
Light Reading

Time for bed

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When I was young I wasn’t allowed to stay up late. It was different from the present. Now I’m an adult, and I have all the freedom I could want. I could stay up until 12 o’clock if I liked. But now I have the experience to know that going to bed late is a bad idea. I know that if you stay up late you feel sleepy the next day. When my son says to me, “Dad – let me stay up another half-hour!” I reply: “If you did you’d feel sleepy in class tomorrow.” I have that rule and I stick to it. If you want to succeed, if you want to achieve something in life, you have to follow the rules. If you don’t follow the rules, you will soon find yourself in trouble. I give my son no license when it comes to bedtime! He doesn’t like it now, but he’ll thank me for it one day.
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