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This column introduces world-famous English language teaching, testing and studying organizations.

INCORPORATED in 1966, Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc. (TESOL), is a global association for English language teaching professionals headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia, US. TESOL encompasses a network of approximately 60,000 educators worldwide, and consists of more than 14,000 individual members and an additional 45,000 educators within the 100 plus TESOL affiliate associations.

Representing a multifaceted academic discipline and profession, TESOL offers members serial publications, books and electronic resources on current issues, ideas and opportunities in the field of English language teaching. TESOL also conducts a variety of workshops and symposia, including an annual convention, which is regarded as the foremost professional development opportunity for English language educators worldwide.

TESOL welcomes individual, global individual, global electronic, full-time student, retired, part-time employment and joint household members to the association. Join TESOL online: www.tesol.org.

TESOL Quarterly, a professional, refereed journal, was first published in 1967. It encourages submission of previously unpublished articles on topics of significance to individuals concerned with English language teaching and learning and standard English as a second dialect. As a publication that represents a variety of cross-disciplinary interests, both theoretical and practical, the TESOL Quarterly invites manuscripts on a wide range of topics.

Submit manuscripts to the TESOL Quarterly editor:

A. Suresh Canagarajah

Editor, TESOL Quarterly

Pennsylvania State University

305 Sparks Building

University Park, PA 16802

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