
20-21学年高一第13期7版Quiz Time答案




D1 1-3 DDB

D2 1-4 CBBA

D3 1-4 DACC

D4 1-4 CADB

D5 1. that             2. out           3. have been going/have gone       4. topped              5. which

6. to spend         7. an              8. like                                      9. Making              10. Why


D1 1-3 DCB

1. D。从文章第二段“They have been working for a year to disclose the mystery of mental illness for their peers.”可知, 创办Ok to say 的主要目的是帮助学生解决心理问题,故正确答案为D

2. D。从文章第四段“Already, about 2,000 Girl Scouts have completed the requirements to get the Okay to Say patch, which they can earn through different activities”可知,女童子军通过参与各项活动来赢得Okay to Say徽章,故正确答案为D

3. B。文章依次讲述了Okay to Say活动的创办宗旨、内容形式以及对其评价和意义,所以文章的主要内容是介绍针对人们心理健康而创办的活动,故正确答案为B


D2 1-4 CBBA

1. C。从文章第三段可知,臭氧层空洞的面积大小在过去达到过今年所观测的峰值,故正确答案为C

2. B。从文章第五段“The ozone layer is important because it acts like a sunscreen, blocking harmful ultraviolet light from reaching our planet’s surface. Without it, humans and animals will be more likely to experience skin cancers, immune suppression, cataracts and premature aging.”可知,臭氧层对人类生活重要的原因是它能阻挡对人体有害的紫外线到达地球表面,故正确答案为B

3. B。从文章第六段The loss of ozone in the Antarctic, as well as Arctic, is due to the large amounts of ozone-destroying gases caused by human activity.可知,臭氧层空洞产生的原因是人类活动产生了大量危害臭氧的气体,故正确答案为B

4. A。从文章最后一段“Although it seems bad, scientists are hopeful that the Earth can heal itself.”可知,科学家对地球臭氧层的未来态势持乐观的态度,故正确答案为A.


D3 1-4 DACC

1. D。从文章第二段“It was up to every citizen in the state to vote on whom they wanted to ostracize. They wrote this person’s name on a shard of pottery. The final decision was made based on how many votes were collected for each listed candidate.”可知,城邦公民对被放逐人选有最终决定权,故正确答案为D

2. A。前文说到通过赋予公民放逐领袖的权利,陶片放逐制度可以使领袖对公众利益负责,此句出现转折词however并且后文说到如果公民没有对政治信息有足够的掌握了解,他们可能做出错误的决定,故陶片放逐制度的运作会出现相反的效果,故正确答案为A

3. C。从文章第三段“Ostracism was also often used as a political weapon.”以及第四段“This suggested that the power and influence of the remaining candidates, Nicias and Alcibiades, were actually stronger than the exiled Hyperbolos and posed a real threat to society.”可知,列举雅典政客们的事例是为了进一步阐述陶片放逐制度存在的一个问题,故正确答案为C

4. C。文章依次讲述了陶片放逐制度的宗旨、运作方式、存在的弊端以及积极意义,故文章的主要内容是介绍古代的陶片放逐制度,所以正确答案为C


D4 1-4 CADB
1. C。文章第一、二段讲述的是饲养宠物给主人带来的好处,是主人快乐的源泉,帮助主人排解焦虑的情绪,给予陪伴,所以正确答案为C
2. A。从文章第三段的第一句“It is in such times that we realize just how much our pets matter as part of the family.”可以看出,作者认为宠物和家人同样十分珍贵,所以答案为A
3. D。从倒数第二段“The grief that accompanies it remains something frequently seen as shameful, and many admit to requesting time off work without being honest about why.”得知,主人因宠物去世感到悲痛时,请假会隐瞒缘由,因为这种悲痛常常被认为很丢脸,所以答案为D
4. BJames Herriot的原句为“如果有灵魂意味着能够感受到爱、忠诚和感激,那么动物比很多人的做得要好。”后文也提到宠物可以被当作是榜样,所以正确答案为B



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