




D1 1-3 DBC
D2 1-3 BBC
D3 1-3 CDBC
D4 1-3 CCA
D5 1-5 BCBBC  6-10 DCDAB  11-15 DCACB  16-20 BACDA




D1 1-3 DBC

1. D。根据文章第3段第23句“Shed already won the scholarship … ‘I was not expecting this at all,’ Nathalia said, …”可得Nathalia没想到的是自己已经获得了奖学金,故本题选D

2. B。根据文章第5段第1句“… the new scholarship … is to remove financial barriers to higher education and unlock promising students’ potential.”可得这项奖学金设立的目的是帮助学生减少获得高等教育的经济障碍,充分发挥学生的潜力,故本题选B

3. C。根据文章倒数第2段最后一句“Kayla seized the chance to take three dual enrollment courses at Northampton Community College online, earning college credits and pushing herself academically.”可得Kayla抓住一切机会学习,获得学分,促进自己学业进步,故本题选C


D2 1-3 BBC

1. B。根据文章第3段,民族团结、爱国主义和国家发展等话题在网上会收到很多评论和点赞;根据第4段,许多青年认为自己生在这个国家十分幸福幸运;根据第5段,年轻人表示想要为国家做出贡献,可以得出第3-5段主要表达了中国年轻人对于祖国的爱和民族自豪感,故本题选B

2. B。根据文章第7段“In 2019, when riots related to an extradition bill broke out in Hong Kong, an online community known as Di Bar, comprising young Chinese living around the world, launched a campaign to explain the issue to a global audience and to voice support for the city’s police on digital platforms.可得Di Bar成立的目的是向世界解释骚乱问题,故本题选B

3. C。根据文章倒数第2段最后一句“‘The great material improvement can give young people more room for spiritual life.’”以及最后一段最后一句“Now, with China rising to become the second-largest economy in the world, making us roughly on par with the West in many respects, young people’s patriotic sentiment has naturally risen.”可得郭媛媛认为物质生活水平的提高,综合国力的增强,增长了年轻人的爱国热情,故本题选C


D3 1-3 CDBC
1. C。根据文章第1段“… the Antikythera Mechanism, a device built 2,000 years ago by the ancient Greeks to predict planetary movements and cosmological events, considered by many to be the earliest example of an analog computer.”可得两千年前,古希腊人制造了安提凯希拉装置,用于预测行星运动和宇宙事件,许多人认为它是最早的模拟计算机,故本题选C

2. D。根据文章第4段“Nevertheless, thanks to advancements in digital rendering and X-ray imaging, coupled with our knowledge of ancient Greek mathematics …可得数字呈现和X光成像以及古希腊数学的相关知识使得科学家得以以数字方式还原安提凯希拉装置,故本题选D

3. B。根据文章第5段“… many of their findings could radically alter what we thought we knew about the ancient Greeks …”,可得这些发现颠覆了我们对古希腊的认知故本题选B

4. C。根据文章最后一段‘The distance between this device’s complexity and others made at the same time is infinite. ’”可得Adam Wojcik认为这一装置非常复杂同时期制作的其他装置都远远不及它复杂故本题选C


D4 1-3 CCA
1. C。第二段中划线的it指的是前文“... the zone outside of where we are comfortable might be scary and risky ...”,也就是指的舒适区之外的世界,故正确答案为C

2. C。第三段主要讲述的是作者帮助一个团队的精英走出舒适圈的例子,帮助他们挖掘更多的潜力,更接近自己的目标,故正确答案为C

3. A。从最后一段可知,作者呼吁读者采取行动,走出舒适区,这样才能更加接近自己的目标,故正确答案诶A


D5 1-5 BCBBC  6-10 DCDAB  11-15 DCACB  16-20 BACDA

1. B。根据下文“So, I flew into Bali and arrived at 1 pm.可得作者订了去巴厘岛的航班flight),故本题选B

2. C。根据下文… the last ferry (摆渡船) left at 4 pm and I still had to take a 1.5-hour   3   journey to the ferry port to take the ferry over to Lombok.可得目前作者赶到渡船码头时间紧急因此作者的心情十分担忧worried),故本题选C

3. B。根据下文“As soon as I got in the taxi,…可得作者要乘出租车taxi赶往码头故本题选B

4. B。根据下文Along the way, his phone   9   repeatedly. He probably talked to his   10   15 times.可得司机与朋友电话联系推知这里是给朋友打电话called),故本题选B

5. C。根据下文“…and the last ferry was leaving in an hour …可以推知当前的水面不利于航行四个选项中只有rough风浪大的符合此类情况故本题选C

6. D。根据上文,司机告诉作者最后一班船要在一小时内出发,而此时离码头还需要1.5小时,可以推知作者可能不能成功到达(make it),故本题选D

7. C。根据上文,此时是下午,作者如果赶不上最后一班船到龙目岛,可能会滞留在巴厘岛,无处过夜(night),故本题选C

8. D。根据上文“But, despite being told we wouldn’t make it in time,…可以下半句的意义与上半句相反即虽然被告知“我们”无法及时赶到但司机决心determined及时赶到故本题选D

9. A。根据下文“He probably talked to his   10   15 times. … his friend informed him …可得司机用电话与朋友联系此处应为电话反复响起rang),故本题选A

10. B。根据下文“When we were about 10 minutes away, his friend informed him …可知司机在与他的朋友friend联系故本题选B

11. D。根据上下文,作者要赶最后一班船,而司机的朋友在码头工作,因此司机的朋友可以让船(boat)再等作者一会,故本题选D

12. C。根据下文,在紧急赶往码头的途中,通往码头的路都不通了,可以推知这里应填令人疯狂的情况(madness),故本题选C

13. A。根据下文“… there was no road to get to the port … started   15   in the rain.可得开始下雨raining故本题选A

14. C。根据上文,因为下雨,道路不通,因此我们只能停车(pulled over),故本题选C

15. B。根据下文“as he ran through puddles (水坑), …”可得司机开始在雨中奔跑(running),故本题选B

16. B。根据上文“… the driver grabbed my suitcase …司机抓过了我的箱子并开始在雨中奔跑;“He was almost the size of my suitcase but …司机身高跟箱子高度差不多一般情况下司机要拿箱子很困难but表示转折前后两句情况相反可以推知司机坚持要为作者拿carrying箱子故本题选B

17. A。根据上下文,司机跑过水坑,可以推知司机的制服和鞋子都会湿(wet),故本题选A

18. C。本空之前作者按时到达,之后作者上了最后一班船,可以推知作者买了一张票(ticket),故本题选C

19. D。根据上文,作者在紧张赶路之后按时上船,应该感到松一口气(relieved),故本题选D

20. A。根据文章,司机为让作者赶上最后一班船,与朋友多次沟通协调,并在雨中为作者拿箱子,表现出对陌生人的善良(kindness),故本题选A


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