

TESOL Academy 2005

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  TESOL Academy 2005 will be held June 24 to 25, at the George Washington University, Washington, D.C. USA.

  The Academy 2005 features the following six 10-hour workshops focused on key issues and areas of practice in the profession:

  Using TESOL’s Revised PreK-12 English Language Proficiency Standards. PreK-12 ESL teachers, curriculum developers, and administrators are recommended to take part.

  Essentials of Workplace Language Training. Workplace language trainers with some experience in teaching adults, preferably in nonacademic settings are suggested to attend.

  Generation 1.5: Transitioning into College. This workshop is recommended to high school and college level instructors and administrators.

  Support for the Struggling Adolescent Reader. Middle and high school as well as community college teachers should find this workshop useful.

  Strategies for Teaching English Language Learners with Special Needs. This workshop will be especially helpful for ESL and special education teachers and administrators (K-12) concerned about designing effective curricula and instruction for English language learners with identified disabilities.

  Sound Concepts for Teaching the Sound System. It will be particularly helpful to middle school, high school, and adult-level ESL teachers or teacher trainers with little or no prior training or experience teaching pronunciation, as well as those with experience teaching pronunciation who are looking for new insights and a systematic approach.

  For more details, please refer to http://www.tesol.org/s_tesol/sec_document.asp?CID=23&DID=3059.


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