
20-21学年高一第11期7版Quiz Time答案




D1 1-4 DCBB

D2 1-3 BBC

D3 1-4 DBDC

D4 1-4 CADB

D5 1-5 CGAFD



D1 1-4 DCBB

1. D。从文章第二段“Nolan Mejia saw that many senior citizens did not have somebody nearby who could pick up groceries for them. 'So, I decided that there must be some organization to help these vulnerable senior citizens,' he said.”以及第三段“Their free grocery shopping service is for seniors and other at-risk groups.”可知,Mejia创办Grocery Grab的初衷是帮助疫情期间的高危人群采买日常杂货,故正确答案为D

2. C。从文章第六段“they've connected with more than 50 senior citizens who have become regular customers”可知,50多位老人成为了Grocery Grab的常客,Grocery Grab已建立起了稳定的客户群体,故正确答案为C

3. B。从文章最后一段 For Mejia, this kind of desire to help others comes from being raised in a family and community where supporting others is strongly emphasized.”可知,在Mejia从小生活的社区里,帮助他人的观念十分重要,故正确答案为B

4. B。文章依次讲述了Mejia创办Grocery Grab的原因、Grocery Grab的运作方式、成效以及Mejia践行志愿服务的根源,故正确答案为B


D2 1-3 BBC


2.B。从文章第三段“Being out in nature – even for a short time – can improve both our mental and physical health.”可知,户外活动有益于身心健康,故正确答案为B

3.C。从文章最后一段 “Welcoming the shifts in seasons, instead of regretting them, puts you in contact with the rhythms of life and death, with nature, which might also help us put things in our life into perspective,”可知,Solhaug 认为欣然接受四季的更替,而不是为此感到遗憾,会让我们感受到生命的律动与消亡。感受自然或许能使我们更加全面客观地看待生活,故正确答案为C


D3 1-4 DBDC

1. D从文章第三段“During the brief touchdown, the spacecraft blasted Bennu's surface with nitrogen gas. This stirred up dirt and rock that could then be collected by the arm’s sampling head.”可知,Osiris-REx 通过扬起 Bennu 表面的尘土和石块来采集样本,故正确答案为D

2. B。从文章第五段可知,Bennu表面的实际情况与科学家预想的情况有很大的不同,这给此次航天任务带来了意料之外的风险和更多困难,故正确答案为B

3. D。从文章第五段“However, when Osiris-REx got close enough to take a close-up of Bennu, scientists were surprised by how rough it was and how large the rocks were. The rocky terrain brought unexpected risks for the spacecraft, so they had to adjust the original plan.”可知,在航天任务中,科学家面临的主要挑战是行星的表面比预计中的更加粗糙,故正确答案为D

4. C。从文章第八段“A piece of primordial rock that has witnessed our solar system’s entire history may now be ready to come home for generations of scientific discovery”和第九段“Scientists will then analyze the material in labs around the world to find out more secrets about our solar system.”可知,探索Bennu可以让我们进一步了解我们所在的太阳系,故正确答案为C


D4 1-4 CADB

1. C。从第二段到第五段都在讲述作者是如何从平时的沟通中意识到自己的问题。A选项,作者的朋友确实有相似经历,但是作者并不是从朋友的经历中意识到自己的做法不对;B选项,文中并没有表述孩子们不再给作者打电话了;作者与孩子们的沟通方式导致的结果是,孩子们希望她不要再继续提出各种建议,所以她这才意识到问题,因此C是正确的;D选项,孩子们分享自己烦恼的方式与此无关,并不是使作者意识到问题的原因。

2. A。从第二段“I can’t help it. It’s my default setting”得知,作者开启“mom mode”是情不自禁的事情。因此答案是A

3. D。从倒数第三段可知,父母给孩子们建议是分享他们多年的经验,但是在孩子们却认为父母是控制欲强烈,他们有自己的想法和感觉;紧接着下一段解释了孩子们想要的是贴心的父母,能够倾听他们倾诉,而并不是非要建议,所以答案选D

4. B。从最后一段“I’ve given myself the goal of becoming a better parent by being a better listener.”得知,作者下定决心做一个合格的倾听者,这样才能成为一个更好的母亲,所以答案为B


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