



Day 1 1-4 BADC

Day 2 1-3 DBC

Day 3 1-4 DDBD 

Day 4 1-4 BCDC



Day 1 1-4 BADC

1. B。从文章第2“In recent years, a growing industry has been spurred on by climate change - last-chance tourism.”可知,气候变化引发了last-chance tourism,故答案为B

2. A。从前后文可知,last-chance tourism指的是去那些因为气候变化未来会消失的景点旅游,因此可以推知imperiled意为岌岌可危的,故答案为A

3. D。从前文及“One tourist spot, Charmonix’s Mer de Glace or ‘the Sea of Ice’ in France, opened an exhibit in 2012 to educate visitors on glaciers and climate change.”可知,提到Charmonix’s Mer de Glace是为了阐述last-chance tourism的潜在优点,即这个景点利用了last-chance tourism有效地提升了公众的环保意识,故答案为D

4. C。通读文章最后3段可知,last-chance tourism既有优点,也有缺点,优点有提高环保意识,缺点有造成过度旅游(overtourism),增加温室气体排放等,故答案为C,它是一把双刃剑(a double-edged sword)。  



Day 2 1-3 DBC

1. D。从文章第2Zhuangzhuang is actually an embodiment (化身) of me ... Its life and mood basically reflect my own.”可知,Zhuangzhuang的生活状态、情绪基本和创作者Chai一致,故答案为D

2. B。从前文“To personify the character more, the young content maker places Zhuangzhuang in various daily life scenarios.”可知,为了让Zhuangzhuang更具备人的特点,创作者将它放置到多种生活场景中,“回南天”就是其中的一种,因此作者提到“回南天”是为了阐述Chai是如何将Zhuangzhuang拟人化的,故答案为B

3. C。从文章第6“Aiming to expand her reach, Chai expressed a desire to delve deeper into AI to bring her AI pet to life not just in pictures but also in videos.”可知,Chai计划在未来创作Zhuangzhuang的视频,故答案为C



Day 3 1-4 DDBD

1. D。从后文可知,文章探讨了益生菌对不同人群的不同影响,可能是有益的,也可能是有害的,因此作者在首段提到店主提醒顾客酸奶可能会让他们腹泻是为了引出下文对益生菌的探讨,故答案为D

2. D。从文章第5“The efficacy varies between individuals ... So there are no specific daily intake recommendations for probiotics.”可知,没有具体的每日摄入益生菌建议量是因为益生菌的作用因人而异,故答案为D

3. B。从文章第6“Taking in such a large amount of dietary fiber in such a short time might lead to bloating, acid reflux, and even diarrhea”可知,有些消费者服用益生菌后会腹泻是因为他们在短时间内摄入了过多膳食纤维(dietary fiber,故答案为B

4. D文章最后1“For people who want to try this kind of product, sharing a cup with others on your first try might be a good choice”及后文“Try a small amount and see what happens to your body and then adjust the amount accordingly.”可知,Pu建议第一次喝酸奶的人喝少一些,看看身体有什么反应后再作调整,故答案为D


Day 4 1-4 BCDC

1. B。从文章第2“With my large corner windows, I can see a wider area. ”可知,作者喜欢拐角的房子,因为视野更宽,故答案为B

2. C。从前文“You can enrich the lives of neighbors and passersby by creating connections. ”可知,作者在疫情期间做COVID-kindness活动是为了增进邻里联系,故答案为C

3. D。从文章第5Many come for the papers and there’s become some friendly competition for different publications – I’ve heard people estimate at what time my papers will be out on the table.可知,作者的报纸计划吸引了很多人来看报纸,还引发了一些友好的争论,给邻里增添了一些兴奋刺激的情绪,故答案为D

4. C文章最后1“Cities can bring people together, and the corner lot person facilitates this beautifully. ”可知,城市将人们聚集在一起,住在拐角楼的人将人们更紧密地联系在一起,故答案为C




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