一说起May,许多人会想起莎士比亚第18首十四行诗中脍炙人口的名句:Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May.
英国近代文学之父乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer)在其著名的《坎特伯雷故事集》(The Canterbury Tales)里也有欢迎五月的诗句: May, with alle thy flours and thy grene,Welcome be thou, faire, fresshe May.
许多英国诗人喜欢通过写诗来歌颂五月,以此表达了他们对五月的喜爱和激情。如著名诗人洛威尔JR(James Russell Lowell)将五月形象地比喻为红珊瑚:The maple puts her corals on in May.
理查德·勒·加里恩(Richard le Gallienne)则将五月拟人化:May is building her house. With apple blooms, she is roofing over the glimmering rooms.