
奋斗百年路 启航新征程

Darwin's complete works now available online for free

作者:编辑 王晓珊
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  本期起,本版将开辟《Bilingual News》栏目,将China Daily刊登的一篇趣味性、知识性精品文章进行对译,以飨读者双语学习的需要。  ---------------------------------  A MISSING notebook clutched by a Shropshire lad who circumnavigated the globe, returned to Britain, and demolished the Victorian hubris that humans stood alone as the pinnacle of creation is published for the first time today.  The original notebook, which documents Charles Darwin's observations throughout his five-year voyage to the Amazon, Patagonia and the Pacific aboard HMS Beagle, is presumed stolen, but using a microfilm copy, Cambridge University scientists yesterday made it available free online, along with the entire works of the scientist credited with the most important advance in science of the past 300 years.  The collection brings Darwin's  breathtaking range of writing together for the first time, with 50,000 pages of searchable text, and tens of thousands of images, many from previously unpublished manuscripts, together with notebooks, diaries and original publications such as The Origin of Species, The Voyage of the Beagleand and The Descent of Man. Audio versions of key works will be free to download at the project website, darwin-online.org.uk.  Randal Keynes, Darwin's great, great grandson, said the project fulfilled the Darwin family's long-standing aim to have all of the scientist's work available for everyone.  
(China Daily October 20, 2006)
  日前,一本丢失的笔记在英国首次出版。该笔记的主人是一百多年前英国什罗蒲郡的一个年轻人——查尔斯达尔文,他环游地球回国后带回的笔记粉碎了当时维多利亚时代以人类为生物界最高统治者的骄傲。  该笔记记录了达尔文历时5年时间,乘坐“贝格尔”号轮船前往亚马逊河、巴塔哥尼亚和太平洋航行的经历。笔记内容由于早在丢失前被拍成微缩胶片才得以保存。剑桥大学的科学家们近日将该笔记内容上传到了网上,使人们能够免费在线阅读。与它同时“上网”的还有这位著名科学家于300年前推动人类科学进步的全部学术著作。  这部作品合集首次向世人展示了达尔文数量惊人的著作,其中包括约5万页学术作品、数十万张图片和一些达尔文此前从未公开过的手稿。另外,网站上还有他的另外一些笔记、日记及部分作品的手稿,如《物种起源》《贝格尔号航行日志》《人类的由来及选择》等。网民只需点击darwin-online. org.uk即可登录网站进行阅读,并可免费下载达尔文主要作品的语音版。  “这项工作使全世界的人能够读到达尔文的全部作品,这是达尔文家族长久以来的愿望。”达尔文的玄孙兰德尔凯恩斯说道。

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