
20-21学年高三第12期总第811期 III 版口语直通车参考答案


Topic : volunteering


Task 2:


1. Do you think volunteering is important? Why or why not?

I think volunteering is important because it teaches you a lot of things. Not only does it teach you the importance of having some responsibility, but it also teaches you to be an empathetic and kind-hearted person. And, of course, it also directly benefits the local community, too.


2. What does it mean to be a volunteer?

Being a volunteer means devoting yourself to helping others without expecting something in return. Even though it may be tiring at times, being a volunteer can be a very worthwhile and meaningful experience. It can give you a sense of purpose.


3. How does volunteering impact the community?

Volunteering can greatly impact the community in many ways. With a little love and care, your hard work as a volunteer can go a long way. Giving back to the community can help your local area thrive with the work that you do. You can also make your community closer by becoming friends with the other volunteers and any people you meet along the way.


4. What does it take to be a good volunteer?

To be a good volunteer, you have to be generous and full of compassion. You also have to sacrifice some of your time and energy to help someone else out. However, people will notice your hard work and will be very grateful.


5. Have you ever taken on any voluntary work? If so, what was it?

In my hometown, there are a lot of nonprofit animal shelters. Since these animal shelters mainly receive money from donations, the staff at the animal shelters are very appreciative of any volunteers who can lend an extra hand. Whenever I had some free time outside of school, I would go to an animal shelter to help out in any way I could. A lot of the responsibilities included cleaning up the cages, feeding the animals, and helping people find an animal to adopt. When all of the work was done, I could play with the puppies and kittens before going home. It was a very rewarding experience.



Task 3:

Li Hua learned the meaning of volunteering several days ago. His teacher mentioned that Forest Park needed volunteers to help plant trees for the local community. Li Hua was excited for the new opportunity, so he signed up to help. On November 9, Li Hua got to school early to direct the other students to the meet-up location. Then, all of the volunteers went to Forest Park to help plant new trees and water them. After a long day of hard work, Li Hua and his classmates got their picture taken for the local newspaper. Li Hua was very happy because he could contribute to making his local community better.

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