





1. The children and the selfish Giant.

2. It is mainly about the consequences of the selfish Giant’s actions and the impact they have on the garden and the children.

3. The children felt sad and sorrowful because they enjoyed the beauty and happiness the garden brought them.

4. The Snow and Frost covered up the grass and trees, creating a winter-like atmosphere in the garden. They then invited North Wind to stay with them, resulting in strong winds and harsh weather conditions.



1. (1) He saw the children playing in his garden. Out of selfishness, he drove them away.

(2) Without Giant’s permission, the children who used to play there were left with nowhere else to play but the rough and dusty road. The garden became a cold, lifeless place where it’s always winter.

(3) Giant was not selfish anymore, leading to the return of the children and hence, Spring in the garden.



What was the garden like after Giant’s return?


cold, high wall, covered by snow, no flowers, all trees painted silver by frost.


Snow, Frost, North Wind


no birds singing


endless cold winter

Metaphor of the garden

After Giant’s return, the garden was full of coldness and isolation, symbolizing that loneliness comes from selfishness.


3. The theme is the importance of kindness, generosity, and love toward others. It describes the negative consequences of selfishness.


III. 1. It can be inferred that although Giant may have a desire for the arrival of Spring, he still failed to realize his selfishness and that Spring as well as Autumn would never come if he kept waiting.

2. Giant might hear the sweet singing of the birds and see the blossoming flowers in his garden again. These signs made him believe that the season had finally arrived.

3. After finding out the truth about the arrival of spring, he realized it was his selfishness in not sharing his garden that had led to the absence of spring. He deeply regretted his actions and decided to make up for his mistake.

4. The children brought Spring back. They might have gone into the garden secretly, which delighted the plants in the garden.

5. Giant might tear down the high wall and remove the noticeboard. He might open up his garden to the children once again, allowing them to play and enjoy the beauty of nature.


IV. (One possible version)

“I cannot understand why Spring is so late in coming,” said the selfish Giant. “I hope there will be a change in the weather,” begged Giant, struggling to breathe in the freezing air. But Spring never came, nor did Summer. Autumn gave golden fruit to every garden, but to Giant’s garden she gave none. The long waiting dragged him into extreme disappointment. One morning Giant was lying awake in bed when he heard some lovely music. Then North Wind stopped roaring, and a sweet smell came to him through the window.

“I believe Spring has come at last,” said Giant, and he jumped out of bed and looked out. Through a little hole in the wall the children had crept (潜行) in. The trees were so glad to have the children back again that they covered themselves with blossoms, and were waving their arms gently above the children’s heads. The birds were flying and twittering with delight, and the flowers were looking up through the green grass and laughing. What a lovely scene! Giant suddenly realized why Spring would not come here. In the following few days, the garden wall disappeared and the children had their playground back, forever.


Study the version above and think:

1. How did Giant feel in the end?

2. What methods are employed to develop the theme?

The following is for your reference.

1. Giant may feel surprised at first and then guilty for his selfishness as he realizes why Spring has not come to his garden for such a long time.

2. In the above version, the two methods (conflict resolution & metaphor) are employed to develop the theme. The conflict is introduced through Giant’s desire for Spring to come, but experiencing disappointment as Spring never arrives. Spring finally comes when the children secretly enter Giant’s garden. This is when Giant suddenly realizes the only resolution is sharing the garden with the children, which suggests the theme: the importance of love and generosity. The music, the sweet smell, and the blossoming trees represent Spring. It also symbolizes the source of happiness. The removal of the garden wall symbolizes Giant’s willingness to let go of his selfishness. Through the two methods, this version develops the theme of the importance of kindness, generosity, and love toward others.













Day 1 1-3 DCB

Day 2 1-3 BAC 

Day 3 1-4 CDAB

Day 4 1-4 CADC

Day 5 1-5 BCDDA  6-10 BADCD  11-15 ACABD



Day 1 1-3 DCB

1. D从文章第3“The reason why the spoonbill can have such a cozy life in Shenzhen is that mangroves are important ecosystems that provide food and shelter for birds like the black-faced spoonbill”可知,深圳的红树林为鸟类提供了食物和居住地,故答案为D

2. C。通读文章第5段可知,当地政府为了保护红树林采取了很多措施,比如改道建设公路,故答案为C

3. B从文章第6“To engage residents in mangrove conservation, the park organizes interactive events such as the spoonbill festival...”可知,为了让居民参与到红树林保护中,公园举行了很多互动活动,比如琵鹭节,故答案为B


Day 2 1-3 BAC 

1. B。从文章第2“I want to explore more possibilities with my time instead of following the traditional path”可知,Yang Rui选择自学是为了探索更多的可能性,故答案为B

2. A。从文章第4“Her dad encouraged her to record this moment with a camera”可知,Yang Rui的父亲鼓励她用相机记录生活,故答案为A

3. C从文章最后1“Through the exhibition, I want to express that we are our own masters of time, and we should be bold to go after what we want while young”可知,Yang的相片展想表达的是我们都是自己时间的主人,我们应该在年轻的时候勇敢地追求自己想要的,也就是说,我们用时间塑造自己的命运,故答案为C


Day 3 1-4 CDAB

1. C。从文章第2“Growing up as an orphan supported by those around her, Tashi Wangmo had always wanted to give back to society.”可知,Tashi Wangmo加入老年护理产业是为了回馈社会,故答案为C

2. D。通读文章第4段可知,该段主要讲了Tashi Wangmo与她护理的老人们的感情愈加密切,故答案为D

3. A。从文章第5“She noticed that the key to getting along with elderly people is that you need to think of them as being a bit like kids.”可知,Tashi Wangmo认为照顾好老人的关键是要像对待孩子一样对待他们,故答案为A

4. B从文章最后第1“NPC deputies are a bridge between the country and the people”可知,Tashi Wangmo认为人大代表是连接国家和人民的桥梁,故答案为B


Day 4 1-4 CADC

1. C从文章2“Maida is also My-dah to strangers who see their culture in mine. ”可知,这一段讲的是作者的名字的文化联系,故答案为C

2. A。从文章第5“I accepted the mispronunciation “May-dah” to fit in, wanting to be approachable and memorable without showcasing my immigrant background.”可知,作者最开始接受别人读错她的名字是为了融入集体,故答案为A

3. D从文章第7“The shift was good for business, but terrible for me...The mispronunciation of my name became obvious, and I struggled with the expectations and discomfort of asserting my identity.”可知,在多样与包容的文化刚刚在公司推广开来的时候,作者的内心很挣扎,一方面期待展现自己的身份,一方面又担心公开自己的身份,因此她的内心是不安的,故答案为D

4. C从文章最后1可知,作者现在认为自己的名字就是自己身份骄傲的证明,故答案为C


Day 5

1. B。由后文“...but still couldn’t find a full-time teaching job.”可知,作者找不到一份全职教师工作,因此推断作者取得了教育学学位,故选B

2. C。由后文可知,作者每天早上都在等待代课的通知电话,故选C

3. D。由前文可知,作者毕业后找不到工作只能等待替补的机会,因此非常不容易,故选D

4. D。由后文“In spite of being a substitute,...”可知,作者得到了一个代课的机会,因此这里作者的工作应该是替一名五年级的老师代课,故选D

5. A。由前文可知,尽管(in spite of)作者只是一个代课老师,但作者决定(determined)不敷衍了事,故选A

6. B。由前后文可知,作者课前认真备课,课上会祝贺做对事的学生,因此推断作者是采取积极的(positive)态度对待学生,故选B

7. A。由前文可知,作者采取一种积极向上的态度上课,课上会祝贺做对事的学生,因此当学生做得不对的时候,作者会鼓励他们,故选A

8. D。由前文可知,作者是在模仿(copy)自己曾经遇到的优秀教师的教学方法,故选D

9. C。由前文可知,作者决定模仿前一种教学方式,而不是后面这种,因此推断后面这种教学方式让他感觉不好(bad),故选C

10. D。由后文折叠便条(folded note)可推测,一个小女孩给了(handed)作者一个便条,故选D

11. A。由后文作者看到便条的内容可知,作者等到没人才打开(opened)这张便条,故选A

12. C。由后文“It really amazed me that...”可知,作者看到便条内容后非常惊讶,故选C

13. A。由前文便条的内容可知,作者没想到自己积极的教学方式会深深触动(touched)女孩的心,故选A

14. B。由前文可知,作者收到了小女孩的便条,因此把这张便条(note)带回家了,故选B

15. D。由后文“...it always cheered me up”可知,这张便条让作者心情愉快,因此推断作者会在情绪低落的时候看它,故选D



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