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延长中学 殷法林


奇切斯特大学座落在英格兰南海岸美丽的西苏塞克斯郡。这所大学有两个古老而迷人的校园,分别是位于奇切斯特的奥特主教校园(Bishop Otter)和地处Bognor Regis镇的校园。两个校园都为学生创造了优越的学习环境。

我们的培训在位于Bognor Regis镇的校园进行。校园虽然很小,但教学设施齐全,有教学楼、图书馆、计算机房、学生服务中心,还有供学生进行体育活动的网球场及足球场。每座楼里的设施都非常先进,所有的门都有密码,即月加年的数字,而且密码每月自动更新。比如2010年9月,门的密码就是0910,到了10月就成了1010。图书馆里有各类藏书,凡是有学生证的学生均可借书,有的书可以借一周,有些书则仅能借两天,所有书都必须按时归还,因为违约金非常贵!


洛川县中学 贺珺(中)



学校根据这一次学情调查为我们制定了培训期间的六门课程,分别为Language Development for Teachers; Current English Language Teaching Practice; Introduction to Culture; Aspects of Culture; Contemporary Issues in Educational Study Visits; Literature and Location; Trainer Training。


宜川中学 任静(左)







吴起高级中学 宗海荣(中)

As a learner of English, studying in England made me feel just like a fish in the water. I could say that the progress I have made has exceeded expectations. One of the major reasons for which I have achieved so much is that we had highly-qualified teachers.

Zarina, who spoke English very clearly, taught us Current English Language Teaching Practice, from which I got a better understanding of ELT. Zarina made a deep impression upon me, for she was a very learned woman and her classes were always lively and interesting. In a relaxing atmosphere, we all enjoyed the activities, and thus reaching the goal we were supposed to reach was no difficult task at all.

Polar, another excellent teacher, taught us Language Development. As one of the main courses, it really helped me improve myself a lot in listening, speaking, reading, writing as well as grammar. No matter what we did in her classes, we could always get a sense of fulfillment. I am really grateful to her for her wonderful work.

富县高级中学 张凤(左)

I have learned and experienced a lot in the UK. During the twelve weeks, my four basic English skills have improved a lot, especially my listening and speaking ability.

In the UK, I have experienced a very different culture. While visiting the big cities, such as London, Brighton and Chichester and the places of interest such as cathedrals, castles and museums, I found myself so impressed by their beauty and the strange style of the architectures.

I also learned a lot from my excellent tutors. Their teaching methods and attitude towards the job impressed me greatly. I admired them very much and I have decided to modify the way I teach in the future.

The specific things I plan to do are as followed. Try to use warming-up activities to catch my students?attention, arouse their interest and encourage them to participate in the class activities. Try to create a relaxing and comfortable learning atmosphere. Change the way I treated the students. Change my teaching methods.

宝塔区二中 王芳(中)

During the twelve weeks, I have learned a lot of effective teaching methods from Zarina, who has introduced a wide range of current approaches and methods on English language teaching to us. She used many useful and practical ways to teach vocabulary, grammar, reading and writing, which were very impressive.

My English has improved a lot during the Language Development course. Paula, our tutor, designed quite a few activities to improve our listening, speaking and reading skills as well as to enrich our vocabulary. As part of Paula誷 requirement, we had to keep writing journals and hand in at least one book review every week. Meanwhile, we were told to watch British TV programmes and listen to native speakers?English as much as possible. We have taken every opportunity to discuss with and learn from the tutors.

In a word, we have refreshed our knowledge as well as our techniques in teaching by participating in this programme.

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