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本文作者: 21ST



建议时间:18 分钟

话题: Problem solving


正确率: /20

I carry a Rubik’s Cube (魔方) in my backpack. Solving it quickly is a terrific conversation starter.

I usually ask people to 1 it first. They turn the cube over in their hands, half-heartedly they make a few 2 and then awkwardly hand it back. They don’t even know where to 3 . That’s exactly what it was like for me to learn how to 4 . Letters and words were mixed up and out of sequence (次序). Nothing 5 because I’m dyslexic (诵读困难者).

Solving the Rubik’s Cube has made me believe that sometimes you have to take a few steps 6 to move forward. This was a mirror of my own life when I had to 7 public school after the fourth grade. It’s 8 to admit, but I still couldn’t 9 spell my full name correctly.

As a fifth-grader at a new school that 10 in what’s called language-processing disorder, I had to start over. Memorizing symbols for letters, I learned the pieces of the puzzle of language, the phonemes (音素) that 11 up words. I spent the next four years learning how to learn and finding strategies that 12 me to return to my district’s high school with the 13 to communicate my ideas and express my intelligence.

It took me four weeks to teach myself to solve the cube – the same amount of time it took the inventor, Erno Rubik. I discovered that just before it’s solved, a 14 can look like a mess, and then suddenly you can find the solution. I believe that progress comes in 15 leaps.

The Rubik’s Cube taught me that to accomplish something big, it helps to 16 it down into small pieces. I learned that it’s important to spend a lot of time thinking, to try to find 17 and patterns. I believe that there are surprises around the corner. And, that the Rubik’s Cube and I, we are 18 the sum of our parts.

Like a difficult text or sometimes like life itself, the Rubik’s Cube can be a(n) 19 puzzle. So I carry one in my backpack as a 20 that I can attain my goals, no matter what obstacles I face.

1. A. make B. take C. try D. notice

2. A. mistakes B. moves C. choices D. decisions

3. A. begin B. stop C. check D. learn

4. A. walk B. speak C. read D. play

5. A. came about B. stood out

C. made a difference D. made sense

6. A. down B. away C. forward D. back

7. A. enter B. leave C. visit D. choose

8. A. honest B. funny

C. embarrassing D. necessary

9. A. consistently B. possibly C. comfortably D. patiently

10. A. believed B. specialized C. involved D. resulted

11. A. turn B. bring C. put D. make

12. A. pressed B. changed C. allowed D. required

13. A. chance B. ability C. goal D. belief

14. A. problem B. mistake C. word D. language

15. A. small B. regular C. natural D. unexpected

16. A. put B. break C. turn D. take

17. A. connections B. designs C. differences D. similarities

18. A. at last B. more or less

C. rather than D. more than

19. A. easy B. exciting C. frustrating D. different

20. A. reason B. reminder C. trick D. suggestion




建议时间:19 分钟

话题: Determination


正确率: /20

I’ll never forget the night in 1946 when disaster visited our home.

My brother, George, came home from football practice and collapsed (病倒) with a very high temperature. After a(n) 1 , the doctor informed us it was polio.

The doctor 2 told George the truth. “I hate to tell you this, son,” he said. “But the polio has taken such a toll (产生不良影响) that you’ll probably never 3 again without a limp, and your left arm will be useless.”

George had 4 pictured himself as a championship wrestler. Barely able to speak, George 5 , “Go to hell,” in a voice filled with 6 .

Our parents taught us that 7 you would never let someone come into your house and smash all your belongings, you should never let a 8 thought come into your mind and break up your 9 .

The next day the nurse walked into George’s room to find him lying flat on his face. “What’s going on?” asked the 10 nurse.

“I’m walking,” George calmly replied. George 11 the use of a brace or crutch. Sometimes it would take him 20 minutes just to get out of the chair.

I also remember seeing him, six months later, 12 on the mat as captain of the wrestling team. No one had ever been known to 13 so quickly from this disease.

The story 14 . The next year, after being named to start for Missouri Valley College, George came down with mononucleosis (单核细胞增多症).

It was my brother Bob who helped 15 George’s already strong philosophy of never 16 . Following each challenge, George came back 17 . He had read that if one looks at the roadblocks, he isn’t looking at the goal.

Armed with these gifts, he 18 the world of show business and revolutionized television by creating and producing such shows as Laugh In and The American Comedy Awards. He also won an Emmy for his production of Sammy Davis Jr.’s 60th Anniversary Celebration Special.

The four of us didn’t always 19 , but out of the conflicts came new respect, which we would later 20 about.

1. A. operation B. examination C. discussion D. assumption

2. A. regretfully B. accidentally C. nervously D. peacefully

3. A. hear B. see C. walk D. speak

4. A. sometimes B. never C. seldom D. always

5. A. whispered B. shouted C. laughed D. argued

6. A. anger B. anxiety

C. determination D. hopelessness

7. A. only if B. just like C. in case D. even if

8. A. damaging B. constructive C. original D. strange

9. A. belongings B. brain C. dreams D. health

10. A. shocked B. helpful C. scared D. impatient

11. A. asked B. accepted C. enjoyed D. refused

12. A. fall down B. step out C. lie down D. sit up

13. A. recover B. die C. damage D. collapse

14. A. ends B. remains C. continues D. begins

15. A. remove B. build C. strengthen D. explain

16. A. giving away B. giving up

C. turning around D. looking down

17. A. sadder B. happier C. weaker D. stronger

18. A. entered B. left C. created D. defeated

19. A. set apart B. get on C. pick up D. stand out

20. A. worry B. complain C. laugh D. argue


Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice.

– Steve Jobs (founder and former CEO of Apple, 1955 – 2011)

你的时间有限,不要浪费于重复别人的生活。不要让别人的观点淹没了你内心的声音。 ——史蒂夫·乔布斯.


Girl: When we get married, I want to share all your worries and troubles, and lighten your burdens.

Boy: That’s very kind of you, darling. But I don’t have any worries or troubles.

Girl: Well, that’s because we aren’t married yet.


1-5 CBACD 6-10 DBCAB

11-15 DCBAD 16-20 BADCB

1-2. C, B。第二段表示人们先把魔方拿在手里翻来覆去的看看,满不在乎地尝试着转一转,然后解决不了就还给作者。第二题中能够表达该语意的只有“move”这个可数名词。根据这部分就可以判断出作者的意图是让别人先尝试下拼好魔方,所以第一题选C。

3. A。从前文可以看出,这些拿着魔方没有办法的人是属于完全不会的人,根本就不知道应该怎么“开始”,故选A。

4. C。后文提到作者是一个诵读困难者,在他的眼中文字都是一片混乱,所以正确答案为C。

5. D。前句提到单词和字母在他眼里都是完全没有次序的,故可以发现没有什么(文字)在他眼里是“有意义的”。

6. D。从后文中作者四年级时被迫离开公立学校,后来又回到地区高中可知,只有承认自己的缺陷,后退几步,才能继续前进,所以选D。

7. B。从第四段开头可以判断,作者离开公立学校,进入了一个特殊学校进行学习。故选择B。

8. C。从admit可推断,作者现在很可能完全拼对全名有时候还是有困难,这对于任何人来说都是一件羞于承认的事情。故选B。honest主语只能是人。

9. A。不能完全拼对全名;A选项“一贯地,始终”,符合文意。如果选B,就表示完全不能拼对,所以不对,其他选项不符合文意。

10. B。从后文讲的作者在这所新学校学到的可知这个学校擅长“语言处理异常”这个领域。故选C。

11. D。前文提到“语言这副拼图(puzzle)的每一个小块”这个比喻,所以从后面来看“phoneme”就是组成一个词语的部分。故选择D。

12. C。作者在这里学会了学习,并找到了策略,这些策略应该是使他能够回到自己地区的高中去。

13. B。从前后文看,作者如果要回到普通的高中去上学,那么他就必须有能够正常交流和表达自己想法的“能力”,故选B。

14. A。solve需要搭配的名词很自然的就是“problem”,而从后文可以得知,当一个问题被解决之前,看起来是多么的混乱。故选A。

15. D。从前文的分析可以看出,找到解决办法是很突然的,所以飞跃是超乎想象的,故选D。

16. B。此句的意思是“魔方教会了我将一个大问题细化之后就能更好地去处理”,因为魔方实际上就是一个看似是整体性的问题实际上是细节上的问题,所以根据文意此处选择B。turn down 降低;take down 取下,写下,拆掉;put down 放下。

17. A。从前文看出,因为将大的问题细化之后产生了许多不同的部分,而这些部分之前肯定有他们的联系和规律,找到这些联系和规律之后就更容易解决问题,故选A。

18. D。作者在这里表达的意思是这个魔方看似是多个小块的集合,然而要真正解决这个问题并非只是简单的加法,而作者本人也是,并不是自己看起来的那个样子,他能够做得更好,故选D。

19. C。句意为:就和一篇很难的文章或是生活本身一样,魔方也是一个让人失意、挫败不已的难题。很难的文章、生活等都是困难的,需要不停努力才能获得成功,故C最合适。

20. B。最后一句解释了为什么作者要一直把魔方放在背包里,原因是他要将其作为一个提醒,让他知道无论遇到什么困难,只要努力都是能够克服的,故选B。


1-5 BACDA 6-10 CBACA 11-15 DBACC 16-20 BDABC

1. B。George生病了,医生要进行的当然是检查了。

2. A。由下文可知医生传达的是不好的消息,根据常理可推知他应该是怀着遗憾的心情说这番话的,故选A。regretfully 遗憾地;accidentally 偶然地。

3. C。此处对应第10空后的“‘I’m walking,’ George calmly replied”,同时由句中的“without a limp”也可知此空与走路有关,故选C。

4. D。由下文描述的George克服困难练习走路,以及他康复后成为摔跤队队长可知他爱好摔跤,所以应该是经常设想自己是摔跤冠军,故选D。

5. A。由“Barely able to speak”可知George听到这一消息时几乎说不出话来,他当时心情沉重,就不可能会笑,或者大叫,排除B、C,他也没有争辩,所以排除D;whispered(低声说)符合语境。

6. C。由George下文中描述的George练习走路可以看出他的决心,故选C。

7. B。我们决不会允许有人闯进家门砸烂我们的财物,与我们不会让破坏力的想法闯入我们的脑海,破碎我们的梦想,前后分句是类比,故选B。

8. A。参见上题。damaging 有破坏性的,损害的。

9. C。上文提到的砸烂财物破坏的是具体的事物,这里要说的是抽象的东西,结合下文George努力实现梦想可知答案为C。

10. A。George本应躺在床上休息的,护士进入病房发现他趴在地上,根据常理应该是吓了一大跳,故选A。shocked 震惊的,惊吓的。

11. D。由下文“Sometimes it would take him 20 minutes just to get out of the chair.”可以推知George没用支架与拐杖,要不然用不了这么长时间。

12. B。由下一句可知George康复得很快,甚至还当了摔跤队的队长,所以可推知见到我的时候,他从垫子上走出来(step out)。

13. A。由上句可知George康复得很快,故选A。

14. C。下文接着讲了George的新情况,所以故事并没有中止,而是在继续,故选C。

15. C。上文提到了George的坚韧,因此,在新困难出现时,Bob 不是帮助他树立永不言弃的人生观,而是助他进一步增强意志力,故选C。

16. B。结合上下文可知,George坚强执着,遇到困难不轻易言弃,故选B。

17. D。由下一句“He had read that if one looks at the roadblocks, he isn’t looking at the goal.”可知他不理会困难,迎难而上,为实现自己的目标而努力,所以可推知每一次挑战让他更坚强,故选D。

18. A。由下文可知George进入了娱乐圈。

19. B。由下文“but out of the conflicts came new respect”可知这里指我们四人也不是总是能和睦相处,get on 融洽相处.

20. C。句中which 指的是作者兄弟在冲突中建立起新尊重这一事情,争吵过后他们则一笑了之,而不是担心、抱怨或者争辩,故选C。

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