




Day 1 1-4 DCDB

Day 2 1-3 DAB

Day 3 1-4 CADA

Day 4 1-4 BABC

Day 5 1. who   2. a     3.  are required    4. by      5. continuous  

6. to fit     7. more challenging     8. has explored        9. featuring    10. increasingly



Day 1 1-4 DCDB

1. D。从文章12段可知,Cao Ting是一名从业2年的pet sitter,提供上门宠物看护服务,故答案为D

2. C。从文章4including attending online or offline pet care training courses可知,Cao Ting是通过线上和线下的课程来学习宠物护理技能的,故答案为C

3. D通读文章第6段可知,该段主要讲了上门服务会引发诸如财产安全的争议问题,面对这些问题,Cao Ting会采取一些解决方式,故答案为D

4. B。从文章最后1“However, Cao remains hopeful about the future pet-sitting market.”可知,Cao Ting对宠物护理产业的未来持乐观态度,故答案为B



Day 2 1-3 DAB

1. D文章第3“But she seldom saw Chinese instruments played on the streets. So, in the summer of 2018, she took her guzheng and began to perform on the street.”可知,Peng决定在法国街头演奏古筝是因为少有中国乐器出现在法国街演中,故答案为D

2. A文章第7with explanations in French可知,为了让法国观众更好地理解她的表演,她为观众提供了法语介绍,故答案为A

3. B从文章最后一段“To see the guzheng go global and get more people to know about it, understand it, and love it, I think this is the biggest wish of Chinese artists playing the traditional musical instrument”可知,Peng主要希望通过她的街演宣传中国乐器,故答案为B



Day 3 1-4 CADA

1. C。从文章3BMI refers to creating a connection between the human brain and external devices可知BMI技术可以促进大脑和外部设备的交流,故答案为C

2. A。从文章5“the patient can now use his brainwaves to control a special glove that is powered by air pressure.”可知,病人可以用脑波控制一个特别的手套进行活动,故答案为A

3. D。从文章第6“It also uses a wireless power supply, meaning that the implanted device does not require a battery.”可知BMI植入装置是由无线电源驱动,不需要电池,故答案为D

4. A从文章最后1“Meanwhile, ethical concerns related to BMI users also need to be

addressed. These include patient privacy and whether the patient has a clear understanding of what is involved when agreeing to undertake the experiment”可知,BMI技术涉及病人隐私等伦理问题,亟待解决,故答案为A


Day 4 1-4 BABC

1. B。从文章第1段可知,作者和丈夫想处理他们不需要的书,分享给其他人看,因此他们开了Little Free Library,故答案为B

2. A。从文章第3“Many of those who use our library do not hesitate to share their love of this neighborhood resource.”可知,这一段主要讲述人们对书店的喜爱,故答案为A

3. B。从文章第4“Like the people who use our library, the books that come and go reflect the broad diversity of our city.”可知,作者认为书店里各种各样的书体现出社区文化的多样性,故答案为B

4. C。从文章最后1“Our Little Free Library has enhanced our love of reading and has connected us to a community of book lovers in the heart of our busy neighborhood.”可知,作者认为她的书店增进了社区邻里的联系,故答案为C


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