



D1 1-4 CABD
D2 1-4 BCDA
D3 1-4 CAAB
D4 1-3 CAC

D1 1-4 CABD
1.C。从文章第四段“Since 1978, Xu has published more than 100 translated novels, anthologies and plays in Chinese, English and French, reaching potentially millions of readers at home and abroad. Most notably, he translated Chinese poems into rhymed verse in both English and French.”可知,许渊冲翻译的韵诗广为人知,故正确答案为C。
3.B。联系前文“Through Xu’s translations, time-honored Chinese wisdom has made an impact on Western societies and the world at large.”可知,提及奥巴马主要是为了阐释许渊冲翻译作品的影响力,故正确答案为B。
4.D。从文章首段“has striven to convey the beauty of ancient Chinese poetry throughout his life”、第五段“He has dedicated his life to ‘[translating] beautifully’”、倒数第二段“Every day he translates roughly 1,000 words, working till 3 to 4 am, sleeping about 3 hours and getting up at 6 am to continue.”和最后一段“Translation is a means of communicating with the writer’s soul. A sudden flicker of good word or good line thrills every pore and every inch of my skin”等多处可知,许渊冲对翻译富有献身精神和极大热情,故正确答案为D。

D2 1-4 BCDA
1. B。根据文章第3段“These sensors help autonomous cars “see” what’s around them by measuring distances with laser beams”可知,激光传感器可以帮助自动驾驶汽车了解周围情况,故本题选B。
2. C。在文章第四段,Russell讲述了自己创业的感受,虽然自己还年轻,但为公司倾注了很多心血,故本题选C。
3. D。综合文章第五和第六段可知,Russell所取得的成就一部分源于他的求知欲,故本题选D。
4. A。文章最后三段主要阐述了Russell对公司的展望,故本题选A。

D3 1-4 CAAB
1.C。从文章第四段“Digital currency has the characteristics of both paper money and electronic payment”可知,数字人民币结合了纸币和电子支付的特点,故正确答案为C。
2.A。从文章第五段“E-commerce platforms that accept payments via e-CNY will not have access to users’ personal information.”可知,通过限制对个人数据的访问,数字人民币可以保护用户的隐私,故正确答案为A。
3.A。从文章第六段“For electronic payments, the transfer has to go through a third party, and the receivers will get the transferred money only when they withdraw money from banks. But e-CNY transfers only need a payer and a receiver to complete a transaction.”可知,数字人民币比其他电子支付更加便捷,故正确答案为A。

D4 1-3 CAC
1. C。从第二段“Even with that element of nostalgia, however, we struggled until now to justify going back to vinyl.”可知,听黑胶音乐可以带来怀旧的感觉,故正确答案为C。
2. A。从第三段第一句话可知,这两段的主旨为黑胶音乐的体验是特别的,而其特别体现在两点,即本身播放黑胶音乐不像其他音乐只是作为活动的背景,播放黑胶音乐本身就是一种活动,具有仪式感;此外,播放黑胶音乐可以带来强烈的情感体验,故正确答案为A。
3. C。作者写本文的目的主要是与读者分享对黑胶唱片的感受和体验,故正确答案为C。其他选项不是作者写本文的主要目的。

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