Opera, art and drama
本文作者: 21ST
戏曲,曲艺和戏剧 专业词汇 act (戏剧的) 幕 acting 演戏,演出,演技 actress 女演员 adapt 改编,改写 back stage 在后台 background 背景 bard 自拉自唱 beijing opera 京剧 best director award 最佳导演奖 best film award 最佳影片奖 best music award 最佳音乐奖 bill 节目单 box 包厢 caption 字幕 cast 演员表 cavalier 武生 chaplin 卓别林 character 性格 clap 掌声 clown 小丑,丑角 comedy 喜剧 comic film 喜剧片 culture 文化 ,文明 curtain 幕 depiction 描写 dialogue (戏剧、小说)对话,对白 director (电影等的)导演 drama (一出)戏,戏剧,剧本 dub 配音 end 剧种 entrance 入场 exit 退场 expression 表情 extra 临时演员 film胶片,电影 history 历史 hollywood 好莱坞 leading 领导的,第一位的,最主要的 leading man 男主角 leading lady 女主角 leading role 主角 lighting 舞台灯光 lyric 台词 modeling 造型 motion 动作,手势 movie 电影 novel 小说 Oscar 奥斯卡 pose 姿势 role 角色 scene (戏剧的)一场,(电影、电视的)一个镜头 screen 银幕 shot 镜头 star 明星 still 剧照 story 剧情 sword 剑 sword-and-horse 刀马旦 take a call 谢幕 teleplay 电视剧本 title 片名 tune 腔调,调音 常用句型 1.One who performs a theatrical role. 演员是指扮演戏剧角色的人。 2.One who plays an instrument. 演奏者:演奏乐器的人。 3.Jinghu (a two-stringed bowed instrument with a high register). 京胡,有两根弦,是一种拉弦乐器。 4.Yueqin( a four-stringed plucked instrument with a full-moon-shaped sound box). 月琴:四弦弹拨乐器,共鸣箱为木制圆形箱。 5.Sanxian( a three-stringed plucked instrument). 三弦:一种三根弦的弹拨乐器。 6.Charles Chaplin wasn’t deterred by poverty or fate while worked hard to climb the peak of the art, which is worth to be learn from. 要学习卓别林不向贫穷、命运低头,勤奋努力、勇攀世界艺术颠峰的精神。 7.Divide students in different groups and carry out the discussion. 请学生分组讨论。 8.Each group displays their own works and gives some explanations to them. 各组展示、讲解自己的作品。 9.Lastly, the teacher gives some comments. 老师进行总结评价。 10.The teacher helps the students feel the sadness behind the laughter in Chaplin’s work after watching the Modern Times. 观看电影《摩登时代》后,让学生们感受卓别林作品中欢笑背后的辛酸。 11.Provide different plays(excerpts from Charles Chaplin movies),and let the students then imitate his manner in groups. 提供不同的剧本(选自卓别林的电影片段),让学生以小组的形式来即兴模仿卓别林的表演。 12.Broadcast the comedy episode of The Kid. 播放电影《孩子》中的喜剧片段。 教学片段 1.Beijing, the capital of China, in the northeast part of the country, founded in 700 b.c., it is a major commercial, industrial, and cultural center. The Inner City contains the Imperial, or Forbidden City.北京:中国的首都,位于中国的东北部。建于公元前 700年,该城市是主要的商业、工业与文化中心。内城中有紫禁城。 2.The Oscar is awarded annually by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for the achievement in movies.奥斯卡金像奖:美国电影艺术学院为奖励在电影方面取得的成就而每年颁发的金像奖。 3.Beijing opera of China is a national treasure with a 200-year history.京剧作为中国国粹已有200多年历史。 4.Different characters have their own special ways of expressing gladness, anger, sorrow, happiness, surprise, fear and sadness in Beijing opera, in which there are four main types of roles: sheng (male) dan (young female), jing( painted face, male), and chou (clown, male or female). 不同性格的演员有不同的情感表达:欢乐,生气,悲痛,幸福,惊异,恐惧,悲伤。京剧的行当分为四种:生,旦,净,丑。 5.Since Mei Lanfang, the grand master of Beijing opera, visited Japan in 1919, Beijing opera has become more and more popular with people all over the world, and has made an excellent contribution to cultural exchange between the West and China, for promoting friendship and solidarity of the world.自从京剧大家梅兰芳1919年访问日本以来,京剧越来越受到全世界人们的喜爱,并且日益成为中西文化交流的重要纽带, 对友好互助,加强团结作用巨大。 6.The Beijing Opera troup of Beijing has been invited to perform in U.S.A., England, France, Germany, Italy (three times), Australia, Japan( four times), Brazil, Turkey, Singapore, South Korea and Hong Kong (five times).北京京剧院多次应邀去世界各地演出,曾拜访过美国,英国,法国,德国,意大利(3次),澳大利亚,日本(4次),巴西,土尔其,新加坡,韩国,香港(5次)。 7.Teacher: Today ,a guest will come here. Let us welcome him with our music!教师:今天将有一位客人要来我们的音乐教室,让我们用音乐来欢迎他吧! 8.While jazz music is playing, a student dressed as Charles Chaplin quickly walks into the classroom in a penguin style. With a simple posture, the student takes off the hat, bows in different directions and says hello to the students in English as in film.播放一段爵士音乐,在音乐中,由学生扮演的卓别林迈着企鹅步快速走进教室,随着节奏来几个简单亮相动作:轻脱礼帽,向几个方向敬礼,用英语向学生问候,如影片定格一般摆一个姿势造型。 | ![]() |
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