



Day 1 1-4 DACB

Day 2 1-4 CBBD

Day 3 1-4 CDAD

Day 4 1-4 BDCC

Day 5 1-5 BACDD  6-10 ABCDB  11-15 CADBA


Day 1 1-4 DACB

1. D。文章第三段提到“Fan was fascinated by wuxia novels and TV series from a young age.”这种热爱促使他尝试将武侠中的技能在现实生活中重现。选项D准确地反映了Fan的动机。

2. A。这两段内容主要解释了实现御剑术的技术原理,因此选项A是正确的。

3. C。文章第七段提到“Its uneven design made it hard to keep balanced.”因此,选项C准确地指出了最大的挑战是剑的平衡问题。

4. B文章最后一段提到“I’m introducing more people to the unique charm of wuxia and its deep roots in Chinese culture.”这表明Fan认为他的视频正在推广武侠文化及其文化意义。选项B准确地反映了Fan的信念。


Day 2 1-4 CBBD

1. C。文章的核心主题是探讨间谍剧在当今的流行趋势。因此,选项C是最贴切的中心主题。

2. B。文章第三段提到 "spy dramas connect with audiences because they reflect the world we live in",因此,选项B是正确答案。

3. B。最近的剧集(如《黑鸽》)中,间谍更多地被私人情报机构雇佣,文章第三段提到“This distrust in government is also reflected in the changing nature of the spies themselves.”和“This seems to speak to ... the sense that governments seem increasingly ineffectual”,因此,选项B(对政府的不信任感在增加)是正确答案。

4. D。第四段指出间谍剧的心理学吸引力:“From a psychological point of view, people are drawn to these shows because of the comfort they offer."fulfill our strong desire to resolve ambiguity and uncertainty",因此,选项D(提供安慰和对事件的更清晰理解)是正确答案。


Day 3 1-4 CDAD

1. C。文章第三段提到,科学家们研究木乃伊气味的主要目的是了解古埃及木乃伊的制作材料和方法(“Their aim was to look at the materials and methods used in mummification.”)。因此,选项C(研究木乃伊的保存方式)是正确答案。

2. D。文章第四段明确指出,科学家们通过打开木乃伊的“棺材”并使用小管子收集内部的空气来研究木乃伊的气味(“...collected some of the air inside using small pipes...”)。因此,选项D是正确答案。

3. A。文章第六段提到,“To their surprise, the scents were quite pleasant.”。因此,选项A(令人愉快的)是正确答案。

4. D。文章最后一段提到,科学家们计划在2026年将重现的木乃伊气味展示在埃及博物馆中,以改善游客的体验(“They plan to present them in the Egyptian Museum in 2026 to improve visitor experience...”)。因此,选项D(改善博物馆游客的体验)是正确答案。


Day 4 1-4 BDCC

1. B。文章第四段提到“Jo heard, but Amy did not.”。因此,Amy滑向河中央是因为她没有听到Laurie的警告,选项B是正确答案。

2. D。第六段提到,当Amy掉入冰窟时,Laurie滑过Jo身边并喊道:“Bring a piece of wood from the side of the river, quickly!”。这表明Laurie希望Jo找一块木头来救援Amy。因此,选项D是正确答案。

3. C。在倒数第二段中,成功救出Amy之后,Jo感到非常内疚和后悔。她意识到自己之前拒绝原谅Amy,而Amy差点因此丧命(“I refused to forgive her, and today, she nearly died! And it was Laurie who saved her. How could I be so wicked?”)。因此,选项C(内疚和后悔)是正确答案。

4. C。倒数第三段中,Mrs March在与Jo的对话中表现出了诚实和理解。她承认自己几乎每天都会生气,但学会了控制自己的情绪,避免说出愤怒的话(“I get angry nearly every day of my life, Jo, but Ive learned not to show it. Ive learned to stop myself saying the angry words that come to my lips...”)。这表明她是一个诚实的人,同时也非常理解Jo的感受,并给予她建议和支持。因此,选项C(诚实且理解)是正确答案。


Day 5 1-5 BACDD  6-10 ABCDB  11-15 CADBA

1. B。前文“Student athletes from the Santa Clarita Valley are using their athletic skills to help shelter dogs in Castaic and promote their adoption via social media.”提到,学生是参与者,因此“支持”最符合逻辑。

2. A。前文提到“ Run with Dogs project ”,因此“Program”(项目)在这里是合适的词汇。

3. C。“Ready for adoption”(待领养)是描述收容所狗的状态。文中提到学生运动员在跑步时陪伴那些待领养的狗,因此“ready”(准备好的)是合适的词汇。

4. D。学生运动员在社交媒体上“分享”狗狗的信息和照片,后文提到他们的帖子被广泛传播,因此“share”最符合逻辑。

5. D。文章提到这些学生是田径运动员,因此“runners”是最合适的词汇。

6. A。教练提到学生运动员不仅擅长跑步,还擅长使用社交媒体。其他选项如“dependent on”(依赖于)、“busy with”(忙于)和“addicted to”(沉迷于)都不符合语境,

7. B。“Bring the two together”(将两者结合起来)表示将跑步和社交媒体结合起来,符合语境。

8. C。学生运动员在跑步过程中会与狗互动。其他选项都不符合语境,

9. D。学生运动员作为志愿者参与项目,因此“volunteers”(志愿者)是合适的词汇。

10. B。学生运动员在社交媒体上分享关于狗的信息,因此“animals”(动物)是最合适的词汇。

11. C。这里强调的是学生运动员在社交媒体上发布的帖子,因此“posts”(帖子)是合适的词汇。

12. A。这里强调的是学生运动员通过与狗互动,理解与狗一起跑步的感觉。其他选项如“appreciate”(欣赏)、“accept”(接受)和“realize”(意识到)都不符合语境。

13. D。这里强调的是学生运动员与狗之间的情感联系,“Bond with the dogs”(与狗建立联系)符合语境。

14. B。根据前文“Karen Cirricione, started the  2  this year.”可知教练是这项活动的发起者,因此教练希望“举办”更多活动。

15. A。这里强调的是通过宣传活动帮助收容所的狗被领养,从而“清空”收容所。







① near the edge ② strange ③ lost ④ fear

⑤ wood  ⑥ fell asleep ⑦ the angry words

⑧ held each other ⑨ forgave and forgot



① Jo felt guilty (内疚的) because she had been angry with Amy earlier and refused to forgive her. She thought that if she had been kinder, the accident might not have happened, and she felt responsible for Amy’s near-death experience.

② Mrs March’s advice helped Jo understand that everyone could get angry, but the important thing is to learn to control it and not to show it. This made Jo realize that she could also work on managing her anger and being more like her mother.

B. 1.



Inner feelings


Personality traits


turned away from Amy when she arrived;

heard Laurie’s warning but didn’t tell Amy

angry, annoyed

Impulsive (冲动的),  regretful, self-critical, caring

stood still, felt a strange feeling, turned back

worried, fearful

fetched wood to help save Amy


cried and blamed herself afterward


held Amy close after she woke up

forgiving, loving, relieved


skated toward the middle of the river


naive, adventurous,  resilient (坚韧的)

fell through the ice and cried out


held out her arms and smiled at Jo

forgiving, loving


carefully skating along the edge of the ice


cautious, caring, responsible, brave, quick-thinking

shouted instructions to Jo and quickly responded to the danger


Mrs March

comforted Jo


wise,  understanding, honest, patient, supportive


shared her own experiences of controlling anger

understanding, wanted to help Jo grow emotionally


2. Jo learned that anger and lack of forgiveness could lead to regret and harm. She understood the need to control her emotions and be more like her mother, who had learned to keep her anger in check.


C. The main theme of this story is forgiveness and the importance of controlling one’s emotions. It is reflected in Jo’s actions and feelings. Jo easily gets angry and refuses to forgive Amy, but when Amy falls through the ice, Jo realizes how dangerous her unforgiving attitude can be. She feels guilty and regrets what she did. In the end, Amy forgives Jo with a smile and a hug, showing the power of forgiveness.


IV. ① 乔看见了艾米,可她背过身去。






V. The next morning, Jo walked into Amy’s room with a nervous smile. Amy looked up, her eyes still a bit red from the night before. Jo sat down beside her and took a deep breath. “Amy, I’m so sorry for how I acted yesterday. I was wrong to be angry with you. I’m just glad you’re okay.” Amy smiled softly and reached for Jo’s hand. “It’s okay, Jo. I know you didn’t mean it. And I’m glad you’re my sister.” Jo felt a wave of relief wash over her. “Me too, Amy. Let’s promise never to hold grudges (怨恨) again.” Amy nodded, and they hugged tightly, feeling closer than ever. (109 words)




I. 1. the stage manager; 2. uncomfortable; 3. a pet shelter; 4. three-legged; 5. strength;

6. worried; 7. excellent; 8. personality; 9. unique; 10. surprised

II. 1. imperfection in appearance

2. he was accepted by the audience because of his personality and uniqueness

3. true perfection in a performance lies in embracing (欣然接受) one’s uniqueness and the ability to touch hearts, rather than one’s perfect appearance

4. Embracing one’s imperfection/uniqueness

III. (One possible version)

Paragraph 1:

1. Farley would cooperate well with Kayla onstage, following her instructions.

2. The audience would be touched by the three-legged dog and applaud (鼓掌) him for his excellent performance.

3. Ashley would feel proud of Farley’s success and get encouraged.

4. Ashley would associate (联系) Farley’s missing leg with her large birthmark, both of which symbolize imperfect appearance, and realize that true perfection onstage is about a good performance, not about looking perfect.

Paragraph 2:

1. Ashley would decide to take on a role in the next play, as she learned to embrace her uniqueness from Farley’s experience.

2. Mr Loomis would feel happy about Ashley’s growth and encourage her again.

3. When Ashley learned to embrace her birthmark or imperfection, see her uniqueness and face the audience courageously, she would better embrace everything about herself and the world.

IV. (One possible version)

It turned out that Farley was a huge hit. Every time he bounded (蹦跳) onto the stage standing beside Kayla, they brought the story of Annie to life. His calm behavior allowed Kayla to connect with him deeply, bringing laughter and tears to the audience, who didn’t even notice his missing leg. I felt so proud to see Farley shine brightly onstage! As soon as the play ended, the audience broke into loud applause, celebrating Kayla’s talent and Farley’s unique charm. At that very moment, I realized perfection was not about a perfect appearance, but about embracing uniqueness and acting a role that touched hearts, just like Farley.

As Annie ended, Mr Loomis was looking for actors for the next play. Inspired by Farley’s success, I decided to step out from behind the curtains. After reading the new play carefully, I found a role that suited me perfectly. The next day, a mixture of excitement and nervousness filled me as I made my way to Mr Loomis’ office to sign up for the role. Looking at me with a sincere smile, Mr Loomis said, “So you are returning to the world of performance?” Filled with newfound confidence, I replied, “Why not? After all, theater is for everyone.”

Questions to ponder:

1. How does the application of symbolism help convey the theme?

Farley, the three-legged dog, serves as the symbol of imperfection in the story, conveying the theme of accepting one’s own imperfections and embracing uniqueness. Farley’s charm and ability to connect with the audience show that true perfection comes from who we are inside, not just how we look. Through Farley’s success, Ashley realized her misunderstanding of perfection and achieved self-growth. Using symbols like Farley makes the story more interesting and helps us understand the theme better. This is like adding layers to the story that make us think and feel more deeply.


2. How do the other characters’ responses enhance the symbolism?

Kayla’s perfect interaction with Farley and the audience’s positive response to him show that they look beyond his physical appearance. Mr Loomis’ encouragement stresses the concept that the theater values all kinds of performers. All these suggest a change in Ashley’s view on what makes a performer truly great.


3. How does the consistency of symbolism throughout the writing support the theme effectively?

The symbolism of Farley is consistent throughout the continuation part. In paragraph 1, the description maintains a focus on his unique qualities and the impact he has on the performance and Ashley. In paragraph 2, Ashley’s realization that perfection is about embracing uniqueness is repeated, ending with her decision to return to acting, which ties back to the symbolism of Farley and the theme.


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