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WHEN I was a boy, I was amazed at the photographs of hundreds of thousands of Chinese standing on Tian’anmen to hear Mao Zedong declaring the founding of the People’s Republic of China, but I never dreamed that, one day, I would be in an event there too!

I was delighted when I got an invitation to join the 60th anniversary celebration of the People’s Republic of China. It was said that we were invited because of our service to China. Some of us had won the Great Wall Friendship Award, the Top Ten Volunteers Award and the Top Ten Educators Award. What a marvelous way to thank us for our service and volunteer work!

On the night of September 30, we met at Beijing Workers’ Stadium where we waited for all of those who were to ride on the other floats (彩车). At 5:30 am we got on our floats and rode to Jianguomen Lu. As we passed along the streets, we waved to smiling policemen, who waved back. And we called out to happy groups of Chinese onlookers.

The floats then gathered on the street in front of the International Hotel and we were able to get out to look at the other floats. We chatted happily with many others as we went from float to float, and we had a chance to meet the university students who were down inside each float. They were there in case the float engine (发动机) had mechanical trouble (机械故障) and the float had to be pushed. We all agreed that these were the unseen heroes of the parade!

Then, at about 10:30 am we got back on the floats. We could see thousands of students coming in from all the side roads preparing to take their positions to march beside each float. Chang’an Avenue was a sea, a carpet (地毯) of happy, patriotic (爱国的) youth! As they marched along beside us, they chanted patriotic slogans and waved their colored scarves (丝巾) or flowers.

In the perfectly beautiful blue sky there was the added excitement of the jets (喷气机) and helicopters (直升飞机). As each one passed overhead, we all let out a huge cheer.

As we looked forward toward Tian’anmen, we were so excited and we kept remarking on the size of event, of the students’ discipline (纪律), and the grandeur (宏伟) of the sight.

As we approached Tian’anmen, our float was announced and the music took on a theme of brotherhood and peace. The nation’s leaders were on the rostrum (高台) and we waved in unison (一致地) to the music to express our appreciation (感激) to the leaders. The sight of so many enthusiastic (热情的) citizens in that huge square brought tears of happiness and marvel to our eyes.

For all of us, it was an experience we could count among the most exciting of our lives. We were proud to be a part of this 60th anniversary, marking the great achievements of China and the influence China can have in the world.

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