




Day 1 1-4 ACDA

1. A。从文中第二段“they seek a chance to escape from their everyday lives”可知答案为A

2. C。从文中第三段“AI serves as an efficient tool to plan trips based on clients’ preferences”可知答案为C

3. D。从文中第四段“Additionally, technology is transforming our dining experiences. A significant number of people are drawn to eating experiences that combine the physical and digital realms (数码的领域), using technologies like virtual reality (VR, 虚拟现实) or augmented reality (AR,增强现实)”可知,美食方面的趋势为将现实体验与虚拟体验结合,故答案为D

4. A。从文中最后一段“They’re using alternative transportation such as coach rides and train trips”可知答案为A


Day 2 1-4 AACD

1. A。通读第二段可知,该段主要写了关于应不应该喂狼开展的辩论,故答案为A

2. A。从文中第四段“the researchers found out that the fatality rate (死亡率) of bottlenose dolphins who ask for food from vessels (船只) is much higher than that of those who seek food by themselves.”可知,向船只要食物的海豚的死亡率比自己找食物的海豚高,故答案为A

3. C。从文中倒数第二段“any diseases and bacteria (细菌) present in the animals may infect those who feed them”可知,动物身上的任何疾病和细菌都可能感染那些喂养它们的人,故答案为C

4. D。从文中最后一段“The best help for them is to report the case to related authorities for professional aid”可知,最好的帮助是报告有关部门,寻求专业援助,故答案为D


Day 3 1-4 BBDC

1. B。通读前两段可知,这两段主要写了作者对于缝纫的热爱,故答案为B

2. B。从文中倒数第三段“And I was now tearing it apart. I felt guilty (内疚的)”可知答案为B

3. D。从文中倒数第二段“You are keeping clothes out of the landfill (垃圾填埋场), and you’re creating new fashions”可知,女儿认为妈妈的行为是一种环保行为,答案为D

4. C。从文中最后一段“by displaying them on a bulletin board in my sewing room”可知答案为C





  •  听力

1-5 CBABB     6-10 BCBAA     11-15 BCCCB     16-20 ABACC



Text 1

M: Hi, Luna, this is Bill.

W: Oh, hi, Bill. You weren’t in art class today, were you?

M: I have the flu. Can I borrow your notes?

W: Sure. I hope you feel better soon.


Text 2

W: Is that a new shirt you’re wearing for the business trip? I don’t remember seeing it before.

M: No, it’s the one that I bought on last year’s holiday. Remember? At the Italian market.


Text 3

M: Hi, Janet, where were you at lunchtime? I was saving a seat for you in the cafeteria.

W: Oh, sorry to miss you. But my thirst for knowledge was greater than my pains of hunger.


Text 4

W: I’ve been reading about a new healthy snack food. It’s made from fish. Have you heard anything about it?

M: No, I haven’t. But I don’t like fish very much anyway.


Text 5

M: You look awful. What happened?

W: I’ve been standing outside for over an hour waiting for a bus. I’m freezing!

M: Over an hour! But I thought your apartment was only a ten-minute walk away.


Text 6

W: Excuse me. Is this the bus going to Bonnyrigg?

M: Yes, it does.

W: Can I have a ticket then, please?

M: That will be $2.30.

W: That’s quite a lot!

M: You’ll be able to travel on all First buses in Zone one all day.

W: OK ... I’ll have the ticket, please. Could you tell me when to get off, please?

M: Where are you going?

W: Park Road.

M: OK. I’ll let you know.

W: Thanks.


Text 7

W: Excuse me. How much is this T-shirt? It looks good on me.

M: It’s £15.

W: Thanks. Do you have it in medium?

M: Let me just check ... Yes, here you are.

W: Great.

M: Can I help you with anything else?

W: Um, yes. Can I see that necklace, please?

M: Yes, just a moment … It’s silver, made in Scotland.

W: It’s very nice. How much is it?

M: It’s £35.

W: It’s a bit expensive, I’m afraid. I’ll just take the T-shirt.

M: OK. That’ll be £15.

W: Here you are.

M: Thanks. Here’s your change.


Text 8

W: Are you OK?

M: I’ve just been talking to my parents. Did I say “talking”? They’ve been shouting at me.

W: What have you been arguing about?

M: You know my 18th birthday is coming up, and I’ve been planning a big party ...

W: Sure, and thanks for your invitation, by the way. I got your text.

M: Well, I’ve been organizing it for ages. And I’ve been doing loads of extra jobs to help pay for it. I’ve really been looking forward to it!

W: So what’s the problem?

M: My parents. They’re the problem! They don’t want me to have a party.

W: What! Why not?

M: They’ve organized a family dinner in a restaurant. Oh, and they’ve invited my cousins, too. You know, the really boring ones!

W: You poor thing!

M: I mean, I’ve been sending out invitations all day. I’ve sent over 50 texts and emails. I’ve set the whole party up – and now this!


Text 9

W: Exercise, exercise, exercise. We hear so much about it these days, yet even the experts can’t agree on which exercises are the best. Now, some doctors are strongly encouraging arm exercises.

M: Arm exercises? Is that because our arms are too fat?

W: Actually, that’s not the main reason. They say that arm exercises are an ideal way to become physically fit.

M: But don’t arm exercises raise your blood pressure?

W: Yes, they do. But the article I read mentioned ways to compensate for that.

M: How?

W: By adding leg exercises, so the arms don’t do all the work. It’s said that the more of the body that is involved in the exercise, the better.

M: And in turn, I’m sure that there is a greater chance of losing weight.

W: Sounds right to me.

M: So, what exercises do the experts recommend?

W: They mentioned quite a few. But some of the most popular ones are cycling with special bicycles that make you use both your arms and legs, and walking while you wear arm weights.

M: I must try that. I like to walk a lot.


Text 10

W: Last class, we talked about different diet cultures all over the world. Today, I will tell you something about the different table manners in different places around the world. Do you know how to behave at the table? And how should we use knives and forks in a formal Western meal?

When having a meal, Europeans usually hold the knife in the right hand, and the fork in the left. They use the knife and fork with both hands and keep them in their hands until they finish eating.

But Americans, on the other hand, may use just one hand whenever possible and keep the other hand on their lap. They use the fork in their right hand to pick up fried potatoes. When they have to cut meat, they change the fork to the left hand and cut it. Then, they put down the knife and change the fork to their right hand to pick up the sliced meat. Then, perhaps, they will suddenly think of their coffee or orange juice. So they have to put down their fork in order to drink the coffee or orange juice. As you can see, Americans are busy at the dinner table.

Europeans usually have their coffee after meals, but most Americans prefer to have coffee during the meal. If you are present at a formal dinner, you might be confused to find many forks, knives and spoons put before you. You might be lost as to what to do with them. But dont worry. Theres a simple rule. You just use them in the order in which they lie – working from the outside in.


第二部分  阅读



21. C。从对Collection Highlights的介绍“An unopened tin of pemmican taken from the hut of the British Antarctic Expedition 1907-09 (Nimrod).”可知,参观者在博物馆中可看到一个多世纪前的一罐干肉饼,故选C

22. D。从对Activities的介绍“Gallery routes: Discover the polar regions with a pack-a-polar suitcase route, an explorer route and other activities for children.”可知,博物馆为游客提供了多个主题的探索线路,故选D

23. B。从对Research Enquiries and Image Permissions的介绍“To request permission to use images of the museum’s collection, please contact the Picture Library at the Scott Polar Research Institute.”可知,联系Picture Library可以得到博物馆藏品照片使用许可,故选B



24. A。由文章前两段可知,Thompson在观看滑翔伞运动员起飞和降落时,表达了自己希望有一天能够尝试滑翔伞的愿望。因此,她的兴趣和好奇心激发了她在80岁时尝试滑翔伞,故选A

25. C。由文章第三段“Although some people get scared while flying, she said she just felt free.”可知,Thompson在第一次尝试滑翔伞时并没有感到害怕,相反,她感到自由,故选C

26. B。由文章倒数第二段Thompson说的话“You are free to do more of the things that you want to do.”可知,Thompson认为年龄的增长让她能做更多自己想做的事情,故选B

27. D。由文章最后一段可知,Thompson并不担心滑翔伞期间可能会摔落的风险,接受可能发生的任何事情,故选D



28. B。由第二段“... crack down on fake reviews and other practices used to mislead consumers.”可知,FTC的规定是为了打击假评论,也就是保证顾客看到的是真实的评论。故选B

29. A。由第四段划线处下文“and which are nonsense”并结合语境可推知,“hold water”应与荒唐的nonsense)的意思相反。结合选项,选项A“可信赖的,符合语境。选项B“偏见的,选项C“官方的,选项D“误导的皆不符合,故选A

30. C。由倒数第二段“... Fashion Nova, LLC to pay $4.2 million to settle allegations”可知,FTC指控Fashion Nova, LLC欺骗消费者,为了解决这一指控,Fashion Nova, LLC不得不交罚款。故选C

31. B。由最后一段内容可知,提议目前还在审查中,故选B



32. D。由文中第二段“When you read a magazine in a car, your eyes will signal to your

brain that the car is not moving. However, your brain will recognize the vibrations and turns that the car makes. This can confuse the mind and make you start to feel sick.”可知,晕车是因为眼睛让大脑认为车是静止的,但同时大脑又能感知到车的移动,即大脑对车运动的感知出现了混乱,故选D

33. A。由文中第三段“As for electric cars, one-pedal driving is often linked to feelings of car sickness ... The deceleration caused by this system is thus more rapid than that of petrol cars, which may lead to motion sickness.”可知,电车由于单踏板的驾驶方式让减速时比油车更急,从而更容易引起晕车,故选A

34. C。由文中第四段首句“Another technological advance that can also be related to car sickness is ...”可知,本段介绍的是另一个与晕车有关的科技发展,故选C

35. C。由文中最后一段“Honda is working on reducing the car’s ‘violent’ acceleration by making changes to the engine”可知,Honda正在研究通过改进引擎来减少车的猛烈加速,即让车的加速更加平稳,故选C


第二节 36-40 CFADG

36. C。本题前句举了一些使用描写天气的表达来描述我们情感的例子,C选项可概括这一内容,且C选项的主语Weather可与后半句的it构成指代关系,提问天气是否会影响我们的心情,引出下文。

37. F。本题前文提出阳光会让人们心情更好的发现,后文则举出人们会更友好、更乐于助人,甚至出去吃饭时会给更多的小费,说明天气会影响我们的行为,故选F

38. A。本段提到研究发现,大学的招生官在cloudy days会更客观,更加看重学术成绩,而在阳光明媚的天气会更注重申请者的非学术品质,A选项能概括本段的主要意思,且Similarly表明了本段与前段的关系,都在说明天气对人们心情的影响,故选A

39. D。本段主要在讲气温对我们心情的影响,D选项能够概括本段大意,且D选项主语Temperature可与后句的it构成指代关系,故选D

40. G。从本题后文介绍的研究结果可知,只有在人们当天在户外待30分钟以上,好天气才会对人们的心情产生积极影响,而好天气甚至会对只能待在室内的人产生消极影响,说明我们只有身处户外,心情才会受到天气的影响,G选项概括了这个意思。


第三部分  语言运用

第一节 41-45 CDBCA 46-50 BADAC 51-55 DBABC

41. C。由上文“Few people I knew had geese.”可知,在当时养鹅并不常见(unusual)。

44. D。联系上文和由转折词but可知,我们在一小块土地上养了(kept)几只鹅。

43. B。由上文“I was proud of her”和下文可知,的生日派对和鹅一起过的,和别人不一样,在这点上,最为自豪(proud)。

44. C。由上文“birthday parties”并联系下文可知,的生日庆祝方式(celebrations)和其他朋友的都不一样。

45. A。由上文“... we would collect grass and return to my garden ...”可推知,我们收集了很多草带到花园里去喂(feed)鹅。

46. B。联系上下文可知,一些大人会害怕这些鹅,而孩子们则不像大人一样会感到害怕(scared)。

47. A。由下文并结合选项可推知,大人害怕这些鹅是有原因(reason)的。

48. D。由下文“I would turn and they would stop, as if they had run into a cartoon wall.”可知,鹅之前会在后面追着跑(chased)。

49. A。由上文“I would turn and they would stop ...”可知,建议朋友在被鹅追时,要正面面对(face)它们。

50. C。联系下文可知,Cackles因为吓到人被带走了(taken away)。

51. D。由语境及下文可推知,因为自己喜欢的Cackles被带走,所以感到很生气(angry)。

52. B。由上文“She had chased a woman down the road. ”可推知,责怪那个女人为什么会被鹅追着跑(run)。

53. A。由下文可知,Cackles因为追人事件不得不离开(go)。

54. B。由上文并结合语境可知,Cackles的离开让很伤心(heartbroken)。

55. C。由下文并结合选项可推知,的父亲向承诺(promisedCackles会被送到农场开心地生活,故选C



56. have used; 57. that; 58. essential; 59. documented; 60. physician; 61. where; 62. in;

63. stimulating; 64. included; 65. widely


第四部分  写作

第一节(One possible version

Hi Jim,

I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been feeling exhausted recently. I totally understand how stressful studies can be, so I want to give you some suggestions to help you relax.

When I’m in a similar situation, I find it helpful to focus on a few key strategies. First, going for a jog can improve your mood and reduce feelings of anxiety. Second, practicing meditation (冥想) can help to calm your mind. It’s very useful for me. Third, don’t forget to engage in hobbies you enjoy; they can offer a pleasant escape from stress.

Just remember, it’s important to discover what works best for you. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need more support.


Li Hua

第二节(One possible version

Four months later, the big night arrived. Despite my long-time battle with low self-confidence, nervousness still seized me in front of so many people. Taking a deep breath, I regained my calmness and stepped onto the stage while familiar lines of my speech began to whirl (打转) in my mind. And when I was about to start, I caught sight of Aunt Ginette, and, surprisingly, my dad, who unexpectedly took the time to come to watch, looking at me with expectation. Filled with energy, I wore a big smile and poured out every sentence with fluency. No sooner had I finished the speech than I received a warm applause. With joy, I quickly rushed down to greet my father.

When I saw my father’s face, his eyes were glowing (发光) – he was so proud. His previous critical words were replaced by an excited “congratulations” along with a rarely-seen thumbs-up. Tears filled his eyes, seemingly reflecting complex emotions. Next to him, my aunt’s face lit up with a warm and comforting smile, reminding me of everything that I had gone through. Through their proud expressions, I could tell that it was the effort of us all, either visible (可见的) or invisible, that drove me to the destination where my shyness had disappeared.



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