
20-21学年高三第12期7版Quiz Time答案




D1 1-4 CDAB

D2 1-4 ADDB

D3 1-4 CDBB

D4 1-4 CADD

D5 1. especially      2. expected           3. surprising           4. why            5. asked

6. on/upon      7. either                 8. which               9. did             10. differences



D1 1-4 CDAB

1. C。作者第一段主要讲述了两种不同建筑存在于北京和上海,一种历史性建筑,一种为现代化建筑,在城市中对比明显。以北京和上海为例,引出第二段对于历史性建筑的讨论,并表达观点,虽然时光在这些建筑上留下了印记,但是它们的魅力在于能反映出历史和传统,故正确答案为C

2. D。从第四段Chen Zhimin的话可以看出他对于建筑的态度,他将城市比作树,那些典型的地标建筑就像是树的年轮,记录着一个城市的文化和经济发展,历史性的建筑便是这个城市重要的文化组成,故正确答案为D。他并未提及现代建筑和历史性建筑孰轻孰重,也没有涉及历史性建筑和自然的和谐,及修复历史性建筑,所以ABC错误。

3. A。从倒数第二段可知Chen Fentong认为胡同里有他的回忆,让他感觉很舒服,和邻里关系也很友好,故正确答案为A

4. B。文章从老建筑为出发点,谈论了建筑承载城市的历史和文化,承载了人的回忆与情感,最后一段引用Ian Morrison的话可以表明,通过文章,作者希望读者明白建筑的意义在于与人的联系,故正确答案为B


D2 1-4 ADDB

1. A。从文中The risk of exposure to harmful reagents or biological samples, such as blood, is greatly reduced for medical staff可知核酸检测机器在检测时无需人工使得医务人员接触有害试剂或血液等生物样本的风险大大降低故正确答案为A

2. D。从文中the company applied a special metal processing technology to its product可知该公司对其产品采用了一种特殊的金属加工技术故正确答案为D

3. D。从文中The lens can create a beam in front of the retina that will slow down the increase of the eye axis. Therefore, the development of myopia can be contained可知这种镜片可以在视网膜前产生一束光线从而减缓眼轴的增长故正确答案为D

4. B。综合全文可知,文章主要对进博会上的3个产品进行了介绍,故正确答案为B


D3 1-4 CDBB

1. C。从文中It mentioned a large-scale recruitment effort for young poll workers, and I immediately became interested in participating可知目前大选对年轻的工作人员的需求量很大使作者产生了当志愿者的兴趣故正确答案为C

2. D。从文中I had to pass an exam with an 80 percent score or higher to complete that part of my certification可知至少要拿到80%的分数才可以通过考试故正确答案为D

3. B。综合第四段可知,该段主要讲述了作者在线下培训中学到了什么,故正确答案为B

4. B。综合全文可知,作者认为在大选中当志愿者是为自己的社区做贡献,是值得自豪的,故正确答案为B


D4 1-4 CADD

1. C。根据文章第五段“it reminds us that we are the only ones who can be responsible for how far we will go”可知,作者用这句引言来说明我们的思想和想法能够决定自己走多远。因此答案为CAB两项在文中未提及;D项不是这个引言所表明的观点。

2. A。根据第七段“stepping outside of our comfort zone is probably the most important step”和第八段“consistency and continuing to move forward are equally as important”可知,作者认为达成个人目标需要我们走出舒适区并持之以恒,因此答案为AB项过于绝对,作者并没有要求我们舍弃所有的习惯;C项只是作者的个人经历,并非建议所有人都这样做;D项在文中未提及。

3. D。根据文章第911段可知,作者搬到阿根廷生活得很开心,从“taking the necessary steps to make it a reality was one of the most important things I ever did”一句可知,作者对这个决定很满意,也认为它很重要,因此答案为DA项搬到阿根廷生活是长久以来的想法;B项作者在线完成了课程并拿到学位;C项作者现在仍然生活在阿根廷,排除。

4. D。通读全文,作者论述了走出舒适区的重要性,因此答案为DA项与作者意思相反;BC两项不是作者写作的主要目的。








Text 1

W: What time is it now?

M: Its a quarter to 11.

W: Hurry up! The movie will begin in 10 minutes.


Text 2

M: Whats your plan for Sunday afternoon, Helen? I have two tickets for Beijing opera. Would you like to go with me?

W: Thank you for inviting me, Mike, but I cant. Im terribly sorry. Im going to an exhibition of modern art.


Text 3

W: Do you have a reservation, sir?

M: No, Im afraid we dont.

W: Im sorry. The restaurant is full now. You will have to wait for about half an hour. Would you mind having a drink at the lounge until a table is available?

M: No, thanks. Well come back later.


Text 4

W: Hi, Jim. Where are you off to?

M: Im going to the library. Im reviewing for an English exam next week.

W: Youve been working so hard. There shouldnt be any problem!

M: I hope so. But Im still worried.


Text 5

W: Can I help you?

M: Yes. How much do you charge for a guitar lesson here?

W: Well, we charge by the hour here. Its 20 dollars an hour. Why do you want to learn to play the guitar?

M: To surprise my fiancée. I want to play Bruno MarsMarry Me at my wedding.

W: Wow! Thats sweet!





Text 6

M: Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the nearest bank?

W: Of course. Turn right at the junction. Go straight till the second traffic light where you can see a big supermarket. Turn left, and continue straight ahead for half a mile. You will see it on your right, just opposite the post office.

M: Wow, thank you so much!



Text 7

W: Good morning. Id like to book a flight from Beijing to Sanya.

M: I see. When are you traveling?

W: I’d like to fly next Thursday.

M: So that will be July 23rd. Right?

W: Oh, I’m sorry. It’s July 22nd, next Wednesday.

M: OK, July 22nd. Is that a return journey or just one way?

W: One way, please. I’m going to fly back. I’m going to fly to Hong Kong from Sanya.

M: OK. That will be 2,000 yuan please. We give a 10 percent discount for credit cards. So how would you like to pay: cash, check or credit card?

W: Credit card, please.



Text 8

M: Where are you Mary?

W: I’m home. My car just won’t start.

M: I used to have the same problem with my old car. Did you check the battery?

W: Yeah. It was dead this morning. I called the mechanic to give my car a jump start.

M: Well, I guess if you need to jump-start your car, you probably need to buy a new battery.

W: What are you saying? I bought this battery just a couple of months ago. I don’t think I should have a problem with it every other day.

M: I guess the dealer sold you an old one. Did he give you any warranty with it?

W: Yes. I suppose.

M: Then call the dealer and ask him to replace it. You are entitled to claim the warranty.

W: All right. Thanks for your help. I’ll call the dealer right now.



Text 9

W: Emergency operator. State your emergency.

M: We need an ambulance right away.

W: What is your name?

M: Dirk. Dirk Hiddleston.

W: Can you tell me what happened?

M: There was a car accident.

W: Where are you?

M: I’m not sure. I was driving in my car when I saw a pileup. I’m somewhere on Blossom Road. Can you trace my location?

W: Yes, we’ll try to do that. Can you see if anyone is hurt?

M: One of the drivers is lying on the ground unconscious, and the other one is bleeding. There’s someone trapped in the back of her car, too. We need to rescue her before the car explodes! I’m going to see if I can help.

W Sir, I need you to stay on the line. I’m sending an ambulance right now, and they’ll have the Jaws of Life and other equipment to do the job. The medical staff will be there very soon.

M: Okay, but hurry!



Text 10

W: Good afternoon, everyone. May I have your attention, please?

Our school will be holding the annual sports meeting next Friday. Now we are in need of 30 volunteers. There is a wide range of voluntary jobs for you to choose from, including conducting registration of all the athletes, taking photographs of memorable moments, writing and broadcasting real-time news reports, assisting the judges in recording the results and dealing with any emergencies that may arise.

You are free to apply for any volunteer job based on your own expertise. If you work well with others and have a strong sense of responsibility, you are welcome to join us. We need students with good communicative skills so that they can help with coordinating work efficiently. Anyone who excels in both Chinese and English are needed when there are possible language barriers among the athletes. No prior experience is required of volunteers, but you should have enough time in your schedule.

If you are interested, please sign up at the Student Union office from 12:30 to 2:30 this Friday.

Thank you for your attention.






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