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Brit TV Takes Top Honours at Int'l Emmys

作者:编辑 王晓珊
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  BRITISH television swept most of the top honours at the International Emmy Awards, led by the police saga "Life on Mars" which won best drama series and Ray Winstone who was named best actor for his detective series "Vincent". Maryam Hassouni, a Moroccan living in the Netherlands, won best actress for portraying a Palestinian woman suspected of planning a terrorist attack in the Dutch TV production "Offers."  "Little Britain," a satirical look at the UK today with a cast of transvestite, obese and other eccentric characters created by Matt Lucas and David Walliams, was chosen the best comedy at Monday night's gala awards ceremony in the grand ballroom of the New York Hilton.  The Emmy for non-scripted entertainment went to "Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares" which features celebrated London chef Gordon Ramsay, known for his explosive personality, dishing out advice on how to save failing restaurants.  The International Emmys honour excellence in television programming produced outside the United States. The awards ceremony closed with the presentation of the International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences' Founders Award to producer-director Steven Spielberg.  
(China Daily,Nov. 22, 2006)
  英国电视节目在国际艾美奖中荣获了多数最高奖项。描述警察故事的《火星生活》率先荣获最佳连续剧奖,雷温斯顿因在侦探系列剧《文森特》中的出色表现获最佳男演员奖。现居荷兰的摩洛哥演员玛丽亚姆哈桑尼,因在荷兰电视剧《奉献》中成功扮演一名涉嫌参与恐怖袭击的巴勒斯坦妇女荣获最佳女演员奖。  周一晚在纽约希尔顿酒店大舞厅举行的颁奖盛会上,《小不列颠》一剧荣获最佳喜剧奖。该剧以讽刺的手法描写了当前的英国社会,Matt Lucas和David Walliams在剧中塑造了有身穿异性服装癖、肥胖又性情古怪的人物形象。  《拉姆齐的厨房噩梦》获无剧本式娱乐节目奖。该剧主人公是伦敦一名著名的厨师Gordon Ramsay,他以性格暴躁、整日向别人建议如何挽救即将倒闭的饭店而闻名。  国际艾美奖通常授予美国以外的其它国家的优秀电视工作者和艺术家,但本届电视艺术与科学缔造者奖授予了美国导演兼制片人史蒂芬斯皮尔伯格。颁奖晚会在他的获奖感言中结束。    

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