

Translation can be a ‘crutch’ to avoid learning English

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  THE UK government would focus on English language teaching rather translation services under proposals being considered by a UK government-created organization.

  The proposals were recently unveiled by the Commission on Integration and Social Cohesion of the UK in its interim report. It identifies poor language skills as a major barrier to social integration in the country.

  The report is suggesting that existing translation services be cut to prevent newcomers from using them as a “crutch” to avoid learning English. The report asks if enough is being done to successfully integrate migrants into British society.

  The inability to speak English is highlighted in a survey in which 60 per cent of those surveyed agreed that the biggest barrier to “being English” was poor language skills.

  “Learning English is clearly the responsibility of the individual, but local authorities, central government and employers have a key role in supporting migrants to improve their language skills,” said Darra Singh, Chairman of the Commission. He characterized the translation services as potentially hindering in the long-term, rather than helping, immigrants entering the country.

  “Translation should never be a substitute for learning English in the first place,” Singh explained.

  Ruth Kelly, Secretary of the UK State for Communities and Local Government, welcomed the report, adding that she is particularly pleased that the commission has focused on translation, since the present policy may be incorrect.

  She said the “wrong balance” had been struck by some councils (referring to deliberative assemblies in the UK, such as city councils and county councils) in providing translations about local services in 15 languages.

  Conservatives have said that good English skills are essential for full participation in local communities and the government should redirect some of the funds spent on translation into English classes.

  In addition, the report is recommending that spouses of immigrants into the UK “should” have to pass an English language test.

  “If you can’t speak English ? whether you are a new migrant or someone who has lived here for years ? you are on a path to isolation and separation,” Singh said.

  “Language support offered to spouses from abroad is therefore of real interest ? should we be asking whether they should speak English before they get here?” Singh added.

  He warned that if immigrants fail to pick up English “soon” after their arrival, they might never do so. “Those who can’t speak English find other ways of getting by and, if English is not learnt quickly, then the chance of ever learning the language diminishes rapidly.”


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