





A. 1) popular; 2) proud and disagreeable; 3) impression; 4) pride;

5) admiration; 6) changing; 7) encouraged; 8) politely


B. 1. (1) Jane: shy, kind, optimistic, angelic but a bit naive

Clues: She felt flattered by Mr Bingley’s attention and only saw the good side of others, even those like Mr Bingleys sisters who struck Elizabeth as being proud and rude.

(2) Elizabeth: observant, intelligent, reserved, independent, self-respecting, good-mannered

Clues: Elizabeth keenly observed people and analyzed their characters but kept her thoughts to herself. She disliked people like Mr Bingleys sisters and Mr Darcy for their pride and superiority. She politely refused to dance with Mr Darcy despite his good looks and wealth.

(3) Mr Bingley: gentleman-like, sociable, good-mannered, agreeable, approachable

Clues: He socialized actively at the dance and was well-received by the locals, including Jane and Elizabeth.

(4) Mr Darcy: proud, self-important, disagreeable, cold, distant, observant, polite

Clues: He was reserved at social events and considered himself superior to country people, but he was also able to appreciate Elizabeths spirited character and asked her for a dance.


2. Mr Darcy’s “pride” led to Elizabeth’s “prejudice” against him, which, in turn, fueled Elizabeth’s “pride” in front of him. Mr Darcy was also prejudiced against Elizabeth due to her relatively lower social standing.




Mr Darcys

He was uninterested in social activities with uneducated country people because his wealth and social status made him feel superior to them, including Elizabeth, at first sight.

He held a biased judgment against Elizabeth at first due to her appearance and social status, considering her “only an unfashionable village girl”.


Her dignity and independent thinking, along with her refusal to dance with Mr Darcy, could be mistaken as signs of pride.

She formed quick judgments about Mr Darcy and Mr Bingleys sisters without fully knowing them and was reluctant to accept Jane’s positive view, reflecting a certain level of prejudice.

3. The author might want to warn readers about the risks of rushing to conclusions and being too proud and self-important. We should try to be modest and open-minded and willing to look beyond surface impressions.


1. In the text: however, on the other hand, in fact, but, although

Similar expressions: yet, nevertheless, on the contrary, in contrast, still, even so, despite

2. constant frown, blushing, in silence, frowned, with cool disdain, cheerfully, quickly, in some embarrassment, politely, with equal politeness, with a slight smile on his face ...

Maybe, he said, frowning, with a certain coolness in his voice.

She screamed in anger, her face turning red.


1. Yes. The fact that Mr Darcy was attracted to certain qualities of Elizabeth despite his general impression of her suggests his potential to change and overcome his pride in the pursuit of true love.

2. People might typically consider material factors such as physical appearance, social status and wealth. However, Elizabeth didnt care about fitting in with what society expected, suggesting that Austen herself might value qualities such as individuality, personal judgment and emotional compatibility (意趣相投) over societal norms.









Day 1 1-4 ABDA

Day 2 1-4 DCAD

Day 3 1-3 CDC

Day 4 1-4 BCDA

Day 5 1-5 ACDEG



Day 1 1-4 ABDA   

1. A。从文章第2段可知,47%的美国父母会为成年子女提供一定程度的经济支持,以帮助他们解决生活困难,因此将近一半的美国成年子女没有实现经济独立,故答案为A

2. B。从文章第5段最后1“An extremely expensive mortgage means that many Americans are priced out of affording their own home.”可知,昂贵的抵押贷款让很多美国人买不起房子,因此第1句中稳定的住房对很多人来说是不可能的,elusive意为“难以实现的”,故答案为B

3. D。从文章第7“As Gen Zers in the US struggle under financial pressures, so do the older generations supporting them, as their generosity puts their prospects for retirement at risk.”可知,经济压力不仅影响青年人,也影响需要补贴青年人的老年人,故答案为D

4. A。从文章最后1段可知,作者认为往后几代美国人依然会面临很多生活困难,因此作者对未来美国人的生活前景持消极态度,故答案为A


Day 2 1-4 DCAD 

1. D。从文章第1段和第3段可知,“王子日记”系列揭示了商朝一位王子的生活细节,故答案为D

2. C。从本段主旨句“The oracle bone exhibition captures a more down-to-earth side of the prince as well.”可知,后文提到的占卜主要是为了举例说明王子普通、“接地气”的一面,故答案为C

3. A。从文章第6“Through the research on oracle bones related to the prince, some historical misunderstandings have been corrected.”可知,这些甲骨文的发现和研究能够消除一些对历史的误解,故答案为A

4. D。从文章第2段和最后两段可知,Dr Yu Chenglong不辞辛苦地做研究,并在策展上推陈出新,故答案为D


Day 3 1-3 CDC

1. C。从文章第2“Geomagnetic storms happen due to coronal mass ejections during which some material from the sun’s outer layer makes its way to Earth.”可知,地磁暴发生的原因是日冕物质抛射,太阳外层的一些物质来到了地球,故答案为C

2. D。从文章第3“Geomagnetic storms can disrupt radio waves and cause problems for ground communication and satellite signals.可知,地磁暴会干扰无线电波,导致地面通信和卫星信号出现问题,因此卫星信号可能会不稳定,故答案为D

3. C。通读全文可知,文章介绍了地磁暴的起因、影响和应对措施,因此这篇文章的主要目的是向读者介绍地磁暴,故答案为C


Day 4 1-4 BCDA

1. B。从文中第2“Then there was general agreement that he was proud and disagreeable, and considered himself superior to country people.”可知,舞会现场的人们都看出了Darcy自视甚高、目中无人,都认为他很高傲,故答案为B

2. C。从文中第4Jane脸红着谈论两次被Bingley邀请跳舞以及对他的高度赞赏可知,Jane被邀请是觉得很荣幸的flattered意为感到荣幸的,受宠若惊的,故答案为C

3. D。从文中“Although at first he had not even considered her pretty, he now began to realise what a beautiful expression her dark eyes gave to her intelligent face, and what an attractive figure she had. ”可知,尽管一开始没觉得Elizabeth漂亮,但随着接触增加,Darcy也逐渐发现了Elizabeth的迷人之处,故答案为D

4. A。从文中ElizabethBingley一家和Darcy的认识可知她的观察能力很强,从她不在意Darcy的身份地位而拒绝他的邀舞可知Elizabeth很有主见、意志坚定,故答案为A


Day 5 1-5 ACDEG

1. A。从下文可知,此处为一个总结性的小标题,下文的主旨是下雨的声音能盖过所处环境中其他尖锐的噪音,故答案为A

2. C。从前文可知,作者以水龙头声为例,阐述水龙头的声音恼人,但是下雨时水龙头的声音会被盖住,因此后文为一个总结性的句子,下雨声能够创造一个让人平静的背景音,故答案为C

3. D。前文提到雨声被认为是白噪音,后文则提到某个称呼是以颜色命名,因此推断与白噪音的定义有关,故答案为D

2. E。前文提到雨声能帮助人们放松,后文提到在一项研究中,当处在自然声音中,人们会静下来,因此推断此处的大意为雨声作为一种自然声音能够帮助人们放松下来,故答案为E

3. G。从前后文可知,雨声对睡眠的帮助并不适用于所有人,人们对不同声音大小的雨声适应程度不同,因此推断后文为不同雨声的作用取决于不同个体的接受度,故答案为G


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