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A(海南题型)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项多余选项。Today, there are plenty of opportunities to get to know people from other cultures. 1. ______ These ice-breakers will help you get through the embarrassing moments: British: “Beautiful day, isn’t it?”The weather in Britain is unpredictable, so, it’s one of the topics the British talk a lot about. And there’s a simple rule governing weather conversation: 2. ______ That’s because the British start a conversation using the weather so that they can find common ground and move forward.French: “3. ______”To approach a French person, the safest bet is to ask about his or her last holiday. French students enjoy a 10-to-15-day holiday every two months. And the French are famous for their conversations over a cup of coffee. 4. ______American: “What do you like to do on the weekends?”American young people like to use weekends to relax and have fun. 5. ______ So “What did/will you do on the weekend?” is a good way to turn the conversation on and get to know more about your new friend.A. Where’d you go on holiday?B. Then, all you need to do is keep your ears open when the talking starts.C. Where are you from?D. Don’t just stare at your shoes, go and say “Hi”.E. They go to see movies, visit friends’ houses or go shopping.F. You’ll likely get an enthusiastic reply from your new friend.G. Say “Yes” whether you agree with the person’s comment on the weather or not.B(浙江题型)第1至5题描述了我们在生活中使用电子产品时可能遇到的五种典型的问题。请从A、B、C、D、E和F中选出针对这些问题的最合适的解决办法。选项中一项是多余选项。1. Your phone battery goes dead but you need to get a number or send one last text. 2. Your gadget gets wet.3. Your TV remote control stops working. 4. You need to get rid of sticky (粘的) stuff on your keyboard. 5. You need to get rid of sticky stuff on your computer screen. A. Stop using it in the sun and leave it somewhere cool and dark overnight.B. First, try drying it out with a vacuum cleaner (吸尘器). If a vacuum cleaner isn’t at hand, fill a pot or bowl with uncooked rice and put your wet gadget inside. The dry, uncooked rice should absorb (吸收) all the water and, after a few hours, you should be able to use the gadget. Don’t forget to take the battery and SIM card out before you dry it. C. Never use strong cleaners on your screen as this can damage it. Instead, mix a little vinegar (醋) with water (50/50) and put it on a piece of cloth to clean your screen. D. Use a little water on a cotton bud (棉花球) to remove stickiness from the keyboard. E. If replacing the batteries doesn’t work, get the camera function up on your phone and point the remote at the lens (镜头). When you press a button on the remote, if it’s working, the glass bobble (小球) at the front of the remote will light up when you look at it on the screen of your phone. This is because the screen on a phone or digital camera (数码相机) picks up infrared rays (红外线), even though your eyes don’t. If the glass bobble doesn’t light up, the remote’s broken. If it does, the receiving device (设备) is broken.F. Try warming it up. That may give you a tiny bit of power: Take the battery from the phone and rub (摩擦) it between your hands. Or warm it under your arm for a few minutes. Then try to start the phone – but use it quickly. C(湖南题型)阅读填空:阅读下面短文,根据所读内容在文后第1至第10小题的空格里填上适当的单词或短语。注意:每空不超过3个单词。They say a country’s cuisine (烹饪) is a reflection (反映) of its culture. The UK has always been a diverse (多元化的) country, since every region has its own traditional foods. For example, Scottish cuisine is famous for its haggis (肉馅羊肚), Aberdeen Angus beef, shortbread and whisky. Wales is well-known for its lamb and leeks (韭菜). There are also dishes common to the whole UK as well. Almost everyone likes a full English breakfast (fried eggs, bacon, sausage, baked beans, fried mushrooms and fried tomato) in the morning. Then there is the Sunday roast (a roasted joint of meat, with roast potatoes, vegetables and gravy (肉汁)) for lunch.With such a range of foods, why then did British cuisine have a bad international reputation (名声) for about 50 years (1950 – 2000)? One reason is that during and after World War II, cooks in the UK were limited by the ingredients (配料) they had to work with and therefore lost some of their traditional skills. Another is that British food tends to be “heavy” because of the colder climate – Britons need big meals to keep the body warm. Yet British cuisine has had a better reputation for the last decade (十年) or so. One reason is that the wide range of ethnic (民族的) groups in the UK has given British cuisine new ingredients, flavors (滋味), “fusion (融合)” and techniques. Sandwiches used to be the most popular. Curry (咖哩饭), originally an Asian dish, is now the most popular food in the UK.Another reason for the improvement is climate change. The UK is much warmer now than 10 years ago. Today, farmers can grow new herbs (香草) like coriander (芫荽), to meet the demands of increased curry sales. In addition, there has been a boom (猛增) in growing garlic (大蒜) in Scotland.One last reason is the large number of cookery programs on British television. British people are more educated about food than ever before. So what are the results? In 2009, British restaurants received more Michelin stars than in any other previous year. The Michelin Guide (first established in France) sets the international standard for restaurant cuisine. With so much good food to eat, perhaps it is not surprising that the UK now has an obesity (肥胖) problem.By A. J. Dalton
Typical British cuisineDifferent regional traditional foods________ (1): haggis, Aberdeen Angus beef, shortbread and whiskyA reflection of UK's ________ (2) culture
Welsh: lamb and leeks
common dishes a full English breakfast
the Sunday roast
International ________ (3)From about 1950 to 2000Poor ◆ British cooks lost some of their traditional skills because they had ________ (4) ingredients to work with.◆ The meals tended to be ________ (5) due to the colder climate.
In the last decade or so________ (6)◆ ________ (7) ethnic groups add new ingredients, flavors, “fusion”and techniques to the British cuisine.Example: Curry, rather than _______(8), is now most popular food.◆ Britain is a much warmer place now. ◆ With many cookery programs on TV, British people ________ (9) more about food.
Result of the change◆ In 2009, British restaurants received more Michelin stars than in any previous year. ◆ People in the UK are getting ________ (10) with so much good food to eat.
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