dog. Little balls of snow hung from her long fur like Christmas ornaments.

But the fondest 6 of all was when Granddad would ride the horse Jenny and we’d walk up the hill into the 7 behind their house. We’d search the pine trees looking for that 8 one to honor as our Christmas tree. The 9 always involved excited chatter, for all three of us had to 10 that we’d found the perfect tree 11 Granddad would swing his ax. Granddad would 12 the cut tree to Jenny and drag it back to the house.

Granddad passed away when my sister and I were grown. Only then did Gammie 13 his secret: He’d 14 a tree early each spring, then shape it through the summer and fall so it would be 15 for our big day in December. As Colleen and I raced through the trees searching for the 16 tree, he would cleverly 17 us toward its location, without actually pointing it out.

As Gammie told us this story, we 18 that was why she always had that extra happiness in her eyes when we came rushing in the door, bursting with 19 about how this year we’d found the best Christmas tree ever.

Of all the Christmas presents we ever received, none has been more special than the memory of Granddad’s 20 gift. It remains as bright and beautiful as the snow on a clear December day.

1. A. staying up B. growing up

C. hanging out D. setting out

2. A. vacation B. celebration

C. preparation D. schedule

3. A. praised B. watched C. met D. visited

4. A. warm B. white C. simple D. different

5. A. playing B. helping C. dealing D. covering

6. A. occasion B. journey C. process D. memory

7. A. field B. forest C. market D. garden

8. A. special B. interesting C. straightest D. tallest

9. A. festival B. experiment C. travel D. search

10. A. explain B. agree C. understand D. promise

11. A. when B. until C. before D. after

12. A. pass B. give C. apply D. tie

13. A. know B. make C. keep D. reveal

14. A. plant B. buy C. hide D. decorate

15. A. possible B. easy C. normal D. ready

16. A. small B. magical C. perfect D. strange

17. A. force B. guide C. drive D. follow

18. A. realized B. argued C. admitted D. imagined

19. A. confusion B. anxiety C. excitement D. surprise

20. A. funny B. practical C. expensive D. serect



1-5 CBACD 6-10 ACBAC 11-15 ADBAC 16-20 CBDAC

1. C。从后文出现的歌词的意思可知开头的这一段话与歌词内容表达的主题相同,故选C。

2. B。从后文可知,这是一个关于一对夫妻之间对于爱的表达的不同理解的故事,故选B。

3. A。从下文“her husband shows her his love”以及下文中丈夫通过物质对妻子表达爱意都能看出,丈夫是爱妻子的,故选A。

4. C。此空与下文的“the best way of showing his love to his wife ”相对应。method通常指(系统的)一套方法。

5. D。丈夫对妻子表达爱意的方式是通过努力工作、提供足够的物质享受,根据下文歌词“Buy me a rose, call me from work ...”可知妻子认为丈夫所提供的并非她想要的,所以这种方式不合适,故选D。

6. A。此处指丈夫给妻子提供足够的物质享受,故选A。

7. C。从前后句的内容可以判断出此处与前句是因果关系,consequently 因此;eventually 最终。

8. B。句意为:因为要努力工作所以没办法和妻子一起共度时光。save/spend与后面的to不能搭配;而pay的后面通常接金钱作宾语,故选B。

9. A。此处提及妻子自己的想法,需要一个表达想法的动词。只有A符合语境。argue 表明,认为。

10. C。从后文可以看出,她需要丈夫通过和他待在一起、更加关心她来表达他的“爱意”,故选C。

11. A。由于妻子不满意丈夫老是通过提供物质享受来表达爱意,所以她要求丈夫能够更多地表达他的内心感受,故选A。

12. D。句中these指的是前文说的丈夫应该表达自己的情感,而这是妻子所期待的,long for 期待。

13. B。这里对应上文的“His wife, however, 9 that this is not what she wants. All she wants from him ...”,选项中只有need与want意义相近,故选B。

14. A。句意为:这些东西能够带来欢乐和幸福感,故选A。

15. C。从全文来看,这对夫妻在关于爱的表达方式这一问题上是有分歧的,而这一分歧也会使两人之间产生距离,故选C。

16. C。句意为:这首歌让我们去反思我们的生活方式,故选C。

17. B。这里对应上文“To her, these are all the things that can 14 her great joy and happiness.”通过这对夫妻的故事让我们反思如何让他人开心,故选B。

18. D。和我们越亲近的人越值得我们更加真诚地表达爱意,故选D。

19. A。more than多于;less than少于;other than 除了;rather than 而不是。只有A选项符合语境。

20. C。句中提到爱的表达方式,表达这一感受是从精神上来说的,与其语义相对的则是通过物质来表达,故选C。


1-5 BACBA 6-10 DBADB 11-15 CDDAD 16-20 CBACD

1-2 BA。第一段提到作者20几岁时才知晓圣诞树的真相,从下文“Granddad passed away when my sister and I were grown.”可知作者小时候常去祖父母家度暑假和圣诞假期,所以1-2题答案分别为BA。

3. C。由上下文可知目的地Loon Lake是爷爷奶奶家。这句说的是当我们到了Loon Lake post office时爷爷奶奶来接我们,所以答案为C。

4. B。由下文“with snow piled deep”可知Loon Lake的圣诞节总是会下雪,故选B。

5. A。根据“with our grandparents’ pet dog”可知应该是与狗玩耍,选A。

6. D。本文主要是作者回忆在爷爷奶奶家过圣诞节,所以D为最佳答案。

7. B。由第一段的“the perfect Christmas trees my sister and I found each year in the forest behind ...”可知他们在树林里找树,故选B。

8. A。由上下文提到的“the perfect tree”、“the best Christmas tree”可知他们要找的是一棵特别的几近完美的树,所以A为最佳答案。

9. D。这里对应上一句的“We’d search the pine trees looking for that 8 one”,故选D。

10-11 BC。句意为:必须当我们三人都同意我们找的树是完美的时,爷爷才会挥起斧子砍树,所以这两题答案分别为BC。

12. D。这里指爷爷把树绑在马身上,让马把树驮回家,故选D,tie ... to ... 系在……,绑在……。

13. D。此处对应第一段的“I was in my early 20s when I discovered the truth ...”,直到爷爷去世奶奶才透露(reveal)了这一秘密,所以答案为D。

14. A。根据上下文可推知,为了让给孙儿们准备完美的圣诞树,爷爷应该是春天种树,夏天、秋天给树修剪造型,所以答案为A。

15. D。前文讲到爷爷春天种树,夏天、秋天精心照顾,到了圣诞节时树就差不多准备好可以用作圣诞树了,故选D。

16. C。文中多次提到“the perfect tree”,故选C。

17. B。此处指爷爷巧妙引导我们去找那棵他事先培育好的树,故选B。

18. A。听了奶奶的故事,他们才“意识到”当年奶奶眼里特别的兴奋是另有原因的,故选A。

19. C。此处对应上一句的“extra happiness in her eyes”,故选C。

20. D。爷爷去世前一直瞒着作者,所以这是一件秘密的礼物,故选D。

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