爱尔兰文学交流会(Ireland Literature Exchange)是一个非营利性组织,致力于提高对外翻译、推介爱尔兰文学作品的数量和质量,并将大量的外国文学作品翻译成爱尔兰文字。该学会成立于1994年,每年(或两年)向中国和其他国家正在从事爱尔兰文学翻译的工作者,提供若干赴爱尔兰访学的机会。
爱尔兰文学交流会2009年度助学金现已开始申请,我国正在从事当代爱尔兰文学翻译工作并愿意赴爱尔兰访学4个月(2009年3月至7月)的中国文学翻译者均可报名。有意者请于2月20日之前将申请材料通过电邮或航空信件寄至以下地址:Ireland Literature Exchange(Translation Bursary Programme), 25 Denzille Lane, Dublin 2, Ireland。
E-mail:bursary@irelandl iterature.com
Full personal and contact details, including date of birth, address, telephone number, email address and a passport photograph.
A brief CV, detailing qualifications and literary translation work to date and including publication details where applicable.
A brief outline of the work to be carried out during the residency.
A copy of a contract with the publisher for the translation in question, signed by both parties.
An estimate of travel expenses (in euro only). Candidates not requiring a contribution towards travel expenses should state this in their application.
An indication of the preferred period of residency during the period late March 2009 to late July 2009.