
Street Wise

Indians up in arms over the word 'slumdog'

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MUCH of the world is still applauding the Golden Globe-winning movie Slumdog Millionaire, but some people can't get past the title. The British-made film shows slum life in India and features a character who, thanks to a stroke of good fortune, becomes a millionaire. Despite its feel-good ending, however, many Indian slum-dwellers have taken offence at its title. The word "slumdog" does not appear in dictionaries, although "dog" often carries a negative meaning when it is used in social contexts. Last week, protesters ransacked a cinema in Patna, capital of the eastern state of Bihar, tearing down posters advertising the movie. At other cinemas, protesters held up signs like this one: "I am not a slumdog. I am the future of India." The Mumbai Times explained the word "slumdog" this way: "[It] appears to be a British invention to describe a poor Dharavi kid in a derogatory way." Protesters have filed a lawsuit against the makers of the movie, but perhaps only Webster will be able to resolve this dispute.
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