
20-21学年高一第10期7版Quiz Time答案









Text 1  

W: Have you got any idea about what to buy for Marias birthday?

M: Well, I'll get her a new schoolbag. Jim promised to take her to watch a movie.


Text 2

M: What is it like living in on-campus housing?

W: Its not as bad as I thought it would be. The freshmen that live nearby are really loud, but the rent is much cheaper than private housing, so it’s worth it.


Text 3  

W: I think this color isnt quite right for me. Do you have the same dress in white?

M: Let me look. Ive got one in blue, green, pink, black and white. Here you are.

W: This is perfect!


Text 4  

W: Hi, Sally. Which club will you join?

M: I really like chess and poetry; however, I decided to sign up for the singing club.


Text 5 

W: Do you have any plans for tomorrow?

M: Well, I was going to see some friends.

W: With the cold and wet weather, the roads are going to be rather slippery.

M: OK then, I might change my plan. I don’t like driving in dangerous weather conditions. Do you have any plans for tomorrow?

W: I just have to go to class tomorrow afternoon.






Text 6  

W: Hi, Baily. My name is Dr. Green. What seems to be the matter?

M: Ive been feeling pretty ill for a few days.

W: What are your symptoms?

M: I feel chilly, a little bit dizzy and tired.

W: It sounds like you might have a fever. Have you been drinking plenty of water?

M: No, just soda.

W: OK. Well, we’ll have a nurse take some blood in a few minutes to see how it goes.



Text 7

W: Have you ever been to Disneyworld?

M: When I was young, my parents took me to the one in California. I always forget whichis that one Disneyland or Disneyworld?

W: The one in Florida is Disneyworld and the one in California is Disneyland, so you must have been to Disneyland.

M: Thats right. Why do you ask?

W: Well, Ive never been to either so I was thinking of going to Disneyworld for my honeymoon.

M: When are you getting married?

W: July this year. We havent set the date yet.

M: Congratulations! I had no idea.

W: Thank you. So what do you think? Would we have a good time there?

M: Itll be very romantic, I think. Youll have loads of fun.

W: Thanks for the advice. I’ll talk to my fiancé about it tonight.



Text 8 

M: In your opinion, whats the most famous painting in the world?

W: Id say that it would have to be the portrait of the Mona Lisa in the Louvre. What do you think?

M: Youre probably right. Have you ever seen it?

W: No, Ive never been to France. But if I were to go, I would definitely take a trip to the Louvre to see it. Have you?

M: Yes. I just came back from there on Friday.

W: Well, what was it like? Was it really impressive?

M: It was actually much smaller than I had imagined.

W: Really? How big is it?

M: If I remember correctly, its about the size of a piece of A4 paper.

W: That’s interesting. I always thought that it would be bigger, too.

M: Thats what everyone was saying. To be honest, I dont know why its so famous.

W: Its got a great story behind the picture. Nobody really knows who the woman was.

M: You know, some people say that it’s actually a self-portrait of Leonardo Da Vinci.

W: Really? Ive never heard that before.



Text 9  

W: Do you mind if I sit here?

M: No, of course not. Go ahead.

W: Don’t I know you?

M: Yes, now that you mention it, I think we had a chemistry class together in high school.

W: You’re right! How are you? It’s been a long time!

M: What did you do after high school?

W: I went straight to university afterwards. What about you?

M: I took a year off to go traveling.

W: That sounds exciting. Where did you go?

M: I went all over the world. It was the best year of my life. Where did you go to school?

W: I went to a small school in Connecticut. It has a very good reputation for its languages department.

M: Oh, did you study a foreign language?

W: Yes, I got a grant to study Chinese.

M: That’s a very difficult language to learn, isn’t it?

W: It is, but it’s very rewarding.



Text 10 

W: Most high schools in the United States publish a yearbook once a year in spring. It is a record of the school year — a “book of memories” for the students. Inside a yearbook is each student’s photo. The seniors are graduating soon, and their photos appear first. Next come the juniors and then the sophomores or the second-year students. The last photos are the first-year students: the freshmen. The yearbook is not only about students. The teachers have photos, too. The yearbook also has photos and descriptions of sports teams, academic subjects and after-school extracurricular activities, such as the chess club and Spanish club. There is even a yearbook club. Students in this club write, design and take photos all year for the yearbook. At the end of the year, the book is printed. Students usually sign each other’s yearbooks. This is especially important for the seniors because they are graduating. Students write notes to each other such as, “We had a lot of fun,” or “I’ll never forget you.” They also write about the fun and funny experiences they shared in school together.






Task 2:

1. What’s your idea of happiness?

My idea of happiness is being able to enjoy the little things in life. If I am able to sit down during the day and can enjoy a cup of tea or coffee without too many worries, I know that I am happy.


2. What makes you most happy in your life?

The thing that makes me the happiest in my life is knowing that I have friends and family who care about me very much. If I am ever in trouble or need any help, I know that they will be there to support me. This makes me very happy.


3. Some people think that the more money they make, the happier they will be. What is your opinion?

Some people think that the more money they make, the happier they will be. I am not one of those people. Of course, it is important to be financially stable. This can help to reduce stress and give you peace of mind. However, after some point, having more and more money becomes meaningless. I think that enjoying life and having memorable experiences with the people you care about will make you happy.


4. What do you often do when you feel down?

There are a few things that I usually do when I am feeling down. If I am not able to fix what is making me sad, then I will talk about my feelings to a friend or family member. If I am still feeling a bit down after that, then I will usually make myself a tea, watch a funny TV show, and go to bed early. I typically feel a lot better after a good night’s sleep.


Task 3:

Li Hua’s 16th birthday is coming up. At first, he didn’t know what he wanted to do to celebrate. After thinking for a long time, he finally decided that he wanted to go to the park. On the day of his birthday, his mom and dad took him to the park to have a picnic. Then, when he got home, his friends and family were all there to throw him a birthday party. He was so surprised! He ate cake, opened presents, and had a great time. Li Hua went to bed that night happily because he had such a wonderful birthday.




D1 1-4 BABC

D2 1-3 BCD

D3 1-3 DDA

D4 1-4 CABC

D5 1. failure       2. for            3. which       4. solved             5. the

6. Before   7. amazing 8. how         9. breaking        10. the fastest 



D1 1-4 BABC

1. B。从文章第三段“The lifestyle brand for young people is based on a storybook ...”可知 Patterson创立 Not Before Tea的灵感来源于一本故事书故选B

2. A。从文中第四段“He didn’t conform to what his peers were like because he saw the world differently and was rarely invited to parties or play dates.”可知Patterson与周围同学对世界的看法不同很少受邀参加聚会难以融入其中故选A

3. B。从文中第五段“To cheer himself up, Patterson gradually immersed himself in designing different animals and writing interesting stories about them. His characters started to become popular. To battle his stammer, he tried to articulate himself and even developed a love for public speaking, which eventually enabled him to speak on important stages”可知Patterson是个富有创意并且具有顽强意志的人故选B

4. C。从文中最后一段“‘If you don’t have a passion for what you do and love what you do then you won’t succeed,’he said”可知Patterson认为如果对所做的事没有激情那么就不会获得成功故选C


D2 1-3 BCD

1. B。从文章第三段“So when embroidering, they are usually patient and willing to spend time on pursuing the form’s intricacy and elegance.”可知,蜀绣的特点是复杂精细又优美的,故正确答案为B

2. C。由文中第五段“But her love for the work has encouraged Meng to continue.”得知,Meng坚持蜀绣的原因是她对蜀绣的热爱,所以正确答案为C

3. D。最后四段主要讲述了Meng致力于传承蜀绣的刺绣技艺,她租了一个10平方米的小空间教蜀绣技艺,故正确答案为D


D3 1-3 DDA

1. D 纵览全文可知,研究团队做实验的目的最可能是探究人们做出选择的驱动因素,实验对象并不包括成年人,排除A, 新旧玩具只是探究实验目的的工具,排除BC项是未来的研究方向,故正确答案为D

2. D。从文章第七段“It shows that the act of making choices changes how we feel about our options. The random choices might become our preferences.”可知随机的选择会影响婴儿对所选事物的喜爱程度D为正确答案。

3. A。从文章第八段和第九段可知,实验的研究发现解释了成年人在面对相同事物的选择时会产生无意识偏见的原因,即实验的研究意义,故正确答案为A


D4 1-4 CABC

1. C。从第三段第一句话“On the 16th day of our isolation …”可知,作者和妻子在隔离的第16天决定完成这份拼图;最后一段的“Rather it was merely a mechanism to fill time”可以表明他们是为了在隔离期间打发时间才开始玩拼图,所以答案为C

2. A。第三段主要叙述的是作者和妻子是怎么完成拼图的——先从框架着手,再寻找有着特别颜色和线条的较大的图案;妻子是依据颜色和形状进行拼图,作者则主要是根据包装盒上的图片,所以正确答案为A

3. B。由倒数第三段“I documented the odyssey on Facebook and received both encouragement along the way and hearty congratulations upon our eventual success. ”得知,其他人对作者和妻子完成拼图表示衷心的祝贺,所以答案为B

4. C。文章的最后一句话“In this way, jigsaw puzzles are like life itself: Its all about the journey; the destination is, in fact, trivial”表明拼图就 返回列表

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