



D1 1-3 BCB
D2 1-4 BDAC
D3 1-4 CCAB
D4 1-3 DCB
D5 1-5 BCADA       6-10 BCBDC           11-15 DBAAD

D1 1-3 BCB
1. B。根据文章第2段第1句“Dante Alighieri (1265-1321), known as the ‘father’ of the Italian language, wrote philosophical and political essays, poetry and literature.”可得但丁被称为意大利语之父,作品有哲学和政治学文章,诗歌和文学,故本题选B。
2. C。根据文章第5段“… ‘he wants to show us the route to happiness, the right path to live a fully human life, emerging from the dark forest in which we lose our bearings and the sense of our true worth’…”可得在《神曲》中,但丁想要为我们展示通往幸福的路,过上真正生活的方法等等,即但丁对于人生的思考,故本题选C。
3. B。根据文章最后两段,但丁的《神曲》推动了意大利语的产生,他的作品也为欧洲的思想改革打下基础,在全世界多个领域都产生了重大影响,可以推知《神曲》对于欧洲的文化和思想变化起到了推动作用,故本题选B。

D2 1-4 BDAC
1. B。根据文章第2段最后一句“‘[It was] just entirely made of glass and [had], like, burned soil on the outside of it’ …”可得闪电熔岩主要部分是玻璃,故本题选B。
2. D。根据文章第4段,闪电熔岩中含有磷铁石,其中的磷是DNA和细胞膜形成的重要元素,也是牙齿和骨头形成的重要元素,故本题选D。
3. A。根据文章第5、6段,生命形成于35亿到45亿年前之间,此时撞击地球的陨石较少,而闪电更为普遍,故本题选A。
4. C。根据文章最后一段第2句“Of those, anywhere from 100 million to 1 billion would have struck the ground annually, …”可得当时每年地球要经历1亿到10亿次闪电,故本题选C。

D3 1-4 CCAB
1. C。从第一段“When I was in primary school, I could clearly see that some of my teachers had extraordinary powers.”可知,作者小时候立志当老师,是因为那时候她发现有一些老师拥有“超能力”,故正确答案为C。
2. C。从第四段“As I learned from her, the role of a primary school educator is to teach children, not subjects.”可知,地理老师教会了她一个道理,孩子才是老师需要关注的重点,而不是科目,故正确答案为C。
3. A。从第七段“When I look back, what gives me joy is remembering the children who felt happier in school because I was their teacher.”可知,当看到孩子们因为自己变得更加快乐时,作者自己也是开心的,故正确答案为A。
4. B。从最后一段可知,作者对于成为老师团队的一员感到无比自豪,故正确答案为B。

D4 1-3 DCB
1. D。从文章最后一段“the radioactive water is stored in huge tanks, but the plant’s operator is running out of space, with these tanks expected to fill up by 2022”可知,到2022年,储水装置将不能满足核废水的储存需求,故正确答案为D。
2. C。从文章倒数第二段“Japan’s fishery industry and some local governments strongly oppose the proposal out of concern that consumers would shun seafood caught nearby. The fishery business in Japan has long been affected.”可知,当地一些政府持反对态度的原因是该项举措会影响当地渔业的发展,即当地经济的发展,故正确答案为C。
3. B。文章主要介绍了日本政府欲将核废水排入海洋这一决定及其影响,故正确答案为B。

D5 1-5 BCADA   6-10 BCBDC   11-15 DBAAD
1. B。根据上一句话“Attention from strangers is nothing new to me.”以及下文作者提到自己的身高情况“I accepted early on that I am abnormally tall”,可推知他的身高比较引人注目,很容易成为众人关注的焦点,所以关于人们关于他身高的问题在与他的交流互动里也会很常见,故选B,dominate 在……中占主导地位,在……中具有明显特色。replace 替代;inspire 鼓励;improve 改进,都不符合语境。
2. C。此处对应下一句“I feel that my height has    3    my character”,personality与character为同义词复现。
3. A。这里对应下文的“has helped to define the person I am”,可知这里表示关于身高的问题帮助作者塑造了他的性格,从下文的举例里也能看到这一点,故选A,shape 塑造,决定……的形成。examine 检查,检验;control 控制;challenge 挑战。
4. D。从下文“I accepted early on that I am abnormally tall and    5    in a crowd. It’s just the way it is.”可知作者早就接受了自己身高异常的事实,所以可推知这里表示他学会了如何舒坦地接受自己现在的样子,故选D。
5. A。由“abnormal tall”可推知作者在人群中会比较显眼,故选stand out。
6. B。上文提到了作者欣然接受了自己身高的情况,所以对它再感到难为情就没有必要了,故选B,pointless 无意义的,不值得做的。
7. C。从下文“I had to be extra welcoming and gentle”可推知作者对其他孩子很友善,故选C。
8. B。其他家长觉得作者可能会欺负人,主要是基于他的大高个判断的,故选B。
9. D。这里描述的是作者小时候的事,其他家长认为作者大高个,可能会欺负人,所以他表现得特别小心,即使只是跟小朋友______都非常友好温和。D最符合语境,孩子们在一起最常见的就是一起玩。compete,argue难免会造成冲突,不符合语境。meet with sb指有预约的会面,也不符合语境。
10. C。下文提到“I laugh at myself too”既然是作者也一起跟着笑,说明前面值得是别人也笑了,选项里只有make fun of跟笑有关系,表示“取笑某人”。
11. D。从下文“Amazed”可知这名女孩感到诧异,所以她的眼睛______, 选项里只有D能表达这种情绪,eyes widen 表示眼睛挣得大大的。darken 使暗淡下来;dampen 使潮湿;brighten 使明亮。
12. B。根据空后面的again可知这是一个重复的动作,上文提到了“a girl dropped her books in a hallway”,所以答案选B,表示女孩惊诧得又把书掉地上了。
13. A。女孩盯着作者看,且把作者刚帮忙捡起的书又掉地上了,这让彼此都有点尴尬,所以答案选A。
14. A。上文作者提到了 “I learned how to be    4    in my own skin.” “I learned how to be    7   .”“I developed a sense of lightheartedness.”这些对于作者来说都是人生经验教训,所以此题答案为A。 
15. D。这里对应上文的“I accepted early on that I am abnormally tall”,作者认为要想幸福,第一步是我们要学会接受我们原本的样子。


第一部分 阅读

1. C。从文章第二段“We aim to test whether receiving the text message program with optional health counseling is better at reducing weight and improving health and wellbeing”可知,研究的主要目的是探究该项目是否对青少年有益,故正确答案为C。
2. C。从文章“Eligibility inclusion criteria”中的“Overweight (as defined by the International Obesity Task Force as equivalent to adult BMI 25.0-29.9 kg/m2)”可知,研究对象身体质量指数需达25.0kg/m2及以上,故正确答案为C。
3. C。从文章“Exclusion criteria”中的“On weight loss medications or any medications known to cause weight gain”可知,正在服用减肥药的Jack不能参与该研究,故正确答案为C。

4. B。根据文章“There's never been a quiet moment in our friendship”可知答案为B。根据“Our long weekend together was luxuriously simple.”可知这个周末他们的事情并不多,排除A项;C、D两项文章未提及。
5. D。根据文章“As my long weekend shows, with such friends we don't have to "do", we simply have to "be". We drop the act, the performance, the public version of ourselves.”可知,作者认为和好朋友待在一起很舒服,不用伪装,答案为D,同时排除C项。A项文章未提及;B项与原文意思相反。
6. D。根据文章“worth the extra effort”可知,作者认为长久的友谊需要努力去维护,答案为D,同时排除C项。A项与作者意思相反;B项文章未提及。
7. C。通读全文,作者讲述了自己友谊的同时点明了建立、发展和保持友谊的几个重要因素,答案为C。A、D两项不是文章的主要内容;B项虽然是文章内容,但并非作者写作的主要目的。


8. B。根据文章第四段“explore the lake’s breathtaking beauty and challenge themselves in unpredictable conditions”可知参加马拉松能够欣赏贝加尔湖的美景,因此答案为B。马拉松横跨了贝加尔湖的东西,而非南北,排除A项;C项文章未体现;马拉松距离为约26英里,而非千米,排除D项。
9. C。根据后文“Strong winds blast across the lake and frostbite can occur within half an hour.”可知,当地的风景虽然美,但是条件还是很恶劣的,因此答案为C。其他三项均不符合上下文意思。
10. B。根据倒数第二段“The finish line is visible from the start”可知答案为B。A项文章未提及;C、D两项与文章意思相反。
11. A。根据文章最后一段“he absence of spectators makes the race more challenging because it’s boring”和“You are alone on Baikal, it is your race. You are alone with yourself.”可知,对于Messina来说最大的挑战是跑步时的孤独,答案为A。其他三项Messina均未提及。

12. D。根据文章第四段Researchers, with the aid of computer software, found that self-centered people scored higher on extroversion, but lower than average on the other four traits.可知在五个性格特征里面,四项都低于平均分的人是属于self-centered这个性格类型的,故选D。
13. B。根据文章第五段Members of the reserved group were lacking in openness and extroversion, but were more agreeable and conscientious. These people are usually unwilling to try new things, but are kind and cooperative, according to the study. 可知reserved这种性格的人比较可靠,善良,因此选B。其他选项均和文章的意思相反。
14. C。根据文章第六段People defined as role models scored well in most traits, but were weak in emotional stability.可知role models类型的人情绪稳定性的得分最低,因此选C。
15. D。根据文章最后一句“As people mature and grow, their personality also matures and grows. I think there is a positive message that people mature and they move to more desirable characteristics.”可知随着人变成熟,性格会变得更好,因此选D,同时排除C选项。A选项错在文中说的是self-centered的人主要是男性青少年,而不是说大部分年轻人都是self-centered。B选项错在role-models一般是老年人。

16-20 DBFEA

第二部分 语言运用
21-25 ADBBA    26-30 CDBAB     31-35 ACDCD
21. A。从后文可知,作者在打嗝持续一周之后去了校医院,说明打嗝一直没有停下来,故正确答案为A。
22. D。这句话中的but表示转折,说明医生并没有检查出什么问题,故正确答案为D。
23. B。该空后一句话“They would get worse if my stress levels were up, or if I hadn't had much sleep.”表明了作者打嗝的程度根据压力大小有所变化,故该空正确答案为B。
24. B。从“It was only when I saw them in person that they started to believe me.”可知,原先作者的家人并不相信她,反而觉得她是装的,其他词语义不符合,故正确答案为B。
25. A。直到亲耳听到作者一整晚都打嗝之后,家人才相信这件事情是真的,故正确答案为A。
26. C。医生认为这一切都只是作者的幻觉,但是作者认为这根本讲不通,因为她能切实感受到痛苦和烦恼,make no sense意为“没有道理,讲不通,毫无意义”故正确答案为C。
27. D。因为不停打嗝,作者被赶出了教室,这里只有distracting符合语境,故正确答案为D。
28. B。同上题理,作者不愿意去电影院也是因为打嗝容易吵到其他观影者,故正确答案为B。
29. A。这个问题让作者十分的苦恼,不管是身体上还是心理上,都让她筋疲力尽,故正确答案为A。
30. B。作者停止吃药、喝酒之后,生活回到了正轨,but转折表示打嗝的毛病并没有好转,get together“集合”;go away“离去,走开”;get on“相处;上车”;go through“经历”;故正确答案为B。
31. A。这些年,作者打嗝的毛病并没有好转,期间“她收到了很多不同的_____”,在这里,只有medications“药物”符合语境,故正确答案为A。
32. C。八年后,打嗝的毛病还是没有好全,但是这些药物让打嗝的频率减少了,故正确答案为C。
33. D。在这句话“I feel mentally    13    for going through this, as well as a more patient person.”中可知她打嗝12年,变得越来越耐心,as well as说明   13   应同patient一样是含褒义的词,故正确答案为D。
34. C。作者已经非常习惯打嗝这件事了,就和眨眼睛一样,故正确答案为C。
35. D。作者已然习惯了打嗝,即便她的女儿听到她打嗝的声音还是会笑,此处的逻辑应为让步,故正确答案为D。

36. became         37. through          38. a             39. who                40. including
41. But             42. popularity        43. because/as        44. is challenged        45. that

第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
Dear Rachel,
I’m writing to express gratitude for your visit to Xinhua Middle School last week. Thank you for coming, communicating with us and giving a lecture about how to choose a career.
We learned a lot from talking with and listening to you about the many factors to consider before choosing a future career. Aspects like how our personalities and interests match the requirements of jobs are important, and what major we want to study in college also matters for us at this stage of our life.
It’s been a great pleasure to have you here, and we are looking forward to your next visit in the near future.

Li Hua

Finally, he touched something. A shoe, then an ankle. He pulled Tia toward him. She wasn’t breathing. He lifted her and stood quickly. He fought through the smoke and ran blindly into the blackness. The next thing he knew, he was at the front door, then outside. Michael put Tia down on the ground and helped her breathe again. After coughing, she opened her eyes and took a breath on her own. Their eyes met. “Uncle’s got you.” Soon after, he passed out.
Michael woke up in the hospital a couple of days later. He had suffered severe burns. He spent over a week in the hospital. Tia was released from the hospital after a few days. Two years later, Michael still feels the effects of the fire. He takes extra medication that helps his recovery. “It’s a small price to pay,” he said. “I’d do it again in a heartbeat. Wouldn’t give it a second thought.”

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