




1-5 CBABB     6-10 CCBAC       11-15 CABBA    16-20 ACBAC



Text 1

W: Excuse me. Is this the right room for the world history class at 5:30?

M: No, this is Room 404. The world history class is in Room 405 next door.


Text 2

M: Are you available on Sunday? We are having a party for Talia's graduation.

W: Let me see. I have a conference at 3 pm, which will go on for about half an hour. I can come right after that.


Text 3

W: Hi, Terry! Im looking for a birthday present for my elder sister Tanya. Anything to recommend?

M: A fiction collection or a big car model works for me. But for girls, you cant go wrong with some beautiful flowers.


Text 4

M: Morning, Renee! You look upset. Whats the matter?

W: My cellphone is dead. I looked for it everywhere, but found it in the fish tank. It must have been my cat. She always takes things around and throws them into the water.


Text 5

M: Hello, Sherry! I noticed you canceled your reservation on Saturday at our restaurant. Anything I can do to help?

W: My husband has to fly to London for work and won't be back until next week. So I am looking to reschedule for another day.

M: I see. So glad it wasnt our food or service that made you less satisfied.

W: No worries, its just a change of plan. I am still a big fan of your restaurant.


Text 6 

W: Mr Johnson, Ive checked your examination reports. Luckily, there is nothing serious. You dont have to stay in hospital.

M: Thank goodness! I have been worried about this for days.

W: But you should cut down on fatty and sugary foods, especially late-night snacks. Actually, you should avoid eating anything after dinner.

M: Oh, no! Its hard for me to go to bed on an empty stomach. I cant sleep that way.

W: Well, you dont have to starve yourself. Just maintain a balanced diet, I mean, eat more vegetables instead of cake and meat. And regular physical exercise would help, like jogging or playing ball sports.

M: For sure. My health, my responsibility.


Text 7 

W: Hi, there! What can I do for you?

M: I am wondering if you could help me with my student card. Ive lost it somewhere.

W: So would you like to post the information on the lost and found board on campus?

M: Um ... Actually, I might have lost it at the railway station. The last time I saw it was on the train back to school, so ... I guess I need to get a replacement.

W: I see. What are your details?

M: The name is Ryan, Ryan Watson, and the student number is 092684.

W: Hold on, Ryan Watson from the Mathematics Department. What a coincidence! Someone just brought your student card here five minutes ago. It seems you left it in the computer lab.

M: Ah! It must have slipped out of my pocket when I was paying for my printing.


Text 8

W: Excuse me! Could you please help me with my flash drive?

M: Whats wrong with it?

W: I dont know. It worked perfectly last night but this morning, it just stopped working. Its so strange! I mean, I didnt put it in water or throw it hard against the floor.

M: Well, Ill need to examine it thoroughly and see what I can do and whether there is something wrong with the connection. It usually takes five to six working days.

W: Oh, no! I have my final paper saved on it, and I need to submit it by Friday.

M: Three working days. You can have it back by Thursday - that's the best I can offer.

W: Thank you so much!


Text 9

W: Mr Anderson, can I talk with you about a study problem Im having, please?

M: Sure, Amy. Whats the matter?

W: Well, I find biology very difficult to understand. I thought Id be interested in it because I love animals and plants. But the thing is, I cant fully understand many concepts. Things are too similar to distinguish. Mr Anderson, you know me. Im not a lazy student. I prepare before class and do a review after class. I really dont know what to do.

M: I agree, Amy. You are a student with good learning habits. Have you talked with your biology teacher?

W: No. In fact, I think I have left a bad impression on Mrs Lee. I have made a lot of mistakes in her class.

M: Dont worry about that! Even the most serious and strict teachers would be willing to talk to their students. Not to mention, Mrs Lee is such a nice and helpful teacher. No teacher would ignore a student like you!


Text 10

M: Today, we are going to talk about the spread of culture. We all know that throughout history, ideas spread from one culture to another when different groups of people get in touch with each other. However, people dont always adopt new ideas like new inventions, food and ways of life. Well, why is this the case? One possible reason is the availability of raw materials. For example, a foreigner introduced a tasty soup. But to make the soup, people would have to use the dried leaves of a special plant that is not available in this country. So, no raw material. What happens next? They would not make the soup a part of their regular diet, even if they enjoyed the taste. Another reason is that if people already have something similar in their own culture, they might reject the new item. They may feel they dont need two things serving the same purpose. For example, if a traveler introduces a unique musical instrument to a country, but the locals already have their own instrument that produces similar sounds, it's likely that the new instrument will not be widely accepted.







Day 1 1-4 CBAD

Day 2 1-4 ABCD

Day 3 1-4 CCBD

Day 4 1-4 BADB

Day 5 1-5 BCCAD  6-10 ABDBA  11-15 BCCDA



Day 1 1-4 CBAD

1. C。从文章第2段可知,为庆祝节日,人们会打扮成维京人,手持剑和斧头,演奏古老的乐器,参加大游行,摊位售卖维京人使用的工具、穿着的服饰和饮用的酒,因此这场庆典涵盖了维京文化的方方面面,故答案为C

2. B。从文章第3“During this time, approximately 200,000 Vikings from Norway, Sweden, and Denmark left Scandinavia in boats to settle in various parts of the world, including England.”可知,在维京时代,维京人通过航扩张势力,故答案为B

3. A。从文章第4段可知,维京人的扩张一点也不和平他们热衷于杀戮和残酷的战争,是比较暴力的(violent,故答案为A

4. D。从文章最后1段可知,英国人仍深受维京文化的影响,从婚礼习俗、穿着打扮到取名字,都和维京文化有一定的联系,作者侄子的名字就和维京神话有关,举这个例子就是为了说明维京文化至今依旧有着很强的吸引力,故答案为D


Day 2 1-4 ABCD

1. A。从文章第2“After graduating from Pui Ching Middle School, he opted out of pursuing higher education to alleviate his family’s financial struggles.”可知,Kou Kam-fai在中学毕业后为了减轻家庭经济负担选择不接受高等教育,因此推断在他中学的时候家庭并不宽裕,故答案为A

2. B。从前文“He was content as an assistant coach at first, but his perspective dramatically shifted after accidentally seeing what his colleagues were paid.”可知,Kou Kam-fai最初对于当助理教练很满足,但当他偶然发现自己的薪水和其他同事不一样时,心情产生了巨大的变化,因此推断他发现差异后感到dismayed失望的,不高兴的),故答案为B

3. C。从文章第67段可知,Kou Kam-fai在发现自己和其他同事的薪水差异后选择专注于自我提升,追求更高的教育,一路读到了博士,故答案为C

4. D。从文章最后第1“You can lead a meaningful life by excelling in what you do and continuing to learn from others.”可知,Kou Kam-fai认为将本职工作做精和不断向他人学习可以帮助人们过上有意义的生活,故答案为D


Day 3 1-4 CCBD

1. C。从文章第2“Protecting these treasures poses significant challenges due to their wide dispersion and the landscapes they lie in.”可知,陕西的文物难以保护是因为文物分布比较分散,地形多样,故答案为C

2. C。从文章第3“... researchers in Shaanxi are exploring the feasibility of using a high-tech radar called the phased array radar to prevent the theft of outdoor relics.”可知,陕西使用相控阵雷达是为了防止户外文物被盗,也就是避免潜在的文物盗窃,故答案为C

3. B。从文章第3段可知,和传统方法相比,相控阵雷达能够不间断工作,提供实时大范围的多对象同时监测,大大降低了错过可疑活动的可能性,准确性和灵敏度都有所提高,故答案为B

4. D。从前文“In the past, the absence of reliable security equipment resulted in numerous relic crimes.”可知,在过去因为缺少可靠的安全设备,文物大量被盗且抓贼困难,因此作者提到2019年的盗窃案是要强调可靠的安全措施的重要性,故答案为D


Day 4 1-4 BADB

1. B。从文章第2“It only seems right that I do what I can to help the people in my home country, especially the children.”可知,作者回到故乡塞拉利昂是为了帮助家乡人,尤其是孩子们重建生活,故答案为B

2. A。从文章第45段可知,作者重建好第一所小学后,孩子们对他报以笑脸,这让他有动力去建设更多学校,故答案为A

3. D。从文章第78段可知,作者在加拿大生活的富足让他联想到家乡塞拉利昂人们的困境,比如在加拿大食品供应稳定充足的杂货店会想起家乡饿肚子的孩子们,故答案为D

4. B。从文章最后两段可知,看着孩子们入学的笑脸,作者认为在塞拉利昂重建学校是非常值得的事情他们的快乐就是对他辛苦付出的最大回报,故答案为B


Day 5

1-5 BCCAD  6-10 ABDBA  11-15 BCCDA


1. B。由上文“During a break between classes, … for a coffee.”可知,Casey课间想买杯咖啡,所以在一家店里短暂停留(stop)了一会。

2. C。由下文“… a homeless man collecting change by the roadside.”可知,Caseyspotted)路边的一位流浪汉正在捡零钱,从而引发了后面的故事

3. C。由上下文语境可知,Casey看到流浪汉最终(Eventually)走进了这家店。

4. A。由上文“… counting his change”可知,流浪汉进店之后数着自己收集到的钱,应该是在算他用这些钱能买得起(afford)什么东西。

5. D。由上文“Casey went over to …”及随后的... learned that he had only about $1可知,Casey走到流浪汉身旁,他聊天(conversation)。

6. A。由上文“… he had only about $1 in change”及后文... she bought him a  7  and bagel可知,Casey被流浪汉的悲惨处境所触动(Touched),所以给他买了吃的

7. B。由下文“… drinking their coffees”可知,Casey给流浪汉买了一杯咖啡(coffee)。

8. D。由下文“… because he’s homeless”可知,流浪汉因为无家可归,所以其他人对他普遍都十分刻薄(mean),Casey这样对他好的很少

9. B。由上文语境可知,Casey和流浪汉一直在聊天,他们喝着咖啡又聊了(spoke)一小时。

10. A。由下文“… Casey needed to return to class …”及后文流浪汉给Casey写了纸条可知,流浪汉这时是意识到(realizingCasey要回去上课了。

11. B。由下文“… so he could write something down for her”可知,流浪汉知道Casey得回去上课了,但是想给她写点东西,所以他Casey稍微等一下wait)。

12. C。由下文“… for his shaky handwriting”可知,流浪汉递给Casey一张皱巴巴的收据,并为他的潦草字迹道歉(apology,然后便微笑离开

13. C。由下文“… Casey read his heartfelt message …”可知,Casey打开了流浪汉写给她的条(note),看到了他留下的信息

14. D。由文章开头... a womans act of kindness saved the life of a struggling homeless

man”及上文“… but because of you …”可知,流浪汉原本想在今天结束自己的生命,但是因为Casey的善意,他重拾了希望(hope)。

15. A。由上文语境并结合选项可知,通过短暂的接触,Casey认为流浪汉是一个十分可爱并且真诚(sincere)的人。


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