




Day 1 1-4 AABD  

Day 2 1-3 AAD 

Day 3 1-4 DBAC



Day 1 1-4 AABD

1. A。从文中第二段“is to make it a long-term commitment”可知,可持续生活是一种长期承诺,因此可推测on a whim的含义与a long-term commitment是相反的,故答案为A

2. A。从文中第三段“Buying fruit regardless of how they look reduces food waste”可知A

3. B。从文中倒数第三段“Visitors can witness how the PHA straws degrade into a thin layer in just one month”可知答案为B

4. D。从文中最后一段“now uses her cup everytime she buys a coffee”可知答案为D


Day 2 1-3 AAD

1. A。从文中第But taking a low-Earth orbit spacecraft with so much mass to such a high place ...知,国际空间站目前是处于近地的轨道上

2. A。从文中第四段“But taking a low-Earth orbit spacecraft with so much mass to such a high place would be extremely costly. And even if the station were to be abandoned there, once it fell apart, great chances are its debris (碎片) would crash into other satellites, creating a ripple effect (连锁反应) of space debris”可知,理论上,NASA可以将国际空间站送入墓地轨道,但由于将质量如此巨大的低地球轨道航天器送入如此高的轨道将是非常昂贵的。而且,即使将空间站遗弃在那里,一旦它分崩离析,其碎片极有可能撞击其他卫星,引发太空碎片的连锁反应,故答案为A

3. D。从文章倒数第二段“the safest way to retire the ISS is to guide its descent into the southern Pacific Ocean.”可知,最安全的退役方式是引导国际空间站降落到南太平洋,故答案为D


Day 3 1-4 DBAC

1. D。从文中第1段作者对高中时代最后一天的回忆的描写及一些细节如“roaming the

halls”、“swinging my feet”、“shooting the breeze”可知,作者这一天过得是非常放松的,故答案为D

2. B。从文中第3段作者对“峰终定律”的解释及“when it comes to human memory, not all moments are created equal”、“our remembered experiences are disproportionately influenced by peaks and endings”、“our judgment of a past experience is largely based on its most extreme point and its endpoint.”可知,我们对过去的经历和记忆的感受大部分取决于最高点时和结束时的记忆,即这两个时候的记忆最为深刻,故答案为B

3. A。从文中第4段“I took advantage of the peak-end rule years ago ...”及随后作者介绍的她和孩子在一起的事情可知,本段讲述了作者是如何将“峰终定律”运用到自己生活中的,故答案为A

4. C。从文中最后1段作者举例的体育教练Pete Carroll说的话可知,作者提到他是为了鼓励读者精心安排生活中的各种结束时刻,“Finish strong”,以留下更深刻的美好记忆,故答案为C




1-5 BCACB   6-10 BACBB   11-15 AACCA   16-20 AABCC

Text 1

M: Ive lost my glasses; I can’t see clearly. Can you help me find my earphone?

W: Sure, here it is. It was next to your cup on the table.

Text 2

W: We don’t need to work overtime this weekend, and I want to do some exercise in the gym. Do you want to join?

M: I used to be a gym rat, but now I like jogging in nature. Running is not only a form of exercise but also a lifestyle.

Text 3

M: I’m really stressed. My boss wants a lot from me, and Ive got two projects I havent finished yet, and theyre due soon.

W: Thats tough. Is there anything I can do?

M: I dont think anyone else can assist. I just need someone to chat with to ease my mind.

Text 4

W: Eric, the bathroom light bulb burned out.

M: Really? Luckily, we have a spare one. Let me tell you how to replace it. It’s very simple.

W: Its not urgent. Lets wait till you get home to do it.

Text 5

W: Good afternoon, sir. What can I do for you?

M: I want to have my shirt washed. Should I leave it outside my room?

W: No, please leave it inside. Our room attendant will collect it. There is a laundry bag in your rooms closet. You can put your shirt in it.

Text 6

W: How do you like your new job, Dylan?

M: I don’t like it. Twenty of us work in one room. So it’s very noisy and there’s no privacy. We don’t even have our own desks.

W: You’ve got to be kidding.

M: No, I only have a very small place for my computer and telephone. I’d love to quit, but the job offers a high salary. And I really need the money.

W: Have you thought about looking for another job with more decent conditions?

M: I have. I can’t imagine working here much longer.

Text 7

M: Tomorrow is my mom’s birthday, but I haven’t bought her anything. I’m such a bad son.

W: Take it easy. Let’s go to the mall to window-shop a little and see if there is anything she might like.

M: That’s just it. I don’t know what to get her. Last year, I got her a ring that was two sizes too big. I’m not good at getting presents for people.

W: That’s where you’re making a big mistake. You can’t just guess people’s likes or sizes, especially with clothes or jewelry. On top of that, you should be thoughtful with your gift, and get her something that shows how much you love her.

M: Yeah, you’re right. When it comes down to it, I have bad taste.

W: Your mom is trying to learn Spanish, right? Why don’t you get her a membership card for that great app called Spanishpod, where she can read Spanish books and watch Spanish TV series?

M: Oh, that’s a great idea.

Text 8

W: I’m going on a long road trip. I want to make sure my car is in good condition.

M: Good idea. When was the last time you had a tune-up?

W: I think it was six months ago.

M: We usually recommend car maintenance every five thousand kilometers or every three months.

W: Why is it necessary to tune up so often? Isn’t it a business trick?

M: We change the motor oil and oil filter. If you don’t, your car will wear out faster. We also check your spark plugs and brakes.

W: I see. It doesn’t seem like a waste of time and money then.

Text 9

W: Hey John, can I talk to you for a minute?

M: Sure, what’s up?

W: I wanted to let you know about a book club I joined a couple of months ago. I know you do a lot of reading, so I thought you might want to come with me next month.

M: Oh, that sounds like fun. When does the group meet?

W: Usually, it is the last Saturday of the month at 9:30 in the evening. Is that too late for you?

M: No, I think it’s OK. What do you talk about in the group?

W: Well, every month we choose a new book and then during the next meeting we discuss it. We have already finished discussing The Da Vinci Code.

M: What book are you reading now?

W: The Kite Runner. And The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry is on the waiting list.

M: That sounds really interesting. I’d love to come.

W: OK, great. The next meeting will be in five days, so you’d better read the book quickly.

M: OK! I’ll go to the bookstore first.

Text 10

W: Almost all states in America have a state fair. The Indiana State Fair is one of the largest and oldest state fairs in the US. It has been held every summer since 1852. It aimed to educate, share ideas and present Indiana’s best products. During the early 1930s, officials of the fair ruled that people could attend by paying 10 cents or with something other than money. For example, farmers brought a bag of grain in exchange for entry. But now, money is the only thing accepted and the cost of a single ticket is 20 cents.

People from all over Indiana and from many other states attend the fair. They can do many things at the fair. They can watch the judging of the prized cows, pigs and other animals. They can see sheep getting their wool cut. They can watch cows giving birth. The fair provides a chance for the farming community to show its skills and farm products. For example, visitors might see the world’s largest apple or the tallest sunflower plant. Today, children and adults at the fair can play new computer games or attend more traditional games of skill. There are also many famous entertainers performing at the fair.

Experts say the fair is important because people need to remember that they are connected to Earth and its products and they depend on animals for many things.





21. B。从首段“As a famous painter of the Italian Baroque period”可知,Artemisia Gentileschi的艺术风格属于Baroque

22. C。根据题干中的painting animals可迅速定位到介绍Rosa Bonheur的段落中“paintings that featured animals”,故选C

23. D。通读全文可发现四位女画家都是从小在艺术环境中成长起来的:“Early on, she was in her fathers workshop mixing paints ...”、“She received artistic training while acting as her fathers assistant from a very young age”、“Rosa Bonheurs father was a painter.”、“Berthe Morisot had art running through her veins”,故选D



24. C。根据文章... for her research on the removal of carbon dioxide and oil products from the ocean”和第二段“In her research, Park developed a method to remove these contaminants (污染物).可知Naomi Park因她的海洋环境清洁设备获奖,故选C

25. B根据文章第三I never realized that I would get to this point.可知,Park在获得奖项时表示:我从未想过我会达到这个地步,这表明她对获奖感到意外,超出了她的预期,故选B

26. C根据文章第五段可知,Park之所以关注环境问题是因为她亲眼目睹了气候危机对当地的影响,这表明她的动力来自于观察到她所在地区的变化,故选C

27. A。根据文章最后一段“We think we know it all, and we think we can fix it ... All they have is creativity and an open mind about the problem and the possible solutions”可知,成年人认为自己已经知道一切并且能够解决问题,而年轻的科学家则具有创造力和对问题和可能的解决方案持开放态度,因此"biases" 一词指的是成年人常常持有的“偏见”,故选A



28. C。根据文章第三段可知,添加白灯的目的是向人类司机发出信号,自动驾驶车辆正在智能地管理即将到来的交通流量,司机可以跟着前面的车辆行驶,故答案为C

29. C。根据文章第四段可知,引入自动驾驶车辆可以减少堵在路上的时间,故答案为C

30. D。根据文章第六段“ High-precision (高精度) maps are needed for autonomous vehicles to plan routes in detail. They can provide both updated information on traditional maps and real time changes, such as accidents.”可知,高精度地图的功能之一是提供路面状况的实时信息,故答案为D,易错项B为自动驾驶车辆规划路线是导航系统的功能,而非高精度地图的功能,高精度地图可以赋能系统实现路线规划,其自身无法实现这一功能。

31. B。通读文章倒数第三段和倒数第二段可知,倒数第二段的例子是为证明导航系统和网络即基础设施在自动驾驶车辆中的实际应用,故答案为B



32. D。由第一段“Despite the fact that parrots are well known for their long lives and complex cognition (认知), it remains unknown whether the two traits have inluenced each other.”可知,尽管鹦鹉以其长寿和复杂的认知能力而闻名,但仍不清楚这两个特征是否相互影响,这也是研究的主题,故答案为D

33. C。由文章第三段“compile data from over 130,000 individual parrots”和第四段“The analysis revealed an astonishing diversity in life expectancy”可知,实验收集超过13万只鹦鹉的数据并通过分析揭示了鸟类寿命的惊人差异,故答案为C

34. C。由文章第五段“Their results support the theory that increased brain size has enabled longer lifespans.”可知,研究结果说明脑容量的增加使寿命更长,故答案为C

35. D。由文章最后一段“In the future, the team plan to explore if sociality and cultural learning in parrots might have also contributed to long lifespans.”可知,研究小组计划探索鹦鹉的社会性和文化学习是否也有助于延长寿命,是一项在现有研究基础上的进一步研究,故答案为D



36-40 CDEBG

36. C。从后文“the other person will focus on the more interesting parts of your conversation rather than the small talk itself”可知,只有在把small talk做好的情况下,对方才会关注你们谈话中更有趣的部分,而不是闲聊本身,故答案为C

37. D。从这段的小标题“Devices down”可知,D选项中put your devices away与小标题契合,故答案为D

38. E。从下文““Wow, I haven’t seen you in three years,”repeat back, “Three years? Has it been that long?””可知,这是一种repeat what someone just told you的行为,故答案为E

39. B。从下文中“When you ask about the person you’re speaking to, ask open-ended questions.”可知,这段主要讲了要问开放式问题,B选项Ask open questions最符合语境,故答案为B

40. G。从前文中“Your positivity shows you’re paying attention and also makes them feel valued and respected”可知,你的积极态度表明你在关注他们,也让他们感到被重视和尊重,这样就可以和别人建立良好的人际关系,故答案为G




41-45 CDBBD 46-50 BACBA 51-55 CDBAC

41. C。由语境及常识可知,Jackson患有自闭症,会对日常生活中的事物很敏感(sensitive to everyday things)。其他选项不符合语境,故选C

42. D。由下文“... taking him to the barber”及语境可推知,带Jackson剪头发(get a haircut)是最困难的事情。选项D符合语境,故选D

43. B。由下文“We went almost two years with no haircuts.”及语境可知,Erinna决定停止(stop)带Jackson去理发店剪头发,故选B

44. B。由上文“We went almost two years with no haircuts.”可推知,Jackson已经两年没理发了,所以人们总说他的头发太长了(long),故选B

45. D。由上文及语境并结合选项可知,Erinna听到别人谈论Jackson的头发会变得很情绪化(emotional),故选D

46. B。由下文可知, Ree是个理发师(barber),故选B

47. A。由语境以下文倒数第四段内容“... cutting at a slow pace.”可推知,ReeJackson剪头发时剪得很慢(slowly),故选A

48. C。由下文内容可推知,2022有一天他们去剪头的时候,出了岔子(go wrong),故选C

49. B。由上文“We got caught in traffic. He left his headphones. We hadn’t had lunch.”可知,那天去剪头的时候发生了很多不幸(unfortunate)的事,故选B

50. A。由下文“He started running around the shop.”可推知,Jackson拒绝(refused)坐在理发店的椅子上,故选A

51. C。由下文“... call it a day ...”“到此为止并结合选项可推知,Erinna本想放弃(give up)这次理发的,故选C

52. D。由语境可知,理发师Ree鼓励Erinna再等等(wait)。其他选项不符合语境,故选D

53. B。由下文“... can we go back tomorrow and play again ...”可推知,在Ree的引导下,剪头对Jackson来说变成了一场游戏(game),故选B

54. A。由下文“...can we ... play again及语境可推知,Jackson觉得剪头很开心(happy),故选A

55. C。由语境并结合选项可知,理发师Ree的做法对Erinna来说有很大意义(It meant a lot to ...),故选C



56. is played; 57. but/yet; 58. into; 59. shown; 60. popularity;

61. passionate; 62. have spent; 63. that/which; 64. a; 65. contributing



第一节One possible version

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Li Hua. I’m writing to recommend myself as a candidate for the chairman of the English drama club.

First, equipped with fluent English and a good knowledge of drama from my previous experience as an actor, I have no difficulty in communicating with others in English, and I know exactly what is expected as a leader of the club. Second, I’ve been working in student organizations for a while, so I’m quite familiar with the daily routines and experienced in coordinating and organizing. Last and most importantly, I’m enthusiastic about drama and eager to take responsibility as a reliable chairman, contributing to the development of English drama. Should I have the opportunity to serve the club, I will lead it to the best of my ability.

I would appreciate it if you could take my application into consideration, and I look forward to your reply.


Li Hua


第二节One possible version

My stomach churned (翻腾) and my knees felt weak. What would Mrs Eiffler do to me? “Quick, let’s get some wet paper towels,” said Judy, springing into action. After rubbing (), my name still remained. “I think I saw a can of cleanser by the sink in the coat room,” I said as I raced to find it. Time was passing. We rubbed and my name came off all right, but in the process of removing it, we left an abrasion (磨损) on the chalkboard.

The footsteps of Mrs Eiffler came down the hall. We dried the chalkboard as much as we could with more paper towels and fanned (扇风) it with a book. We were just moving back to our desks as the bell rang and the other students began entering the room. The teacher walked in just after. Mrs Eiffler never asked about the abrasion and maybe never noticed it. But I did. Every time I walked past the chalkboard, I remembered. The lesson I learned that day is one I would never forget. “No one will ever know” is never true. Even if no one else found out, I knew. Sometimes feeling guilty is punishment enough.


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