






(1) attention (2) hide her feelings (3) anxiety and impatience (4) letters (5) ashamed (6) avoided (7) distaste/dislike  (8) sobbing (9) pale (10) love (11) hurried  (12) speak


B. Marianne: highly emotional, passionate and idealistic

Clues: She expressed excitement and longing for his attention, displaying her intense emotions openly.

She eagerly reached out to Willoughby, expecting him to respond to her feelings with warmth and similar interest. When Willoughby didn’t respond to her affection and instead appeared indifferent, Marianne became deeply upset and sad.


Elinor: calm, rational, considerate and  empathetic

Clues: She urged Marianne to be calm and hide her feelings at the party.

She felt concerned for Marianne’s well-being, helping her to a chair when she was unable to stand and later took her back home.

She realized Willoughby’s attachment to Marianne was over and felt extreme distaste for him.

When Marianne felt sad, she rushed to her side, comforting her affectionately and sharing in her tears.


Willoughby: insincere, a lack of care for others’ feelings

Clues: Willoughby initially exhibited shame and discomfort when confronted by Marianne, but this soon turned into indifference.


* Marianne’s deep love for Willoughby is met with his indifference and coldness, causing her significant emotional pain. Willoughby’s cold behavior contributes to Marianne’s suffering. Seeing her sister so upset, Elinor also sheds tears. The emotional pain and the clash between Marianne’s feelings and Willoughby’s actions create a noticeable conflict in the story.












V. (原著范文参考)

My dear madam,

I have just had the honour of receiving your letter, for which I thank you. I am concerned to find there was anything in my behaviour last night that you did not approve of, and I beg your forgiveness. I shall always remember my former visits to your family with the most grateful pleasure, but I hope I have never given anyone reason to think that I felt more for you than I ever expressed. You will accept that I could never have meant more, when you understand that my affections have long been engaged, and it will not be many weeks before the lady and I are married.

I obey your orders to return your letters, and the lock of hair which you so kindly offered me.

Your obedient servant,

John Willoughby





Day 1 1-4 ACCB

Day 2 1-4 BCBD

Day 3 1-4 BDBA

Day 4 1-4 BADB

Day 5 1-5 FDAGB



Day 1 1-4 ACCB

1. A从文章第1“she noticed that her guinea pigs seemed unhappy in their small cage with ‘prison-like bars’”及后文可知,Lin注意到她的豚鼠住得不舒服,所以想要给豚鼠设计一个新的笼子,故答案为A

2. C。从文章第5段可知,Lin发现传统的豚鼠笼难清理又难闻,故答案为C

3. C从文章第6“However, due to high shipping costs, the glass material was impractical ...”及前后文可知,Lin原有的玻璃笼运输不便,因此她将材料换成了丙烯酸纤维,故答案为C

4. B。从文章最后1可知,GuineaLoft的成功让Lin对高中毕业后的生活充满信心,故答案为B


Day 2 1-4 BCBD

1. B。从文章第12段可知,Ning从杭州回到家乡张家界种植水稻和油菜籽,并雇用当地的村民一起种植,因此她为家乡的就业做出了贡献,故答案为B

2. C。从文章第6段可知,这一段主要讲的是Ning遇到的困难,比如缺乏务农知识和扩大规模所带来的压力等,故答案为C

3. B。从文章第7“She also plans to make use of the agricultural tourism resources in Zhangjiajie so that children living in urban areas can experience farming.”可知,Ning计划充分利用张家界农业旅游资源,让城里孩子也能体验种田,故答案为B

4. D从文章第8“‘NPC deputies from the grassroots need to consider rural farmers’ needs and bring their voices to the two sessions’”可知,Ning认为作为基层人大代表应该为农民的关切发声,故答案为D


Day 3 1-4 BDBA

1. B从文章3“There were a variety of scenes to choose from, ranging from icy glaciers to the moon’s surface ...”可知Apple Vision Pro能够让用户探索各种逼真的场景,故答案为B

2. D。从文章第5段可知,眼球追踪系统(eye-tracking system)Vision Pro最吸引吸引作者的特点之一,作者认为这个特点可以帮助残障人士,答案为D

3. B从文章第6段及前文可知Apple Vision Pro有优点也有缺点,人们对它的评价不一,答案为B

4. A从文章最后1可知,作者认为尽管Apple Vision Pro有一些不尽如人意的地方但这一新设备实现了作者儿时的梦想,在未来也可能实现一些只有在科幻小说中才有的场景,由此观之,作者对Apple Vision Pro的前景是很乐观的,故答案为A


Day 4 1-4 BADB

1. B。从文章第4-8段可知,Willoughby有意回避Marianne,对处境感到十分尴尬,故答案为B

2. A。从文章第9“Elinor now realised that for Willoughby the attachment was over, and she felt extreme distaste for his manner of ending it.”可知,ElinorWilloughby的行为不满,故答案为A

3. D。从文章最后三段“Soon afterwards, a letter arrived for Marianne, who went deathly pale, and instantly ran out of the room”“Marianne was lying on her bed, sobbing violently.”可知,Marianne看到Willoughby的信后感到震惊并大哭,故答案为D

4. B。通读全文可以发现Marianne非常热情又情绪化,她不吝惜表达自己的爱,又为Willoughby的冷漠而异常难受,故答案为B


Day 5 1-5 FDAGB

1. F。上文是对整篇文章的介绍,下文是管理时间的建议,因此这里应为引出下文建议的过渡句,故答案为F

2. D。由这一段的主题“Make plans, score goals”和上下文可知,这里应与制定切实可行的计划有关,故答案为D

3. A。从下文可知,这一个建议应为将自己的计划写下来,故答案为A

4. G。这一段的主题为“Take breaks”,下文为建议在学习之余参加一些自己感兴趣的活动,因此首句可以是只学习不休息的坏处,故答案为G

5. B。从下文可知,这一部分的内容与设置时间让自己知道什么时候该结束学习有关,故答案为B


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