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美8岁神童称王”网络竞技“ ACCORDING to a report by London's Sunday Times on December 24, 2006, the world's youngest professional gamer is an 8-year-old American boy, Victor De Leon. Victor has been gaming since age two, when his dad used to hand him a controller to soothe crying fits. He then gradually turned himself into Lil Poison, master of a virtual universe of acrobatic combat. He earned his first professional contract at the age of six. Lil Poison is beginning to earn a fortune from tournaments, commercial sponsorships and celebrity endorsements. His name will soon appear on a line of casual clothing and on special "skins", or cases, used to house gaming consoles. Victor's emergence as a celebrity is fuelling a surge of interest in what Americans are beginning to call "e-sports" or "cyber athletics". 据伦敦《星期日泰晤士报》去年12月24日的报道,“世界上年纪最小的职业玩家”是一个来自美国的男童,名叫维克多德莱昂。 德莱昂两岁起开始接触网络游戏。当年爸爸为了哄他不哭,常让他摆弄游戏控制板,从此,小德莱昂在网上化名利尔波伊松,渐渐地竟成了游戏高手,并于6岁时拿到了第一份职业玩家的合同。 现在,他已经开始通过网络竞技赚钱,同时还多次赢得商家的赞助和社会名流的经济支持。不久以后,他的名字还将出现在某休闲品牌的服装和游戏控制板的特制包装盒上。德莱昂的成名进一步唤起了美国人对“电子竞技”的热情。 士兵轮穿短裙惹尴尬 A REPORT from Daily Telegraph says that the Royal Regiment of Scotland, stationed in South Iraq and Afghanistan, has 5,000 soldiers but just 320 kilts, or one for every 15 men. "Representative of Scotland for several centuries, the kilts are worn during ceremonial or public duties and they are psychologically important for the identity of soldiers," explained the Lieutenant Willy McNair. The shortage comes after the Army decided to end its 150-year association with its former kilt makers. The Army has put to tender a £1 million contract for the new kilts and will not receive a full set until January 2008. The new partner has not yet been revealed. 据英国《每日电讯》报道,现驻扎在伊拉克南部和阿富汗的苏格兰皇家卫队,由近5000名士兵组成,但却只有320条方格短裙,这意味着大概15个人要共穿一条裙子。 陆军少尉威利麦克奈尔认为:“虽然方格短裙如今只在举行某些重大仪式时才穿,但是几个世纪以来,这种传统服装一直是苏格兰的一个标志性事物,对苏格兰士兵而言,格子短裙具有重要的心理认同意义。” 据说,裙子短缺是因军方终止了与原制造商长达150年的合作而造成的。军方已重新签订了一份100万英镑的合同,但并未透露谁是新的合作对象。由于完成全部订单要等到2008年1月,士兵在这之前也只好轮流穿短裙了。 整容女子变身”芭比娃娃” AS reported by the Daily Mail on December 14, 2006, a 46-year-old woman Sarah Burge, in Cambridgeshire, became addicted to cosmetic surgery after her first nose operation in 1986. To date, she has had 26 operations, with almost every part of her body "corrected" at a cost of £180,000. She's had her nose made smaller, her cheekbones bigger, her chin more prominent and her breasts lifted. She's had fat sucked from her face, her hips, her thighs and her jawline, and excess skin cut from her tummy and eyes. The bits of her that surgeons couldn't cut or resculpt were lasered, Botoxed or pumped with cosmetic fillers. One of the first things Sarah Burge tells is that she was born in the same year Barbie was launched. She is proud of the connection, and prouder still that people draw comparisons between her and the plastic doll. She says. "Barbie is very beautiful, glamorous and fun. What woman wouldn't want to be all those things?" 英国《每日邮报》去年12月14日报道,英国剑桥郡46岁的女子莎拉伯格,自从1986年第一次做鼻子整容手术后,竟对整容上了瘾。过去20年里,她共做了26次手术,为此花去了18万英镑,几乎“校正”了身体的每一个部位。 莎拉伯格分别在脸部、臀部、大腿和下颌处做了吸脂手术;腹部和眼部做了拉皮手术;其他部位则利用镭射技术、注射肉毒杆菌或埋置美容填充物等手段做了特殊处理。现在的她,不仅鼻子小巧、颌骨轮廓清晰、而且下巴突出、酥胸高挺,俨然一个人造的芭比娃娃。 巧合的是,芭比娃娃打入市场的年头恰好与莎拉的实际年龄一致,对此,她颇感自豪,逢人必谈。当被人称为真人版的“芭比娃娃”时,莎拉更是喜不自禁。她说,“‘芭比娃娃’漂亮、有魅力、富有情趣。做女人的,有谁不愿意成为像她那样的可人呢?” | ![]() |
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