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本文作者: 21st
高骢华 北京市第一乑一中学 日内瓦会议 安理会 美国代表

我在会议上讨论的话题为Situation in Iran,内容主要是对伊朗核武器进行制裁的问题。在第二天的会议开始前,我先和即将讨论同一话题的其他国家的代表互换了立场文件以及决议,全面了解了他们的立场,为撰写决议草案做好准备。会议开始后,我在第一个环节顺利完成了开场致辞,在后面的“有组织核心磋商”环节我也常常举起国家牌,积极主动地表达观点,其他国家的代表也对我的观点做出了回应或者提出了问题。整个会场的气氛比前一天更加热烈。而我,一方面因为熟悉了会场环境,另一方面因为对话题更加熟悉,所以紧张感基本消失,整体表现与第一天相比有了很大进步。下午写决议草案的时候,我提出的近十条建议均被采用,这让我既高兴又激动。会议的最后一天,大家都对这次活动感到恋恋不舍,于是所有代表和主席在一起合了影,大家互相留了联系方式,希望能够长期保持联系。



牟元彪 北京市第四中学 日内瓦会议 UNEP 挪威代表

The main assembly hall at the United Nations European headquarters was of gigantic proportions and spaciously lit by fancy lighting fixtures. Taking a seat in the fourth row, I couldn’t help thinking how amazing it was that, I, an ordinary secondary school student, was sitting in a hall where true representatives of almost every country in the world have met countless times to discuss and find solutions to issues of international importance. It was simply breathtaking.

When all were seated, the ceremony began with a series of speeches made by distinguished guests and organizers. Then the 38 countries which were present were introduced to the assembly. After a night’s rest in a luxurious hotel, the committee sessions truly began. Roll call, setting the agenda, engaging in caucus, everything was done as how true UN committee sessions progress. Ideas started flying around the room, and partnerships and alliances were formed. Everyone here had done a huge amount of research, and everyone was truly putting in all their effort into solving the problems set for us.

The voting the next day was a breeze and our resolution was passed with flying colors. But behind our success was an untold story of perseverance and devotion. The reason why we could come up with ideas worthy enough to be handed to the UN Secretary General and stored as an official UN document was that each and every one of us had had months of preparation, and it was through the merging of our ideas that international collaboration was achieved.

郭跃满 北京市第一乑一中学 日内瓦会议 UNDP 美国代表


在会场上,我一开始有些紧张,但在其他代表们的感染下,我很快便投入到会议中,积极与他们讨论问题的解决方案。在讨论中,我感受到MMUN与国内英语活动的不同。在这里,代表们的英语水平不是最重要的,它只是一个能让自己与他人更好交流的工具,真正重要的是我们的思想、领导力和热情。在这里,每个人都是平等的。无论你是否会说英语,无论你的想法有多么异想天开,无论你是决议草案中的起草国还是附议国,你都会得到同样的尊重,你的声音都会得到同样的回应。这里没有针锋相对和激烈竞争,只有热火朝天的讨论和思想的碰撞。大家团结一致, 在同一个集体中,为同一个目标共同努力着。



石宸 北京小学 纽约会议 DISEC 斐济代表

This is an unforgettable memory that I’ll definitely cherish for my lifetime. In the first place, I should say that during this MMUN Conference, not only did I understand the complicated process of addressing such a political issue as grand as Nuclear Non-Proliferation, but also experienced the exotic culture of different countries. I gained knowledge in all aspects and realized the importance of learning a foreign language well.

I made a great progress in terms of learning English during this trip, and what is more important is that I have made many friends along the way, so it was very rewarding and fun. The discussion we had upon the issue of Nuclear Non-Proliferation & Disarmament totally changed my outlook upon learning. Learning is not just about reciting facts or equations, but more about finding smart, peaceful and efficient ways to solve realistic problems in life.

This is the most unforgettable and impressive trip I have ever had. Or should I be more accurate to put it this way: It is not a trip, but a turning point of a brand new journey to just learn and experience!

杨雁娇 陈经纶中学分校 纽约会议 世界卫生组织 斯洛伐克代表





短短几天之后就是离别,我心中有着强烈的不舍。我要感谢同行的老师对我的照顾,还要感谢同学们给予我的包容和帮助! 刘博一 北京市第一乑一中学 日内瓦会议 FAO 叙利亚代表




冯致铭 清华大学附属中学 日内瓦会议 UNEP 挪威代表

Theoretically I shouldn’t be nervous, but since this is my first time to present on such a formal occasion, I was, naturally, shocked and uneasy. This time, attached by my fear, all the uncertain factors appeared. I found my tongue twisting and my mind swirling.

That night was a resolution night. I made a bunch of resolutions, all for tomorrow, and exclaimed them to the field outside. Then, assembled with a coke, I began my work, to type the resolution. I never view this work as necessary and glorious until the first day at the conference.

Officially, I made up my mind.

The next day was impressive and incredible, I mean, all day, including the social night. That’s the power determination and belief brought to me.

On the way back to hotel, I found myself deep into an amazing feeling, simply because the awesome performance I had today. Then, a spark flied and something intriguing crept into my mind. This amazing feeling was identical with the feeling I had the first day.

If you expect to see something about how I define the collaboration, define the friendliness, I’m sorry I disappoint you. I don’t think I can obtain this through a three-day conference. But the slogan of MMUN is “Inspiring Youth” and basically I think I am inspired. I felt the power of resolutions and got something sweet from devotions that accompany with all the best moment with my friends from all over the world. That’s sure to be vivid.

隋沛奇 北京市第四中学 纽约会议 Legal 哈萨克斯坦代表

The details of the conference have deeply impressed me. When we were writing the draft resolution, the delegate of Russian Federation typed for my solution. He typed nothing throughout the draft, so did the other Americans around us. But when I mentioned using satellite camera to monitor the act of violation of intellectual property rights, nearly all the Americans opposed promptly, because it would be an encroachment on fundamental human rights. It shocked me: the Americans, though conscious of the possibility of being kicked out of the range of sponsors, they still had the courage to stand up against undemocratic ideas. This made me realize that how much democracy, human rights, and freedom mean to westerners.

To sum up, the opportunity to attend the MMUN has largely enriched my experience. Firstly, I improved my ability in persuading, combining, and compromising, and other political techniques. Secondly, I made lots of friends and most of them are still in contact with me now. Finally, I got a closer insight into the American culture, which is something that I may never get from the books.

In a word, going to the MMUN was indeed fruitful and absolutely worth the price!

朱杰明 清华大学附属中学 纽约会议 Legal 斯洛伐克代表





接着,我把之前写好的决议草案放到英国代表面前,潇洒地说:“Maybe you can just add new ideas to this draft that we’ve already prepared.”她瞥了一眼,悄悄说:“So, we’ll certainly be sponsors, right?”

董玥 清华大学附属中学 纽约会议 Legal 斯洛伐克代表

I really miss the days in America, especially the days at MMUN.

It was my first time to wear a suit while taking part in the MMUN. I felt that I was just like a real delegate of the country I represented. As members of the delegation of Slovakia, we prepared a lot before the meeting, so we knew quite a lot about the country as if we were the citizens of Slovakia. It was very interesting to look at the world and consider the problems of the world from a single country’s point of view. We learned to think about and to write resolutions on the problems we were dealing with. We learned how to communicate with the delegations of other countries and how to fight for our own country’s benefits.

I’d like to thank all the teachers who helped to organize this unforgettable activity. Hopefully, I can be lucky enough to get email from the legal committee president and get opportunity to join MMUN again next year!

徐瑶 北京市第十二中学 纽约会议 SPECPOL 阿尔巴尼亚代表







作为两个议题的起草国,我们阿尔巴尼亚和以色列、刚果等国率先结成联盟,开始书写决议草案。大家不断申请着regular caucus,并相互交换自己国家的解决方案。

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