长生侠骨香 不惭世上英 《择天记》在国外火出新花样
本文作者: 李倩
“三千世界,满天神魔,手握道卷,掌天下天上一应事。”近日,由鹿晗、古力娜扎领衔主演的古装玄幻剧《择天记》迎来大结局。这部剧自开播以来屡破收视记录,引发追剧热潮。据报道,《择天记》网络播放量突破270亿,微博话题#鹿晗择天记#阅读量高达56.6亿。 其实,《择天记》不仅在国内十分火爆,在海外市场也颇受喜爱。根据最新一期中国热播影视剧海外新媒体发行数据,截至6月22日,《择天记》在YouTube上总点击达7440万,单集点击突破133万。此外,《择天记》已有英语、意大利语、日语、韩语、泰语、阿拉伯语等10余种语言的翻译版本,被剧迷戏称为“国产剧留洋之最”。 《择天记》讲述了在人妖魔共存的架空世界里,身世神秘、血脉藏有星辰之力的陈长生不甘活不过二十岁的命数,逆天改命的故事。因此,《择天记》剧名被译名为《Fighter ofThe Destiny》,简单而直击故事核心。 Wuxiaworld网站主要翻译中国武侠、玄幻、仙侠等网络小说,目前该网站已经成为英语世界流量领先的网络文学网站,网站日活跃用户30万,日浏览量超过350万次。《择天记》小说也早就在该网站上架了。网站中, 小说被译为Way of Choices。译者在总纲里是这样表述的:“To pick is to choose. This is a story about choices.”《择天记》中“选择”的笔墨着实不少,如故事中秋山君(小说人物)步步魔化,无不体现着他内心光明与黑暗的交锋。风从虎,云从龙,一切因缘际会看似是命运的安排,实则全看自己如何选择。 《择天记》小说颇具古风韵味,我们不妨看看Wuxiaworld网站翻译是否还原了这个宏大的仙侠世界。 《择天记》和Way of Choices部分内容对比摘编 太始元年,有神石自太空飞来,分散落在人间,其中落在东土大陆的神石,上面镌刻着奇怪的图腾,人因观其图腾而悟道,后立国教。 At the beginning of time, a mystical meteor came crashing down from outer space and scattered all over the world. A piece of it landed in the Eastern Continent. There were mysterious totems carved upon the meteor, and people gathered around it wanting to discover its usage. They discovered the Way, and established The Tradition. 数千年后,十四岁的少年孤儿陈长生,为成神隐逆天改命,进京都,入国教,顺心意。然而,他要改变的却远远不止自己的命数,万千子民的未来亦在其手中。 Several thousand years later, the fourteen years old orphan Chen Chang Shang left his master to cure his illness and change his fate. He brought a piece of marriage vow with him to the capital, thus began the journey of a rising hero. 那少年穿着件洗到发白的旧道衣,容颜稚嫩,眉眼端正,眼眸明亮,有种说不出来的味道,仿佛能够看到很多事物里隐着的真相,就像镜子一般。 That youngster wore a really old Taoist robe that had lost its color due to overwashing. He had a soft and immature face, upright eyebrows, and bright eyes, showing an inexpressible temperament that seemed as if he could see the truth of many things. 一条恐怖的黑色巨龙在夜空里缓缓出现。它俯瞰着陈长生,双眼如幽冥的火,冷漠而残忍。 A terrifying black dragon slowly appeared in the air. It was looking down at Chen Chang Sheng. Its two eyes were like deathfire, cold and violent. 因为福祸相倚,所谓的一线生机,往往便是死地。风生,水起。夜风生而未尽之处,水势敛而未起之地。 Because charm and harm always come together. The so called “living exit” may actually be one’s final destination. As the wind blows, the water will rise. When the wind finished blowing but was yet to stop, where the water was low but was yet to rise. 这招是离山剑诀里的大招,取的是霜染群山,崖畔独梧孤寂之意。华丽至极的剑意里,隐着萧索的夺命意。铁尺剑仿佛覆着寒霜,自四面八方缓缓压迫而至。如冬意入林一般,缓慢,却无法阻挡。 This combo was an execution combo in the sword techniques of Mountain Li. It took the death and isolation from the snow mountains and single peaks. Hidden behind the fancy sword technique was the deadly, murderous way. The Iron Rule seemed to be covered in snow and frost. Pressure was slowing coming onto the field. Just like the arrival of winter, it was slow, yet unstoppable. 鞭起如风,鞭落如雨,正是钟山风雨剑里威力最大的那一招!啪的一声脆响!真元充盈的落雨鞭,如剑般击中厚重无比的大地,殿前的地面似乎都颤抖了一瞬! The whip raised up like wind, and fell down like rain. It was the most powerful move of the Wind and Rain Sword of Mountain Zhong! Pa! The Falling Rain Whip filled with Qi landed on the ground like a sword! Suddenly, the entire ground started to tremble! A huge fissure appeared on the ground! 七间神情肃然,抱剑持道,清啸一声,瘦弱的身影在夜色里拖出道道裂影。他手里黝黑的铁尺剑,破开夜风,悄无声息,仿佛魔神,把岩石当作糕点。 Qi Jian’s expression was serious. He held his sword and cried out loud. His thin body left shadows in the darkness because of its extreme speed. The dark Iron Rule in his hand struck through the night wind silently. It was like a demon with a rock as its snack. | ![]() |
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