

Teaching evaluation and the new English

作者:文/深圳实验学校高中部 王光照
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  The aim of curriculum reform is the fostering of a spirit of innovation that leads to a new practical effectiveness. Scientific teaching evaluation is an important means by which this aim can be achieved.

  Essentials of teaching evaluation

  These new English-teaching criteria reflect both contemporary developments in foreign language teaching and the latest research on the topic in China. Its final objective is to train students as clear and effective communicators, self-guiding life-long learners, creative problem solvers, responsible and participant citizens, excellent workers and thinkers capable of seeing the larger picture.

  To carry through scientific teaching evaluation the following problems need to be emphasized:

  1.The need for English and foreign language education in China to be of the highest quality.

  2.The need for the harmonization of academic linguistic study and practical language learning.

  3.The need to teach speaking, listening, reading and writing as elements of a single language education.

  4.The challenge of becoming the best possible English learners whilst maintaining a proper emphasis on our native language.

  5.Understanding the importance of culture to the study of languages.

  6.Emphasizing the active role of students but continuing to insist upon the essential function of teachers as guides.

  7.Improving the quality of both classroom reaching and extra-curricular activity.

  8.Making use of modern teaching approaches and using and developing the range of educational resources available.

  Nowadays, it is emphasized that the effectiveness of English teaching and the capacity of students to maintain a line of improvement are related to the extent to which students are capable of independent learning. Understand the above is to day the key to understanding Teaching evaluation.

  The means of teaching assessment

  Teaching evaluation is at the center of the new English pedagogy. Its objectives are: the all-round development of students; the encouragement of teachers to improve their teaching standards; and thus an acceleration of the development of English education in the country. In order to achieve a rigorous, accurate and useful evaluation the following means are proposed: self-assessment; group-assessment; and teacher assessment and expert assessment.

  The following areas should be attended to when conducting teaching evaluations:

  1.Listening to students.

  2.Attentiveness to students’ ability to self-assess.

  3.Making sure that the means of evaluation are diverse and flexible.

  4.Do teachers solicit, collect and utilize student feedback? Do students provide it?

  5.Assessment of students’ all-round English: their combined speaking, listening, reading and writing abilities.

  6.The appropriate usage by teachers of evaluation results.

  7.Making sure that evaluation is keyed to course targets.

  8.Elective and required courses have different characteristics. Evaluation must recognize these differences.

  9.Evaluation must pay attention above all to the effects evaluation has on teaching and to the correct, rational use of its findings.

  10.Making sure that evaluation puts to use the latest research in foreign and English language teaching.

  The evaluative feature

  A study by the London Income Data Service indicates that the following receive most emphasis during evaluation:

  1.The ability and knowledge of educators and the techniques they put to use.

  2.The teacher’s attitude towards his/her work, enthusiasm, motivation and sense of responsibility.

  3.The ability to see in the long term.

  4.The results achieved.

  5.The ability to work as part of a team.

  These findings can be stated in more detail:

  1.The effect of a teacher’s workload on his/her teaching.

  2.The effectiveness of the teaching; student attendance.

  3.The teacher’s overall attitude: attendance; commitment to imparting knowledge and educating people.

  4.A teacher’s professional competence (his/her ability to innovate; the match between his/her skills and the difficulty of the curriculum itself).

  5.The cooperation between the teacher and administrator and the research office. The teachers’ willingness to help new teachers.

  As a result of practical teaching experience, the author thinks that effective assessment is dependent on the application of the procedures.



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