




Day 1 1-4 DCDB

Day 2 1-4 BBAB

Day 3 1-4 DBCB 

Day 4 1-4 CADC

Day 5 1-5 ABADC 6-10 ABCCA 11-15 DBCDA 16-20 DBCBD 


Day 1 1-4 DCDB

1. D。从文章第12段可知,Cao Ting是一名从业2年的pet sitter,提供上门宠物看护服务,故答案为D

2. C。从文章第4“including attending online or offline pet care training courses”可知,Cao Ting是通过线上和线下的课程来学习宠物护理技能的,故答案为C

3. D。通读文章第6段可知,该段主要讲了上门服务会引发诸如财产安全的争议问题,面对这些问题,Cao Ting会采取一些解决方式,故答案为D

4. B。从文章最后1“However, Cao remains hopeful about the future pet-sitting market.”可知,Cao Ting对宠物护理产业的未来持乐观态度,故答案为B


Day 2 1-4 BBAB

1. B。从文章第2段可知,主办方的颁奖词中提到,Riken Yamamoto被选中是因为在社区中创造了对社会需求责任的意识……最重要的是,提醒我们在建筑中,如同在民主中,空间必须由人民的意志创造。,故答案为BC选项讲述了他对城市生活空间的创新方法,这是他设计理念的一部分,不是获奖的直接原因。

2. B。通读文章第4段可知,这一段主要讲述了Yamamoto的建筑观念的起源。提到他童年的家庭环境——一个前部是母亲药房、后部是居住空间的家,这种环境培养了他对公共与私人空间平衡的深刻理解。因此,这一段着重于他建筑观念的来源,故答案为B

3. A。从文章第5“Jianwai SOHO is a good example of this concept. ”可知,作者在此提到Jianwai SOHO是为了阐述Yamamoto的建筑理念,故答案为A

4. B。从文章最后1“The current architectural approach emphasizes privacy, negating the necessity of societal relationships.”可知,Yamamoto认为目前的建筑理念重隐私,否定建立社会关系的必要性,故答案为B  


Day 3 1-4 DBCB

1. D。从文中第2“… as these breeds can help researchers breed varieties suitable for high-altitude living …”可知,这两种稀有品种的牛可以帮助研究人员培育适合高海拔生活的品种,对于高原物种适应性至关重要,故答案为D

2. B。从文中第4“This process, called somatic cell nuclear transfer …”可知,樟木牛和阿沛甲咂牛的克隆过程被称为体细胞核移植,故答案为B

3. C。从文中倒数第2“Bringing the cloned cattle to live on the plateau will pose various challenges …”可知,把克隆牛转移至高原生活会带来一系列的挑战,故答案为C

4. B。从文中最后1“The successful cloning of the two cattle breeds marks a milestone in using cloning technology to help save endangered species.”可知,樟木牛和阿沛甲咂牛的成功克隆意义非凡,因其利用克隆技术帮助拯救濒危物种,故答案为B


Day 4 1-4 CADC

1. C。从文章第12段可知,有人提到生成式AI最惊艳的地方是它能够模仿人类互动,甚至可以教我们一些社交技巧,这让作者产生了是否能和AI做朋友的想法,故答案为C

2. A。从文章第6“The rejection from AI was expected and natural.”可知,作者预见了AI的拒绝,故答案为A

3. D。从文章第6段可知,作者认为AI没有人性,没有人类的情感和欲望,一直循规蹈矩,故答案为D

4. C。从文章最后1“We all desire the same connection.”可知,在作者设置的情境下,所有人都期待人工接线员,而不是机器人,说明人与人之间的交流是机器取代不了的,故答案为C


Day 5 1-5 ABADC 6-10 ABCCA 11-15 DBCDA 16-20 DBCBD

1.A。由前文可知,Justin Horner驾车时轮胎爆了(blew out),因此推断他把车停在了路边,故选A

2.B。由前后文可知,Horner的车轮胎爆了,他做了一件事表示他需要帮助,考虑到Horner身处高速公路,制作一个标志(make a sign)更符合语境,故选B



5.C。由前文及后文“the car was fixed”可知,拉美家庭帮助Horner一起修车,故选C













18.C。由后文“He said it’s a common expression in Mexico, where he believes the family was from.”可知,那句话在墨西哥很常见,因此不是那位货车上的陌生人发明的,故选C











第一部分  听力


1-5 CCBAC 6-10 BCBBA 10-15 BABBA 16-20 BABCA



Text 1

M: Mom, can you pick me up at 3:00 from school today?

W: Sorry, dear! I have a meeting at 3:30. I’ll hopefully arrive at school one hour after that.


Text 2

W: Will it still be raining tomorrow? It’s troublesome having to bring an umbrella everywhere.

M: You’d better bring it. The weather report says it will snow tomorrow.


Text 3

W: Thomas, I’m going to the shopping mall to buy a bag. Anything you want to buy?

M: A shirt, please. You know, our dog tore up my old shirt and trousers last week.


Text 4

M: Hi, Jenny! You didn’t show up last class. Anything wrong?

W: Sorry about that. I was caught in a traffic jam for two hours. There was a car accident on the way.


Text 5

W: Excuse me, can you help me with my student card? I’ve looked for it everywhere, but …

M: Don’t worry! I can make a new one for you. You need to fill in this form and pay 20 dollars.

W: Wow, 20 dollars? That’s so expensive.

M: Well, why don’t you first go to the student center and check at the lost and found office? A kind-hearted person might have found it and turned it in.

W: Good idea! Thanks!


Text 6

W: Jason, are you free this weekend? I’ve got two tickets for the music festival.

M: I don’t think I can go. Sorry, Ada!

W: The festival lasts for three days, but you don’t have to go for all three, you could just go for one. And the place is only 20 minutes from our school, not far.

M: I really hope I can go with you. I do love music, but the thing is, the deadline for my paper is next Friday, so ...

W: I understand.

M: Actually, I have finished the structure and theoretical part, but I’m having difficulty with the examples. I hope I can finish the paper by this weekend.

W: Good luck!


Text 7

M: Hello! Lindsey Restaurant, how can I help you?

W: Hi, um, I’d like to make a dinner booking for tonight.

M: OK. Can you tell me how many people, please?

W: We have 14 adults and three children, so 17 in total. Do you have big round tables that can hold 17 people?

M: Well, I’m afraid our round tables are not big enough for 17 people. Do you mind using two separate tables?

W: I don’t think that will work. We have the tradition of sitting around one big table for our family get-together. You know, it’s not like a party or graduation ceremony.

M: Let me see. Would you mind using a big long table instead? Then, all of your family members can sit around the same table.

W: That will be fine!


Text 8

W: Dave, can you help me with my car?

M: Sure. What’s the matter?

W: I don’t know. I can’t start it, and the system indicates that there’s no gas in the tank. So strange! Is there anything wrong with the engine?

M: Let me see. I don’t think so. When was the last time you filled the tank?

W: I filled it yesterday, and it should be almost full now.

M: Well, I guess there might be something wrong with the oil tank. My suggestion is to have it examined by a professional repairman, not just an experienced driver like me.

W: Thank you so much! You are such a trustworthy neighbor and have helped me a lot over the years!


Text 9

M: Hello, Julie! How was your birthday party yesterday?

W: Nothing but fun! I had a wonderful dinner and received many lovely presents!

M: Sounds excellent! Sorry for my absence, and here is my present for you. Happy birthday!

W: Thank you. Wow, The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway!

M: It’s a story about an old man fighting with a big fish in difficult situations. Guess it’s better than the flowers I gave you last year. Hope you like it!

W: It’s the best gift ever! I have heard of the story, but haven’t read the novel before.

M: You know, I read a lot of books in order to write my own, just like painters who always get inspiration from others’ works.

W: Sounds interesting! I’d like to be a fashion designer, and I guess I should at least read some fashion magazines first. By the way, where were you yesterday?

M: Long story short. My dog jumped out of my car window and hurt its legs. So I had to take it to the pet hospital, where I ended up meeting my brother and his dog.

W: What a coincidence! Hope your dog gets well soon!


Text 10

W: Today, we are going to talk about how some animals store food for future use. One important challenge animals face is to get enough food to support themselves, especially when it’s hard to find something to eat. To solve this problem, some animals collect food and hide food when it is plenty. One example is a kind of squirrel living in the northeast part of the United States. Unlike in the southern part, it is cold in the northeast area during winter when it is difficult for the squirrel to find its main source of food, nuts. The squirrel collects and prepares nuts in autumn when there are plenty of nuts. Then, it digs many holes in the ground and hides the nuts in the holes. Instead of putting all the nuts in one hole, it digs hundreds of holes every fall and only puts one nut in each hole. The reason is that in this way, it can increase its chances of finding enough food and, therefore, survival. Even if some hidden nuts happen to be found by other animals, say, a curious cat, the squirrel still has enough nuts to survive the winter and even early spring.


第二部分  阅读


21. C。从文中第1“You don’t need to be a pro to join; you just need to have a good camera, basic photography skills, and an interest in giving back through photography”可知,非专业摄影人士也能加入该摄影项目,只需要有一个好的摄像机和基础的摄影技巧即可,故答案为C

22. B。从文中第2Half days will be spent on theory, and during the other half, we’ll visit a nonprofit organization so that we can put skills into practice”可知在项目进行期间,有半天学习理论知识,半天参观非营利组织,将理论技能付诸实践,故答案为B。从文中第3“you’ll be assigned to a grassroots organization of your choice”“you can donate a selection of your images to the organization”可知志愿者并非自由组队,向组织捐赠的是摄影作品而非筹款,故选项CD错误。文中并未提及A选项。

23. C。从文中Start dates and fees部分的介绍可知利文斯敦的项目启动时间为七月三十一号,对应持续三周的费用为$3,200,故答案为C



24. D。从文中第2“Halfway through the first day, I realized I had never noticed exactly how much that worker did.”可知,作者第一天去奶牛场时,才干了半天就发觉到工作量比预想要多,故答案为D

25. C。从上文及文中第2“I have to admit this gave me a deep appreciation of how hard my parents worked day in and day out for 30 years, and that understanding solidified my determination to do whatever it took to not stay on that dairy farm my whole life.”可知,作者在实践中体会到在奶牛场工作的辛苦,但她不喜欢这样的生活,希望自己能离开奶牛场,故答案为C

26. A。从文中第3“Now, I no longer have to worry about my father’s voice yelling... To be honest, I’m grateful. But at the same time, I also don’t have a compelling reason to be up in time to see the beauty of a sunrise. Nor do I...”可知,作者对现在的生活很知足,但她也会想念在奶牛场的生活,心情是复杂的,故答案为A

27. B。从文中倒数第二段“Instead, I have neighbors within shouting distance but who feel like they live a planet away.”以及最后一段“Eighteen years I lived my life on that dairy, not really knowing there were people who didn’t get up and go out and work together to get the same overwhelming tasks done day after day. Sometimes I wish I had never found out there were.”可知,作者过去生活在奶牛场时,人与人之间的联系很密切,人们会一起干繁重的农活,她以为各地的人们都是这样的;但现在,作者身在他乡却发觉近在咫尺的邻居之间非常陌生,她反而希望自己不曾发现还存在这般疏离的人际关系,因此推断出她很想念在奶牛场时的人际关系,故答案为B



28. C。第一段通过一系列的数据和事实讲述了塑料的普遍性,目的是为了引出后文针对我们的生活中能否不再使用塑料的讨论,因而答案选C

29. D。通过后面的引语“Imagine trying to run a dialysis unit with no plastic”和第四段“Plastic is used in gloves, tubing, blood bags, sample tubes and more.”可知,塑料在医院的应用十分广泛,因此可以推测医院如果没了塑料将会是毁灭性的,interesting有趣的practical实用的predictable可预测的,只有 D选项destructive意思相近。

30. A。从第六段“We use packaging to protect food from damage in transit and preserve it long enough to reach supermarket shelves, as well as for communication and marketing. ‘I cannot imagine how [plastic] would be replaced completely in our system’”可知Iacovidou认为塑料为我们带来了很多好处,因此他对于完全不使用塑料持怀疑态度,表示不可思议,因而答案选A

31. A。该题为主旨归纳题,文章主要讲述了如果不再使用塑料会给我们带来什么影响,因而答案选A



32. D。从文中第3“The brain-like tissues ... weren’t part of a living person’s brain. They were ‘grown’ from human stem cells ...”可知,研究人员使用的组织并不是来自于活人的大脑,而是由人体的干细胞培养而成的,故答案为D

33. A。文中第5段详细介绍了Brainoware的声音识别实验,从“With an accuracy of 78

percent, it successfully identified the speakers”可知,Brainoware能够做到较为准确地识别出不同人的声音,故答案为A

34. A。从文中倒数第2“scientists don’t need to know exactly how the organoid works in order to use it.”可知,Brainoware的优势就是科学家们在使用它时无需了解大脑类器官的作用机制,故答案为A

35. C。文中最后1段主要介绍了Brainoware这类科技的应用前景,比如能够提升AI的效率、可用于研究人脑、检测神经系统疾病治疗方案的效果等,故答案为C



36. G。由上一句可知,设空处应进一步阐述流汗的必要性。选项G描述流汗对身体的好处,符合语境。

37. F上文提到汗液在皮肤上停留太长时间会诱发皮肤病选项F“因此,流汗后清洗脸部和身体十分必要能与前文形成因果逻辑,符合语境。

38. D。由上下文可知,设空处应与汗水诱发快乐的功能有关,故选D

39. A。由下文可知流汗对人的身体健康有好处。选项A“流汗会让人受益符合语境。

40. B。这一段用运动员流汗更多更快表明流汗是,因此选项B作本段小标题合适


第三部分  语言运用
41-45 BCDCB     46-50 ADBDC        51-55 BAADC


41. B。联系上下文可知,一年后,一位女士停下脚步向Nixon打招呼,故此处选B

42. C。联系上文“Al Nixon decided to begin each day from a bench with a spectacular view of the St. Petersburg, Florida, waterfront.”可知,每天清晨Nixon会坐在长椅上欣赏风景,故此处选C

43. D。联系下文“I needed to make eye contact”可知,那位女士的话让Nixon意识到他需要关注从他面前经过的人,故此处选D

44. C。联系上文并结合选项可知,由前面女士的话,Nixon意识到自己和路过的人对彼此很重要,故此处选C

45. B。联系上下文并结合语境可知,尽管大多数人只是简单地挥挥手或短暂地寒暄,但也有人非常希望与Nixon待上几分钟,故此处选B

46. A。联系下文“Nixon lends an ear”可知,Nixon对于来访者而言,是一个很好的倾听者,故此处选A

47. D。联系上下文并结合语境可知,无论来访者想诉说什么烦恼,Nixon都愿意倾听,故选D

48. B。联系下文“The husband was always working and was rarely home”可知,这对夫妇来诉说他们关系上的问题,故此处选B

49. D。联系上文“The husband was always working and was rarely home”可知,丈夫忙于工作很少在家,这一问题正在毁掉他们的婚姻,故此处选D

50. C。联系下文“then maybe the possibility of losing her will”并结合选项可知,如果妻子的意见并没有使丈夫感到烦恼,那么失去妻子则会,故此处选C

51. B。联系下文“He agreed that he needed to  12 ”可知,丈夫承认了自己的过错,故此处选B

52. A。联系上文并结合选项可知,丈夫此前一直忙于工作,未能照顾妻子的感受,通过与Nixon的谈话,他意识到自己应该慢下来,留出时间陪伴妻子,故此处选A

53. A。联系上下文并结合语境可知,Nixon乐于倾听他人向自己烦恼,故此处选A

54. D。由第二段“I needed to make eye contact and let people know that we  4  to each other.”可知,Nixon希望每一个向他倾诉的人走后不会感到孤单,故此处选D

55. C。联系下文“At this stage in life, this is definitely my purpose”可知,许多人在五六十岁时,会觉得自己的目标没有实现,故此处选C



56. latest  57. consists  58. On    59. practiced   60. which 

61. fighting  62. to use     63. my     64. urgently     65. and   



第四部分  写作


Dear Jack,

I received your letter and learned that you're feeling a bit discouraged in the process of learning Chinese. First of all, I want to assure you that learning a new language is indeed a process that requires time and patience, so don't get discouraged – you're on the right path.

To help you excel in learning Chinese, I recommend incorporating daily practice, such as writing Chinese characters and mastering basic grammar. Finding language partners for communication is crucial as well; it enhances your spoken language skills. Additionally, engaging in various Chinese cultural activities can make learning more enjoyable.

I believe that with consistent effort, you'll make significant progress. Wishing you great success in your studies!

 Yours sincerely,

Li Hua



Four months later, the big night arrived. Despite my long-time battle with low self-confidence, nervousness still seized me in front of so many people. Taking a deep breath, I regained my calmness and stepped onto the stage while familiar lines of my speech began to whirl (打转) in my mind. And when I was about to start, I caught sight of Aunt Ginette, and, surprisingly, my dad, who unexpectedly took the time to come to watch, looking at me with expectation. Filled with energy, I wore a big smile and poured out every sentence with fluency. No sooner had I finished the speech than I received a warm applause. With joy, I quickly rushed down to greet my father.

When I saw my father’s face, his eyes were glowing (发光) – he was so proud. His previous critical words were replaced by an excited “congratulations” along with a rarely-seen thumbs-up. Tears filled his eyes, seemingly reflecting complex emotions. Next to him, my aunt’s face lit up with a warm and comforting smile, reminding me of everything that I had gone through. Through their proud expressions, I could tell that it was the effort of us all, either visible (可见的) or invisible, that drove me to the destination where my shyness had disappeared.





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