
Street Wise

Psst! Have you heard? Gossip doesn't pay

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AMERICA'S most notorious campus gossip site shut its doors last week. JuicyCampus.com had been attracting one million unique visitors, but the website still couldn't afford to pay its staff. The controversial site allowed students to post anonymous – and often hurtful – comments about the sex lives of friends, classmates and even roommates. Many were glad to see it go. "There was nothing positive coming out of this website. It only served to dampen spirits and ruin friendships," Erika Lowe, vice-president of the student government at Western Illinois University, told the Associated Press. Visitors who go to the site are now redirected to a related site, CollegeACB.com, which allows students to post anonymous confessions. One such post by a young woman reads: "I want [to date] someone [who] doesn't care that I have small boobs or that I'm …not the skinniest person around."
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