Day 1 1-4 BCDD
1. B。从文中第一段“defines self-care as trying to stay healthy and prevent diseases”可知答案为B。
2. C。从文中第二段“Examples of this trend are all over social media, where brands promote (推广) a range of self-care products”可知答案为C。
3. D。从文中第三段“This selfishness pulls them away from others, leading to loneliness rather than connection”可知答案为D。
4. D。从文中最后一段“if we can find a balance between caring for ourselves and caring for others, real self-care could be our lifeline.”可知答案为D。
Day 2 1-4 DABC
1. D。从文中第二段“According to the cafe’s 35-year-old founder, Tang Rong, keeping unusual pets like lizards (蜥蜴) and snakes used to be a niche hobby”可知,养蜥蜴和蛇作为宠物是不太常见的,故答案为D。
2. A。从文中倒数第四段“so they need socialization from a young age.”可知答案为A。
3. B。从文中倒数第二段“said that would-be exotic pet owners must first think about the lack of places to treat their new animals”可知,在武汉,异宠主人面临的最大挑战是相关的医疗资源有限,故答案为B。
4. C。最后一段提到每一只可爱的异宠背后都需要一份承诺,而很少有人准备好承担这份责任。因此,作者暗示养异宠需要相当大的承诺和责任感,故答案为C。
Day 3 1-4 CCAD
1. C。从文中第一段“might be surprised at how smart today’s youth are with their finances”可知答案为C。
2. C。从文中第四段“they focus on reducing living costs”可知,“第四消费时代”,人们不再痴迷于拥有物品,而是专注于降低生活成本,故答案为C。
3. A。从文中倒数第二段“it has become a life philosophy”可知答案为A。
4. D。从文中最后一段“The difference now is that today’s generation, when faced with the same dilemma, chooses a smarter way out”可知,与《包法利夫人》中的主人公面临理想生活与现实不满的困境不同,今天的年轻人在面对同样困境时选择了更聪明的方式。他们不再渴望可能永远不会到来的理想生活,而是在可实现的替代方案中找到满足感,拥抱更简单、更可持续的生活方式。因此作者提到《包法利夫人》是为了强调当今年轻人在面对困境时做出了更明智的选择,故答案为D。
Day 4 1-4 CADC
1. C。从文章第2段“Maida is also My-dah to strangers who see their culture in mine. ”可知,这一段讲的是作者的名字的文化联系,故答案为C。
2. A。从文章第5段“I accepted the mispronunciation “May-dah” to fit in, wanting to be approachable and memorable without showcasing my immigrant background.”可知,作者最开始接受别人读错她的名字是为了融入集体,故答案为A。
3. D。从文章第7段“The shift was good for business, but terrible for me...The mispronunciation of my name became obvious, and I struggled with the expectations and discomfort of asserting my identity.”可知,在多样与包容的文化刚刚在公司推广开来的时候,作者的内心很挣扎,一方面期待展现自己的身份,一方面又担心公开自己的身份,因此她的内心是不安的,故答案为D。
4. C。从文章最后1段可知,作者现在认为自己的名字就是自己身份骄傲的证明,故答案为C。