1. The detailed description of the school environment effectively sets a gloomy (忧郁的), isolated and oppressive (压迫的) mood, which foreshadows (埋下伏笔) David’s difficult experiences at the school and lays the foundation for the challenges and hardships he will face later in the story. It also makes the reader feel sorry for David’s situation and understand the difficult conditions that shape his character.
2. 1) surprised 2) dirty and empty 3) HE BITES 4) lonely and unhappy 5) violently 6) frightened 7) got hit 8) unluckiest 9) attention
Characters |
Personality traits |
Evidence summarized |
David |
Vulnerable, timid and hopeful |
Vulnerable: He was extremely lonely and unhappy but unwilling to meet the other boys since he was sure they would laugh at him, especially at the sign he wore. Timid: He was “trembling” when going to see Mr Creakle, showing fear. Hopeful: Despite being frightened, he gathered the courage to ask Mr Creakle if he could take off the sign, showing he hoped for a better situation. |
Mr Creakle |
Cruel, aggressive and authoritative |
Cruel: He “pulled violently” at David’s ear and “gave a sudden, terrible shout” in response to David’s request, showing a lack of kindness. Aggressive & authoritative: He banged his hand hard on the table, trying to scare David. He also spoke in a demanding way, saying, “Answer me, boy!” |
IV. They all use passive voice, which shows how the protagonist lacks control in his situation. He is acted upon by external forces and becomes a victim of circumstance. This grammatical choice emphasizes the themes of isolation, punishment and the protagonist’s powerlessness.
V. David’s friendship with Tommy Traddles is based on mutual understanding and support, as both boys are vulnerable and seek comfort in each other’s company. In contrast, David’s admiration for James Steerforth stems from Steerforth’s confidence and social status, which David desires. These relationships reveal David’s dual needs: the need for genuine connection (with Traddles) and the need for approval and acceptance (from Steerforth). They also show how David navigates his loneliness by seeking both emotional support and social approval.
Day 1 1-4 CDBD
Day 2 1-4 BCAA
Day 3 1-4 DACB
Day 4 1-4 BCDB
Day 5 1-5 EFDGC
Day 1 1-4 CDBD
1. C。根据文章第二段“Brown University defines it as a set period during which people avoid using electronic devices that have become a big part of daily life”以及“tour operators are now offering digital detox trips, where travelers choose an internet - free environment”可知,数字排毒旅行的主要目的是让人们在一段时间内远离电子设备,给人们一个从使用电子设备中解脱出来的机会。
2. D。从文章第三段“However, she acknowledged that tech - free travel hasn’t yet become popular, as many people are still concerned about shutting off their devices completely”可知,Tara Cappel认为无科技旅行还未流行起来是因为很多人仍然担心完全关闭他们的设备(会带来很多不便)。
3. B。根据文章第四段“While a digital detox is meant to reduce stress, shutting down devices may actually cause more anxiety due to our close relationship with technology”,Emily Cherkin提到虽然数字排毒旨在减轻压力,但由于我们与科技的紧密联系,关闭设备实际上可能会导致更多焦虑,这说明她认为完全的数字排毒可能会带来麻烦。
4. D。依据文章第五段“Sina Joneidy, a senior teacher at Teesside University, UK, advocates practicing digital awareness. ‘I make sure my use of technology is purposeful’”可知,Sina Joneidy认为应对网络成瘾更实际的方法是更有目的地使用科技。
Day 2 1-4 BCAA
1. B。根据文章第二段可知,在像数学和自然语言推理等任务中,DeepSeek - R1模型的表现与OpenAI等大公司的领先模型相当,但其成本低得多且使用的计算能力也少很多。这表明它能以较低的成本提供高水平的性能。
2. C。文章第四段明确指出“DeepSeek adopts Reinforcement Learning (RL) as the main training method”,即与传统的思维链和监督微调方法不同,DeepSeek采用强化学习作为主要的训练方法。所以DeepSeek - R1是通过采用强化学习来训练其模型的。
3. A。根据文章第五段“By significantly increasing the data quality and improving the model architecture, DeepSeek may transform the AI field, pointed out the US investment bank Morgan Stanley”,美国投资银行摩根士丹利指出,通过显著提高数据质量和改进模型架构,DeepSeek可能会改变人工智能领域,这意味着它可能会改变人工智能发展的未来。
4. A。文章最后提到“DeepSeek - R1 is open - source. Everyone is free to access the model’s code and make changes to suit their own needs”,并且DeepSeek创始人梁文峰表示“我们不会选择闭源”,强调了分享知识、构建健康生态系统和为技术整体进步做贡献的重要性。这表明DeepSeek对开源发展持支持态度。
Day 3 1-4 DACB
1. D。根据文章第三段“The film has 2,427 shots (镜头), with 1,948 featuring visual effects”可知,《哪吒之魔童闹海》这部电影有大量的视觉特效。选项A具有迷惑性,文中仅说它成为全球有史以来票房最高的动画电影,并非最赚钱的中国电影,因此A错误。
2. A。根据文章第五段“the results didn’t meet the standards ... Instead, he decided to have domestic teams refine the effects, ensuring the project was in expert hands.”可知,导演选择国内团队做特效是因为国际团队的结果不符合标准,而国内团队能确保项目由专业人士来做,也就是因为国内团队的专业能力。
3. C。文章第六段提到 Fantawild Animation负责制作森林打斗场景中的瀑布,为了让瀑布看起来逼真,团队使用了先进的物理模拟技术,用50个高性能工作站进行处理,努力确保最终效果既宏大又符合瀑布的风格。这主要体现了国内团队为了达到电影的高标准所付出的努力。
4. B。文中提到哪吒说“如果前方没有路,我会开辟一条”,并提到“shape the future of Chinese animation”,说明138家中国动画公司要聚集在一起塑造中国动画的未来,展示了行业的实力和创造力。这意味着中国动画公司有决心去创新并取得成功。
Day 4 1-4 BCDB
1. B。由第二段“and that I had been sent there during the holidays as a punishment for my wickedness”可知,大卫在假期被送到塞勒姆学校是对他不良行为的惩罚。
2. C。由第四段“Although I was extremely lonely and unhappy at this time, I was not looking forward to meeting all the other boys. I felt sure they would laugh at me ...”可知,大卫虽然感到孤独和难过,但也不想见到其他男孩,怕他们嘲笑自己。
3. D。由倒数第二、三段可知,在校长Creakle的房间,大卫被他的言辞和反应吓坏了。校长并未扇他耳光、移除他戴的牌子,大卫也没有和校长争论。
4. B。由第六段“He pulled violently at my ear.”以及倒数第二段“Mr Creakle gave a sudden, terrible shout and jumped out of his chair.”等内容可看出,Creakle先生很粗暴且脾气暴躁。
Day 5 1-5 EFDGC
1. E。首段首句提到人们了解参与艺术活动的乐趣,下文引用英国研究说明艺术活动对健康的益处。选项E“研究证实享受文化活动有益健康”恰当地衔接了“乐趣”和“健康益处”,并通过“Now”引出研究结论,形成自然过渡。
2. F。第二段引用研究结论,指出艺术互动(尤其是音乐)能减少抑郁、疼痛并提高生活质量。选项F“这些益处降低医疗成本并提升工作效率”进一步说明前文“健康益处”带来的经济影响,且“these benefits”指代前文提到的减少抑郁等症状。后文举老年人节省医疗费用的例子,与F中的“lower healthcare costs”呼应。
3. D。第三段开头需要总述艺术活动的广泛健康益处。选项D“研究指出参与艺术的广泛健康益处”作为段落主题句,后文通过教授的解释和具体案例展开说明。关键词“health benefits”与后文“cognitive development”“physical health”等形成总分关系。
4. G。前文举例老年人参加绘画班节省医疗费用,后需补充其他年龄段的例子。选项G“类似地,参与艺术活动的年轻人生活满意度更高”通过“Similarly”引出平行案例,与老年人例子并列,体现艺术对不同人群的普遍益处。关键词“artistic activities”与前文“drawing classes”呼应。
5. C。最后一段提到了建议增加艺术投资并强调支持文化资源。选项C“cut to arts funding”和前文“putting more money”形成对比,削减艺术资金可能危害公共健康反向强调了投资的重要性,突出主题。逻辑上,C与尾句“需要资助文化资源”形成因果链,增强说服力。