

美国文学期刊Connecticut Review征集翻译稿件

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美国文学期刊《Connecticut Review》现征集用于其2009年秋季刊的翻译稿件。截稿时间为5月1日。详情见下文。


Connecticut Review is an award winning literary journal published by the Connecticut State University System. They are looking for translations to publish in their Fall 2009 issue. They are seeking translations from all languages, but are particularly interested in texts translated into English from under-represented languages. They are interested in translations of all types of material: general interest history, science, art history, as well as literature.


Connecticut Review is a semi-annual journal published since 1967 under the auspices of the Board of Trustees for the Connecticut State University. Connecticut Review invites submission of poetry, literary plays, short fiction, translations, creative nonfiction, essays, interviews, and academic articles of general interest.

Work should be 2,000 to 4,000 words. Submit two copies of each piece. The first page of each poem, story, essay or other should include the name, address, phone number, and e-mail address in the upper left corner.

Poets should submit no more than five poems. Translated work must be accompanied by appropriate written permissions from author or publisher.

Typed manuscripts should be on 8.5 × 11 paper in MLA style when appropriate.

Color photography and color artwork should be submitted as slides or transparencies. The title, date of composition, size of original, medium, and name and address of the artist should be labeled in the same way. Work with vertical orientation is preferred and should be indicated.

Each submission must be accompanied by a brief autobiographical statement.Send SASE for reply only. Manuscripts will be recycled. Mail without a return address on the outside envelope will not be opened.

Send all submissions labeled by genre to:

Meredith Clermont-Ferrand, Senior Editor

Connecticut Review

CSU System Office

39 Woodland Street

Hartford, Connecticut State, 06105-2337

United States

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