



D1 1-4 DCDA 
D2 1-3 BBC
D3 1-4 ABDD
D4 1-3 CCB
D5 1-5 EGACB

D1 1-4 DCDA
1. D。从文中第二段“began in January with the goal of hosting webinars that coach kids through financial assistance, standardized testing and course selection.”可知,他们举办网络研讨会,指导孩子们了解经济资助、标准化测试和课程选择,这些都是跟学生教育相关的一些话题。故正确答案为D。
2. C。通读文章三四五段可知,Mattaka and Thomas基于对自己亲身经历的反思,推己及人,认为自己的经历可以帮助其它学生,其他学生也会信任他们,故正确答案为C。
3. D。从文中倒数第三段“The group was stunned to learn some of their peers were unaware of basic resources.”可知,他们惊讶地发现,他们的一些同龄人不了解一些基本的资源。故正确答案为D。
4. A。通读全文可知,Mattaka and Thomas都是有责任感并且乐于助人的人,故正确答案为A。

D2 1-3 BBC
1. B。根据文章第3段,民族团结、爱国主义和国家发展等话题在网上会收到很多评论和点赞;根据第4段,许多青年认为自己生在这个国家十分幸福幸运;根据第5段,年轻人表示想要为国家做出贡献,可以得出第3-5段主要表达了中国年轻人对于祖国的爱和民族自豪感,故本题选B。
2. B。根据文章第7段“In 2019, when riots related to an extradition bill broke out in Hong Kong, an online community known as Di Bar, comprising young Chinese living around the world, launched a campaign to explain the issue to a global audience and to voice support for the city’s police on digital platforms.”可得Di Bar成立的目的是向世界解释骚乱问题,故本题选B。
3. C。根据文章倒数第2段最后一句“‘The great material improvement can give young people more room for spiritual life.’”以及最后一段最后一句“Now, with China rising to become the second-largest economy in the world, making us roughly on par with the West in many respects, young people’s patriotic sentiment has naturally risen.”可得郭媛媛认为物质生活水平的提高,综合国力的增强,增长了年轻人的爱国热情,故本题选C。 

D3 1-4 ABDD
1. A。从文中第一段“It’s been 50 years since the beginning of this game-changing technology.”可知,条形码已经诞生50年了,故正确答案为A。
2. B。从文中倒数第二段“The unique identification of products at a global level was the key that opened the door to retail as we know it today”可知,条形码推动了零售的发展,故正确答案为B。
3. D。从文中第五段“so the store owner knows there are nine cartons left and manages inventory accurately”可知,通过扫描条形码可以知道某种货物的剩余库存,故正确答案为D。
4. D。通读全文可知,本文主要讲了条形码的发展和它的重要性。故正确答案为D。

D4 1-3 CCB
1. C。第一段到第三段描述了在Plumas County人们相处的场景,比如邮政人员送报时,大家都能亲切的叫他的名字;孩子的老师很可能和你上过同一个学校。这些都表明作者所在的社区联系非常紧密。所以这三段主要描述的是作者生活的社区是什么样子的,答案选C。
2. C。从倒数第四段的大意来看,朋友认为我处在这样一个互相熟悉,相处和睦的社区应该感到感激,因为现在大多数的社区都建立于“通勤者关系”,所以前后属于相对的情况, 人与人相交不深,所以答案为C。
3. B。从最后一段“I am thankful on a daily basis to live and work in a community that is so strong and thank those that have been willing to share their stories.”得知,作者写这篇文章的目的是为了表达在Plumas County生活、工作抱有感激之情。所以答案为B。

第一部分 阅读

1. C。由题干可定位到Chocolate Donuts小节,由段落第一句“Join me and learn how to make this super easy recipe.”可知正确答案为C。
2. D。由题干可定位到Secret Dance Addiction小节,该小节第二个段落“Wear your pajamas.”可知正确答案为D。
3. B。从题干定位到PJ Party和Health and Happiness Workshop两小节,从PJ Party小节的“power of rest”和Health and Happiness Workshop小节中“one will feel light, energetic and enthusiastic”可知它们的共同点是都可以让人放松,故正确答案为B。

4.  B。根据第二段“I realized how separately from my own neighbors I’ve been living.”可知答案为B。A项与文意相反,C、D两项作者在文中均没有提及。
5.  C。此题可定位至文章第三至五段。由第五段最后可知答案为C。A、B两项在文中没有体现,D项May并没有问及作者举办晚会的原因。
6.  B。根据第五段“The mood is friendly”一句可判断答案为B。文章中作者说大家都在分享自己的经历和家庭故事,可知A项错误;C项错在文中没有提及晚会禁止使用手机;D项文中没有提及。
7. A。由文章最后一句“I feel the beginning of a small revolution in my neighborhood”可知A为正确答案。B 、C两项与作者的情绪不符,D项文章中未体现。

8. C。从“… first black leader in the system’s 152-year history.”可知,这一选举对加州大学的体制具有非常大的意义,故选C。根据“… previously headed the Ohio State University and the University of California, Irvine”再加上UC大学可知Drake总共在三所大学参加过竞选,故A不正确;根据“The UC Board approved Drake’s selection”可知董事会十分认同这次竞选结果,因此B不正确。后一句话表述大部分学生都不是白人,因此D错误。
9. D。根据第四段““Michael Drake is a spectacular choice for the University of California,” said Ted Mitchell …”可知他对Drake的当选态度十分积极,因此正确答案为D。A“嫉妒的”、B“漠不关心的”,C“悲观的”均不正确。
10. D。第五段详细地举出了许多Drake在当选之前所取得的成就,如:为不同种族和经济条件的学生创造更多的学习机会;为低收入家庭和处于弱势群体的学生降低学费等等,因此正确答案为D。
11. A。本文全篇主要描写了Drake作为UC大学历史上首任主席赢得竞选这一消息,以及各界对于Drake就职主席的积极态度,和他本人之前的一些丰功伟绩,因此A选项最为贴切。

12. A。由第一段的“However, according to a new study published in the Journal of Consumer Research, sitting and standing also affect how we enjoy food.”以及下文的实验过程与发现可推知,该研究的主要发现是吃东西时的姿势对味觉感知产生影响,故选A。
13. B。由第三段的“Gravity pushes blood to the lower parts of the body, causing the heart to work harder. This increases the heart rate and leads to increased stress hormones (荷尔蒙).”可推知A不对,B正确;由倒数第二段的“Participants were given cups of hot coffee. Those who stood up didn’t think it was so hot.”可以推知C不对,应该是less sensitive;由第五段可推知D不对。
14. C。由第五段关于该实验环节介绍可知,加盐是为了证实吃东西时的不同姿势是否会影响人们对于食物的感受,可推知C为正确答案。
15. A。根据最后一段作者的建议可知作者是认同这一实验发现的,故选A。

第二节 16-20 BEGFA

第二部分 语言运用
21-25 DBACD              26-30  BADDC              31-35 CDACA
21. D。根据下文,Jack没有钱,因此他是贫穷的(poor)农民,故本题选D。A项clever(聪明的)、B项honest(诚实的)、C项kind(善良的)文中均未体现。
22. B。文章二、三段是Jack和Paul的对比,第三段中提到Paul每天夜里确认门窗关好,可以推出,Jack每天夜里都不关(close)门窗,故本题选B。
23. A。根据句意,虽然他没有钱,但是他_____。可得这里应该是与“没有钱”相反的情况,A项at peace(心境平和)、B项at risk(有风险)、C项in control(掌握控制权)、D项in need(在穷困中),可得“心境平和”最符合句意,故本题选A。
24. C。根据句意,on the other hand(另一方面)表示转折,可得Paul是与Jack相反的情况;另外,下文提到Paul每天夜里确保关好门窗,依然睡不好,可得Paul十分焦虑(anxious),故本题选C。
25. D。根据句意,Paul总是____有人会闯进他家里偷钱,aware(意识到)、angry(生气的)、doubtful(怀疑的)、worried(担心),根据上下文,没有人偷Paul的钱,可得本题应选D。
26. B。根据文意,Jack生活轻松愉快,而Paul生活在焦虑之中,因此Paul对Jack应该是羡慕之情(envy),故本题选B。
27. A。根据下文“So,   9   this cash and live in prosperity.”,可得盒子里装的是钱(cash),故本题选A。
28. D。根据文意,Paul非常富有,可得他拥有很多财富(wealth),故本题选D。
29. D。根据原文“So,   9   this cash and live in prosperity.”,Paul让Jack拿走(take)这些钱去过富有的生活,可得本题选D。
30. C。根据下文,“Jack went to bed as usual, but he could not sleep.”Jack像往常一样上床睡觉,但是没有睡着,可得是夜晚(night)到来,故本题选C。
31. C。根据上文,Jack睡不着,关上窗之后,依然不能_____,可得这里应填入睡(sleep),故本题选C。
32. D。根据文意,Jack夜里睡不着,一直盯着装钱的盒子,可得他一晚上都很不安(uneasy),故本题选D。
33. A。根据上下文,Jack回去找到Paul,把_____还给他,Paul给过Jack的只有装钱的盒子,可得还给Paul的应该是盒子(box),故本题选A。
34. C。根据文意,夺走Jack平静的是钱(money),故本题选C。
35. A。根据文意,Jack把钱还给Paul之后会好好睡觉,享受(enjoy)生活,故本题选A。

36. who;        37. the greatest;    38. using;        39. considered/is considered;        40. for;    
41. has been;            42. national;        43. tourists;        44.a;            45. to safeguard

第三部分 写作
第一节(One possible version)
Dear Jonathan,
    I’m so glad to hear from you! Knowing that you’re interested in China’s anti-poverty project, I’m willing to give you a brief introduction of it.
    Thanks to the poverty relief policy, the past few years have witnessed great improvement in people’s living conditions. People in remote and poor areas have benefited from the project. By now, over 700 million people have been lifted out of poverty. In the process, education and professional training have played an important role.
    From my perspective, I’m amazed at and proud of the great achievement brought about by poverty relief work, which is bound to make China more harmonious and prosperous and make her people gain more happiness. I hope this information will be helpful, and I welcome further discussion on it.
Li Hua
第二节 (One possible version)
    One of the waiters came into the kitchen, looking very worried. “The guests are asking for the roast,” panted the waiter, beads of sweat on his forehead. I stared at the charred roast, my mind spinning like an engine. Suddenly, the smoke permeating the kitchen dragged me back to a family dinner, where my grandma conjured a delicious dish from a charred chicken. Letting out an excited scream, I cooked like an artist just the way she did, which finally enabled the waiter to serve the guests with a specially-flavored roast. Heaving a sigh of relief, I gave myself a thumbs-up when he dashed back anxiously with the news.
    One of the guests asked to speak to the chef. My heart skipped a beat. Gulping hard, I followed the waiter, shuffling with a lump in my throat. I was on the verge of tears when I spotted my dear grandma. Much to my surprise and delight, she came specifically to congratulate me on my new job. “See, our little girl has grown into an amazing cook.” She chuckled and patted my cheek gently. As vivid memories of my childhood flashed back, it dawned on me that it was the passion and love behind cooking that made it enduringly charming. With a brand-new outlook, I returned to the kitchen and continued to brighten people’s lives with delicious and satisfying food.

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