




1-5 BACBA   6-10 BABCB    11-15 CCABC  16-20 CAABC


第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的ABC三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。


Text 1

M: Have you finished that article you promised to do for our magazine?

W: I wont be able to get to it until after my exams, if thats OK with you.


Text 2

M: Sorry for calling so late in the day. Im actually calling about my visit. Im afraid I cant make it on Wednesday. Can we move the meeting to Thursday?

W: OK. Thursday afternoon is fine.


Text 3

W: I heard a theme park is going to be built here.

M: Well, I think its too much to expect given how poor our town is.


Text 4

W: Do you often listen to the radio?

M: Yeah. I listen to the radio every morning.

W: What programs do you usually listen to?

M: Programs about what is happening at home and abroad.


Text 5

W: What a beautiful beach!

M: Yes, but we need to be careful. I would like to look at the information board beside the wooden house. It may include some beach safety tips.


第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的ABC个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。



Text 6

W: Peter, are you ready for your presentation?

M: Ive never felt ready for a presentation. My heart always beats really fast.

W: Come on, arent you used to public speaking? Youve given so many presentations.

M: I know, but it always feels like its the first time. Do you have any good advice on how to reduce the pressure?

W: Id say just take a deep breath and do it. Focus on your topic and dont think about anything else.

M: Thats what I try to do, but it isnt that easy. Do you think I should see a psychologist?

W: I suggest you try to deal with your stress on your own first. If not, then maybe go see someone. 



Text 7

M: Maam, is this your glove? I found it on the ground.

W: Oh, yes. Thank you. I didnt notice Id lost it. Are you also waiting for Bus No 32?

M: Yes, Im heading to Louis Square.

W: Really? I also get off at that stop.

M: In that case, could you tell me how I can get to Brattle Bookstore? I have an appointment there in half an hour.

W: Of course, Its close to my workplace, but Im afraid youll be late, I mean, look at the traffic.

M: Then, is it possible for me to get there on time?

W: If you dont mind, you can follow me and take the subway. You have to walk several hundred meters but the train is much faster than the bus.

M: Thank you so much!



Text 8

W: Hey Adam. So how did the interview go yesterday?

M: I think it went well. They were really nice and professional. I really hope theyll offer me the job. Id love to work there.

W: Have you sent them a thank-you note for the interview?

M: What? No. Theyll let me know once theyve interviewed the other candidates and made a decision.

W: I understand, but its a good idea to send them an email or a note thanking them for the interview. Itll help you stand out and appear professional.

M: That sounds nice but I dont want to come across as desperate, as if Im begging for the job.

W: Of course not. You wont be overdoing it, just a brief note expressing your appreciation for their time and your genuine interest in the job. I think theyll be greatly impressed.

M: I see your point. Okay, Ill do it. Thank you!



Text 9

M: Hi, Marina. Can I ask a few questions?

W: Yes, sure, go ahead.

M: As a photographer, youve achieved great success. So, what kind of person can pursue a career in photography?

W: Anyone can become a photographer as long as they have a passion for it. Its not like you need a degree or certificate or anything. Yes, Ive been planning to take photography classes in an art school in the UK, but before this, Id already been working as a photographer for years. Some of my photographer friends do other jobs at the same time — they are music makers, vloggers and directors.

M: What does a photographer usually do?

W: There are different kinds of photographers, and our lives and work can be quite different. For instance, a photographer working for National Geographic might travel to different places, taking photos of architecture, landscapes and animals. But for fashion photographers like me, we mainly do two things — commercial shoots and our own creative projects. The former is for making money and offering services to customers. The latter is for expression — we post these photos on our own social media, submit them to media outlets and contests, or host photographic exhibitions to show them off.

M: What makes a good photographer?

W: For commercial shooting, there are some routines that we can follow and the most important thing is to meet the needs of our customers. For our own shoots, what matters most is that you have something that you want to express, and that these things can be received or understood by a certain group of people who think similarly.

M: Thank you for taking part in the interview.



Text 10

W: Do you know when and how bicycles came into being? Well, in the eighteenth century, cities became larger and larger. And people moved from the countryside and small towns to the cities because there was more work for them to do in the cities. On Sundays and holidays, they liked to leave the cities and have a good time in the countryside. But not every family had a horse. So people needed a simpler means of transportation, and inventors in many countries tried to solve this problem.

Therefore, the first bicycle, which was very simple, appeared in 1790 in France. People called it “the horse on wheels”, but it was difficult to ride and it also felt uncomfortable. Then in 1861, after many improvements were made, bicycles became a practical means of transportation. And people liked bicycles because they were not as expensive as horses, and better still, they didnt need to be fed. They could go anywhere and were easy to ride.







Day 1 1-4 BCAB

Day 2 1-4 CBAD

Day 3 1-4 ADBC

Day 4 1-4 DACB

Day 5 1. from/in      2. found      3. distinguishes    4. closely        5. a

6. to recreate   7. artistic     8. incorporating    9. decorations   10. that





Day 1 1-4 BCAB

1. B。文章第3段具体阐述了动作捕捉技术的定义,从“... track their movements and map them onto computer-generated 3D characters on-screen”可知,动作捕捉表演就是为动画、游戏等中的虚拟角色表演动作,故答案为B

2. C。文中第4段及第5段具体介绍了Chen在动作捕捉表演中需要完成的以及面临的挑战,从Mocap acting is an art form that centers on the expressive capabilities of the body”和“we must swiftly convey the characters personalities through movements right after learning about them for the first time”等细节可知,动作捕捉表演需要演员富有表现力并且有很强的适应能力,故答案为C

3. A。从文中第7段“Chen said its important to infuse emotions into body movements”可知,Chen提及“the quiver of anger”是为了举例说明她是如何通过身体动作来表达情绪的,故答案为A

4. B。从文中最后1段“... observes passers-by to enhance her mocap movements”可知,Chen会通过观察研究路人的动作来精进自己的表演技术,故答案为B



Day 2 1-4 CBAD

1. C。从文中第2段“this 28-year-old enthusiast has been photographing rockets for nearly four years”可知,Zhang24岁时开始从事火箭摄影工作,故答案为C

2. B。从文中第4段及第5段“I saw the significance of showing my pictures to the public: to make people aware of the great efforts China undertakes”可知,此行让Zhang意识到了自己的工作的重要意义,要让人们知道中国在发展航天事业上付出的艰辛和努力,故答案为B

3. A。文中第6Zhang回顾了中国在过去五十多年里航天事业的发展,并从五十年前及现在的成就以及与美国的对比强调了中国航天事业发展进步之迅速,故答案为A

4. D。综合全文可知,Zhang对火箭摄影工作充满热爱,并从中认识到了她的工作意义重大,要让人们看到中国航天事业的成就和付出的努力,说明她有很强的社会责任感,故答案为D



Day 3 1-4 ADBC

1. A。从文中第2段“... serves as an important reminder of our ethical obligations toward these animals”可知,世界实验动物日致力于提升公众对实验动物福利问题的认识,提醒人们对它们的道德义务,故答案为A

2. D。文中第3段具体阐述了3R principle的定义,其中根据对Refinement的解释中“researchers should use methods that minimize inhumane practices to reduce harm to the animals as much as possible”可知,“优化”原则指的是尽量减少对实验动物的伤害,故答案为DC选项属于“replacement”原则(replacing animal experiments with other research methods)的范畴。

3. B。从文中第4段首句“ethical questions related to lab animals still raise concerns”可知,尽管有3R原则,在目前的科学研究实践中,有关实验动物的道德问题依然存在争议,提到Neuralink的猴子实验即是为了举例说明这一点,故答案为B

4. C。从文中第6段“organs-on-chips technology allows scientists to grow special human cells that act like real organs, on a tiny chip”可知,organs-on-chips技术主要是在芯片上制造出模拟人体器官运作的模型,从而不使用实验动物进行研究,故答案为C



Day 4 1-4 DACB

1. D。从文中第2段“As well as looking after the museum, we monitor the environment and keep track of our neighbors, the penguins.”可知,作者除了要照看博物馆,还负责监测岛上的生态环境,故答案为D

2. A。文中第4段作者简要介绍了她在Port Lockroy的生活,从没有流动水、冲水马桶和洗澡条件、以及需要做很多额外事情可推知她们的生活是很艰苦的,故答案为A

3. C。从文中第6段首句“I have the nicest commute to work.”可知,这段主要讲了作者居住和工作的地方附近的美景及有趣的事物,与前文的艰苦生活条件形成了对比,表达了作者对南极的野生动物和生态环境的喜爱,举snowy sheathbills的例子也是为了说明南极野生动物丰富了她在这里的生活,故答案为C

4. B。从文中最后1段“Being in the middle of this vast landscape gives you time to reflect and to think about just how small you are.”可知,在南极的经历让作者收获了看待人生的全新视角,让她明白了人的渺小,故答案为B




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