
Street Wise

Typo strands Google users in cyberspace

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WHAT would we do without Google? Many around the world had to answer that question when the popular search engine malfunctioned on Saturday. Google handles hundreds of millions of queries every day. Each search result is scanned for hidden viruses or other harmful programs. But over the weekend, for about 55 minutes, according to The New York Times, all search results carried the company’s warning: "This site may harm your computer." If Web users ignored the warning and clicked through, they received an error. Wrote "BradBrownDotCom" on Twitter, according to The Telegraph: "The Google outage frightened me like a schoolgirl, until I remembered an old technology called 'Yahoo'." But within an hour, users could get back to their "Googling". The company attributed the malfunction to an employee who had mistyped the address of a harmful website, inadvertently causing all sites to be listed as harmful.
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