




Day 1 1-3 CDD

Day 2 1-3 DCC

Day 3 1-4 BACD

Day 4 1-4 BCDC

Day 5 1-5 ABADC 6-10 ABCCA 11-15 DBCDD



Day 1 1-3 CDD

1. C。从文章2“Nothing else would warrant standing in line for hours”可知,Wang Jie认为没有什么比排队几个小时(看莫奈画展)更值得的了,故答案为C

2. D。从文章3“By bringing color and light to the forefront of the image, it looked starkly different from other artwork at the time, ...可知,《日出·印象》中运用了色彩和光影来呈现风景,和当时其他作品非常不一样,所以让艺术界震惊,故答案为D

3. D。从文章最后1“In being the first artist to consciously decide to put onto canvas his own experiences, Monet opened up a whole new world of art, paving the way for other innovative artists可知,莫奈将个人体验融入画作,开创了一种新的画风艺术世界更多元化了,故答案为D


Day 2 1-3 DCC

1. D文章第2“Dating back to 6000 BC, it is the oldest discovered craft indicating the image of a dragon.”可知,这条龙形工艺品是目前发现的最古老的龙形艺术品,故答案为D

2. C文章第4“He explained that when a dominant snake-worshipping tribe vanquished other tribes, they would blend the characteristics of their vanquished enemies’ totem animals with their own to create a symbol of invincibility.”可知,中国龙的形象是由一个崇拜蛇的部落以蛇为基础,不断融合其他部落的图腾动物特征而形成的,故答案为C

3. C文章最后1These jade dragons, crafted by people whose society and art were still in an early stage, reflect a deep amazement with life’s transformative power可知,Teng认为中国古代玉龙反映了中国古代人民对生长、发展和更新的自然过程的敬畏和惊叹,故答案为C


Day 3 1-4 BACD

1. B。从文章2“However, improved technology and a longer computer lifespan (使用寿命) have reduced people’s need to get new computers as frequently.”可知,技术愈加完善,电脑使用寿命增加,人们买新电脑的需求因此减少了,故答案为B

2. A。从文章23段可知,电脑产业近几年陷入发展僵局,微软公司最近推出一款新电脑来“振兴”产业,故答案为A

3. C。从文章第5“Window’s collaboration with Suno, a leading AI music creation company, allows people to easily create unique and beautiful songs regardless of their musical ability”可知AI CopilotSuno合作能帮助人们创作独特的音乐,答案为C

4. D从文章最后1“However, AI PCs’ capabilities are still quite basic and far from accurately meeting people’s personalized AI assistant needs. The extent to which AI-integrated PCs can deliver intelligent experiences and the level of user acceptance are still subject to market testing.”可知,AI PC目前还不能精准满足用户个性化需求,其功能和用户接受度还有待市场检验,故答案为D

Day 4 1-4 BCDC

1. B。从文章第12段可知,作者尝试过了各种各样的治疗方案,但都没有效果,最后决定尝试父亲推荐的中医针灸疗法,故答案为B

2. C。从“..., which made me somewhat uneasy as such objects typically make me uncomfortable.”可知,作者看到针时通常会感到不舒服,所以前文当作者看到医生拿出针灸的针会感到担心,故答案为C

3. D。从文章第45段可知,在作者的第一次针灸疗程中,医生调整了电流的大小,并没有不停地调整针。整个针灸疗程为20分钟,结束后医生才给作者开了草药。故答案为D

4. C。从文章最后1“I remained free of migraines for two years. I now advocate for acupuncture.”可知,作者经过针灸治疗摆脱了偏头痛,对针灸疗法非常满意,故答案为C


Day 5 1-5 ABADC 6-10 ABCCA 11-15 DBCDD

1. A。由后文可知,作者发现是奶奶正在做晚餐,因此推断前文作者从外面回到家后闻到家里很香,故选A

2. B。由后文 red sauce可知这里想表达的是意面被红色酱料“覆盖”,故选B

3. A。由前文可知,奶奶给大家做晚餐,因此一家人会“聚集”在餐桌边吃饭,故选A

4. D。由前文可知,一家人一起吃饭,故选D

5. C。由后文We always left dinner with full bellies and happy hearts可知,作者一家每次都吃得饱饱的,心情也美美的,因此推断作者在晚餐时的心情是满足的,故选C

6. A。由后文可知,作者从父亲那里拿到了食谱,因此推断作者“尝试”复刻奶奶曾经做过的晚餐,故选A

7. B。由后文seasoned to taste及前文作者提到的煮面的酱料可知,作者找父亲要的是酱料的食谱,故选B

8. C。由前后文可知,作者多次尝试复刻奶奶的酱料,推断作者认为自己做的酱料已经非常“接近”奶奶的原味了,但仍然不太对味,故选C

9. C。由后文可知,作者意识到了什么,推断作者多次尝试失败“终于”明白了什么,故选C

10. A。由前文可知,作者一直没有复刻出原汁原味的酱料,推断他这里终于意识到了自己做“错”了,故选A

11. D。由后文It wasnt just...; it was also the feeling of...可知,作者意识到奶奶做的晚餐之所以美味,不仅在于食物本身,还在于食物中蕴含的感觉、情感,故选D

12. B。由前文可知,奶奶的晚餐让作者心满意足、恋恋不忘,故选B

13. C。由后文Nana always put her love into her...可知,奶奶是用爱在做晚餐的,所以奶奶的晚餐不仅有好吃的食物,还有奶奶对我们的爱,故选C

14. D。由前文可知,文章写的是奶奶做饭,故选D

15. D。由前文可知,作者意识到食物的好吃不仅在于食物本身,还在于厨师的情感投入,因此推断作者后来无论做什么,都会用爱“烹调”,故选D

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