
Street Wise

Facebook to give its users a voice, and a vote

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SOME Facebook users were ready to take their social-networking elsewhere after the company claimed in a new user agreement that it owned all uploaded content – forever. But following a storm of criticism, the company changed its tune. Last Friday, Facebook announced that users would get the right to vote on some future policy changes. "I think we really underestimated the sense of ownership Facebook users feel over the site," Elliot J. Schrage, Facebook's vice-president of communications and public policy, told The New York Times. "Because of the…personal nature of that information, they want to feel a real strong sense of ownership over what happens." According to the Associated Press, Facebook has promised that if more than 7,000 users post comments about any proposed policy change, it would go to a vote. If more than 30 percent of active users vote, the results would be binding. Based on Facebook's current size, nearly 53 million people would have to vote on the proposed policy change. Facebook hopes this new policy will be "change" its users can believe in.
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