
Street Wise

Japanese women tiring of local Valentine's Day tradition

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IN the West, men are supposed to cater to women on Valentine's Day. While women might buy their partner a gift, it's usually the man who arranges the date and spends most of the money. Not so in Japan, where on Valentine's Day the woman buys. Tradition has it that the ladies must give chocolates not only to their partner, but also to their other male friends. Men who don't receive chocolate on Valentine's Day often feel embarrassed. According to Time magazine, however, a 2007 survey suggests that Japanese women are tiring of this tradition. About 70 percent wish the custom would just go away. But all this isn't to say that men get off without having to spend big bucks. On March 14, Japanese women celebrate "White Day". This is a day when men are expected to return the favor – but not by giving chocolates. Women reportedly expect to receive jewelry, watches and handbags.
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