





Day 1 1-4 DBAC

Day 2 1-3 CBC

Day 3 1-4 BAAC




Day 1 1-4 DBAC

1. D。从文中第二段“Skateboarding is a form of self-expression”可知答案为D

2. B。从文中第五段“The most important thing for a skateboarding instructor is to ensure students’ safety”可知答案为B

3. A。从文中倒数第二段“But they need to know that they can fail time and time again, but they’ll eventually get it”可知,他希望学生们可以从失败中学习,故答案为A

4. C。从文中最后一段“With the increasing popularity of skateboarding in China”可知,有越来越多的人参与到滑板运动中,因此他对滑板教练的未来很看好,故答案为C


Day 2 1-3 CBC

1. C从文中第三段“Harmony is the core principle of the integration of Tibetan and modern dance elements”可知,和谐是藏族和现代舞蹈元素融合的核心原则,强调了西藏街舞是在追求和谐的原则下,将传统舞蹈与现代街舞元素巧妙融合的艺术创作故答案为C

2. B。从文中第五段“The previous generations of my people led free and adventurous lives on the mountains in hard times. I feel like I'm sharing the same spirit of adventure every time I get down on the floor and perform challenging moves”可知,Tenzin Jigme继续跳街舞的动力来自他祖先的精神故答案为B

3. C文章主要围绕Wootsang舞团的发展历程、成就和成功经验进行叙述,因此作者的主要目的是记录一个舞团的成长和成功。


Day 3 1-4 BAAC

1. B。从文中第二段“Hes doing it to raise money for Hope for Justice, the anti-human trafficking (非法交易), anti-modern slavery (蓄奴) charity of which he is the international

communications manager.”可知,Robinson进行每日马拉松挑战是为了为Hope for Justice筹集资金,故答案为B

2. A。从文中第三段“encountering the same people and having similar conversations every

day on his run”可知,Robinson描述他的经历类似于电影《土拨鼠之日》,在跑步过程中每天都会遇到相同的人和进行类似的对话,故答案为A

3. A。通读文章第四至六段可知,第4-6段主要描述了Robinson在每日跑步中所面临的挑战,包括他的身体适应、体重变化、跑鞋磨损等方面,以及他为使这段旅程更有趣而采取的各种策略,强调了他的坚持和耐力,故答案为A

4. C。由文章倒数第二段“Robinsons dogs play a crucial role in his motivation, and he would pause if they showed signs of not enjoying the daily marathons. However, they continue to love running alongside him.”可知,Robinson的狗为他提供动力,如果它们表现出不喜欢跑步的迹象,他就会停下来。然而,它们仍然喜欢和他一起跑步。








1-5 ACACB  6-10 BAABB  11-15 ACCCB  16-20 AACBC


Text 1

M: Jenny, Do you live alone in New York?

W: No. My mother has moved from Boston to accompany me since my father died. And my brother occasionally visits and stays a couple of days.

Text 2

W: Hello, George. What’s your plan for the coming vacation? We’re going on vacation to Japan and leaving on Saturday.

M: Really, that’s in three days time.

W: Yes. We’re ready, and we’ll be back next Friday.

Text 3

M: Where are you going?

W: I’m going to the pharmacy. I have a headache.

M: I’m afraid the pharmacy is closed at this time. But don’t worry, I have some medicine at home you can have.

Text 4

W: Excuse me, how much would it be if I parked here for an hour and ten minutes?

M: Twenty yuan, Madam. The parking fee per hour here is 10 yuan an hour, and we charge by the number of hours.

Text 5

M: My cat caught a bird and nearly killed it.

W: How bold of the bird to get so close to your cat’s head.

M: I pulled it from my cat’s mouth and set it free. Fortunately, it survived. Thank goodness.

Text 6

W: I can’t find my phone.

M: Oh no. Was it stolen?

W: No. I think it might have slipped out of my pocket when I was in the library.

M: Is there anything I can do for you?

W: Can I borrow your phone? I want to call the library and ask if anyone has seen it.

M: No problem. It’s in my car. I’ll go get it now. I’ll be right back.

Text 7

M: Jenny, are you going back to China after you graduate?

W: I’ll probably go back to Shanghai and try to find a job.

M: What job would you like to have?

W: I’m not sure. Maybe an English translator or something.

M: That would be cool. I also want to be a translator, but I don’t have confidence in my English.

W: You are too modest. Actually, your English is better than mine.

M: Thank you for the praise. But I know my English best. Let’s try our best!

Text 8

W: Hey Michael, I’m tired. Would you mind driving for a while?

M: Sorry, I would like to, but I don’t know how to drive.

W: Really? I thought everyone had a license.

M: No, I’ve lived in cities all my life, and when I’m at home, I usually take the subway or bus.

W: I see. Do you think you’ll learn to drive in the future?

M: Yes. I plan to buy a car next year. Most people need a car in the US, right?

W: Actually, now that I think about it, a lot of people in cities here take the bus also.

M: Well, I’d like to travel more. I’ve been here for a few months already and I feel like I haven’t seen anything yet.

W: How are you going to learn? Do you want me to teach you?

M: No, I wouldn’t want to trouble you. I’ve already signed up for a class near my house. It starts next month.

Text 9

W: Hi, John! Do you know the Laogao Channel on YouTube? It’s very popular now.

M: Yeah. I like it. I have followed his channel for three years. I’m a fan of it. Unlike some Youtubers who attract us only by eye-catching titles, Laogao attracts people with his informative content and original ideas. He doesn’t intentionally cater to the taste of the viewers; he starts from his personal inspirations.

W: The videos he makes are extensive. But no one knows how many fans he has because he doesn’t show the number.

M: Most of his videos have more than 10 million views. So, I guess he probably has the same number of fans.

W: Oh. A big internet celebrity. He really is something.

M: Diligence brings luck. A good dog deserves a good bone.

Text 10

W: The Hope Festival is a not-for-profit music festival supporting different charities each year. It is a celebration of love and life and originally started 30 years ago as a wedding party. Today, it is an energetic festival in which you grab some great food, listen to live music and enjoy camping. The Hope Festival has over 70 live acts across three music stages: the Main Stage, the Windmill-Inn Bar Stage and the most popular stage, the Festival Folly Stage, which hosts the Got Talent competition. There is also a Kids Workshops Tent for the kids to make costumes for themselves and attend the Fancy Dress Kids Procession.

The Hope Festival officially starts at 12 noon on Friday, but you can arrive any time during the day. If you would like an extra night in a tent, you can arrive on Thursday afternoon and pay $15 per person for camping. The price of the Hope Festival is $45, and the tickets are available to purchase online up to 30 days before the event. If you want to buy tickets at the venue, it will cost an extra $10.


第二部分 阅读



21. C。从对Rosetta Stone的介绍“its lessons include reading, writing, speaking and listening, all in one lesson”可知,Rosetta Stone有助于提高多项语言技能,故选C

22. C。从对Babbel的介绍“Babbel is excellent at teaching phrases and words that you’ll actually use on a day-to-day basis.”可知,Babbel的课程关注真实生活中的话题,故选C

23. B。从对Memrise的介绍“good for those who already have a foundation in language-learning”以及对Duolingo的介绍“Many consider Duolingo to be better for those who want to practice a language rather than learn from the very beginning.”可知,MemriseDuolingo都更适合有一定基础的语言学习者,故选B


24. C。由第一段“to force myself to appear ‘normal’”可知,作者通常会假装自己是没有自闭症的正常人,故答案为C

25. B。由第三至四段段意可知,有些人嘴上说支持自闭症人群,但当自闭症患者表现与正常人不同时,他们并没有做出支持。因此作者认为自闭症人群需要真正的理解和关照,故答案为B

26. D。由最后一段“more denial than it is complimentary”可知,当作者被称为不像自闭症的人时,感到被冒犯了,故答案为D

27. A。结合全文可知,作者通过自身的体会,呼吁大众关爱自闭症患者,不管他们有没有明显表现出自闭症的症状,故答案为A


28. D。从第三段“Motivated by nostalgia for his ancestors’ land”可知,他修复村庄的原因是出于对祖先土地的怀念,故选D

29. A。从第四段“a long and complicated process made more difficult by the fact that emigration had scattered them across the world”可知,村民移民到了世界各地,所以找到他们格外艰难,故选A

30. B。从倒数第二段“The 2,500-square-meter village now hosts a small cultural center and conference room for meetings.”可知,现在村庄有会议室,结合全文可知村庄发展农业,因此推知人们能在这里举办与农业有关的会议,故选B

31. C。通读文章最后一段可知,他希望这个村庄成为所有那些想回到意大利寻根的意大利裔苏格兰人的重要中心,即他想要帮助他们,故选C


32. D。从文中第2“... they usually only work at very low temperatures, around -200 C. It makes them difficult to produce and use.”可知,超导体通常很难应用的原因是它们的工作温度非常低,故答案为D

33. C。从文中第3“It was rather a magnetic material that has some characteristics of superconductors”可知,截至2023年八月中旬,研究人员认为LK-99是一种带有超导体性质的磁性物质,并不是超导体,故答案为C

34. C。文中第5-6段主要讲述了超导体的优势——能够提升能源的利用效率,并列举了其在电力运输、手机充电、电动汽车等方面应用的好处,故答案为C

35. D。从文中最后1“The problem of energy should be considered first, rather than just creating better technology.”可知,周鸿祎认为相比发展新科技,更应该优先考虑解决能源问题,故答案为D



36-40 FBCGE

36. F。第一段主要介绍了AQ是什么,因此设空处应当是对AQ的定义性说明或解释性说明,选项中唯有F是关于AQ的定义性说明,故选F

37. B。从另外两个小标题可知,本题选择名词短语,可将范围缩小至AB两项。由“a creature that cannot adapt to changing circumstances ... An employee who refuses to adapt to great changes ...”可知,本段强调对变化的适应能力,故选B

38. C。由末句“The ups and downs of life will not crush them.”可知,生活的起落不会压垮他们,即他们能够适应环境的变化,是与前文提及的拒绝调整自己适应变化的员工相对立的另一种人,故选C

39. G。此段主要讲述了情绪控制对人的影响,强调人情绪控制能力在面对逆境时的重要性。故选G

40. E。此段主要讲述了高AQ的人更倾向于以一种积极的视角看待生活,故选E,强调了他们积极的品质在面对批评时也一以贯之。


第三部分 语言运用


41-45 DBACB 46-50 CCBAD 51-55 ABCAD

41. D。前句介绍了Lauren去年在食品募捐活动上发现都是些没有营养的罐装食品,结合后文Lauren种菜捐菜的行为可知,她是决心要做出改变(make a change)。

42. B。从后面Lauren的父母“who provided her with half an acre of land”可知,父母给她提供了土地,说明非常支持(support)她的想法。

43. A。结合“half an acre of land”及后文介绍的管理菜园的过程可知,Lauren自己种植(grew)了蔬菜然后捐赠给需要帮助的人。

44. CLauren因为以前从来没有过管理(managing)菜园的经验所以开始学习农学和园艺。

45. B。从前文Lauren学习农学和后文她的辛勤劳作可知,她对待种菜这件事十分认真,全身心投入,put one’s heart into sth为固定搭配短语。

46. C。从后面这个组织给Lauren提供资金(which awarded her a small grant)可知,Lauren的行动引起了这个组织的注意(attention),所以他们给Lauren提供支持。

47. C。结合种菜的情境可知,组织给Lauren提供的资金是用于种菜相关的用品(supplies)和种子的支出。

48. BLauren每天花两三个小时在菜园里浇水除草,dedicate sth to (doing) sth意为将(时间、精力等)投入、奉献于某事,符合句意。

49. A。从后面Lauren收获了蔬菜并捐赠出去可知,她种菜的努力很快获得了回报、带来了好结果(paid off)。

50. D。从第一段最后“... gave it all away to local food banks and non-profits”可知,Lauren种出了蔬菜之后将它们全部捐赠(donating)了出去。

51. ALauren觉得需要新鲜蔬菜的人通过她的努力和善举得到了蔬菜,结合后文她扩大种植规模继续种菜捐菜的行为可知,这件事应该是让她感到很振奋,鼓舞了她(encouraging)。

52. B。结合上段中“15 types of veggies”及本题后“20 different species”可知,Lauren扩大(expanded)了她种植的蔬菜种类。

53. C。从后文Lauren妈妈说的话可以推知,她应该是为Lauren感到很自豪的(proud)。

54. ALauren从一开始完全不懂种菜到最后获得成功付出了很大努力,她是真的选择专注于(focus on)农学的。

55. DLauren不但钻研农学,更是将所学投入实践,真正地帮助(assisting)到了有需要的人。



56. to 57. houses 58. visiting 59. has become 60. the

61. filled 62. satisfying/satisfactory 63. recommendation 64. spiritual 65. who


第四部分 写作

第一节(One possible version

Dear Jim,

Hope this letter finds you well. I’m Li Hua, captain of the ping-pong team of Hongxing Middle School. We are more than delighted to receive your invitation, and it’ll be a privilege for us to attend the match in Beijing.

As it will be an away game for our team, we would like to get some more information. First of all, could you please send us a detailed schedule for the three-day activity? We’d like to know how many rounds of game there will be, and how long a break we’ll have between two rounds. We are also interested in whether accommodation will be provided. If needed, we can offer the name list and ID numbers of the team members for reservation. By the way, a brief introduction to the transportation from and to the court would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again for the invitation and looking forward to your reply. Hope the match will be held successfully.


                                                                                                  Li Hua

第二节(One possible version

Then Gail’s first birthday after the transplant was drawing near and she got an idea. She called Paul and invited him to her birthday party. When he refused, she got mad. “You’ve given me a second life. How can you refuse to come to my birthday party? It would be meaningless without you,” she yelled at Paul. Amazingly, Gail’s words worked! Paul knew she was talking to him from the bottom of her heart. So he accepted the invitation and they finally met at Gail’s birthday party.  

Their friendship started after the birthday party. Now, they meet every few weeks, sharing each other’s concerns, feelings and experiences. And they spare no effort to offer help whenever one of them is in trouble. “I found someone I didn’t know who was willing to give this precious gift. How could I not be his friend?” said Gail. “I lost a kidney, but I gained a true friend. It’s worth it,” said Paul, laughing at the memory. No doubt, it is love and great kindness that create true friendship between the two strangers.






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